Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 254 How could I forget?

Tan Xiao came out of Chen Wenqin's room. As soon as he opened the door, two girls with different temperaments but very lovable girls stood on both sides of the door with red eyes. It was obvious that they had heard the conversation between Chen Wenqin and himself.

"After reorganizing the army, I will set off the day after tomorrow. According to the teacher's plan, this time! There can only be one country in the Endless Land! Miss Wei can have a period of leave after the mission is over, and there is no need to return to Dark Cat Pavilion for the time being. I will explain the situation to Pavilion Master Laura. As for Miss Dongxue, the defense of Keya City has ended, you are no longer a mage in the army, and Tan Xiao has no right to restrict your freedom."

"Thank you, General Qin."

"Thank you, General Qin."

Dongxue and Wei bowed in tears. Dongxue, as an eighth-level mage, was originally required to fight with the army, but Tan Xiao directly dismissed her from the position of "Army Mage" in the army. Naturally, Tan Xiao had no right to restrict her. With freedom, she can stay in Keya City.

As for Wei, who is a member of the Dark Cat Pavilion, after Tan Xiao has taken over Chen Wenqin's position, Wei needs to follow him, but in this way, she can stay in Keya City in the name of "vacation".

"No, it was Tan Xiao who thanked you two for waiting for Wen Qin day and night! Tan Xiao thanked you in the name of a friend!" Tan Xiao bowed his hands in accordance with the etiquette of the East Xia Kingdom after a long absence.

After one last reluctant look at the room, he slowly left.

After Tan Xiao left, the two girls stood guard outside the door. As girls, they already knew each other's thoughts about Chen Wenqin's little daughter.

Regarding Wei, who likes Chen Wenqin, Dongxue said it was a lie to say that she was not jealous at all, but more than anything, she was grateful to the girl in front of her for taking care of him during the most difficult period of her absence. Your thoughts are true love, and this is enough.

For Wei, at the door that day, she overheard and found out about the relationship between the man she liked and the extremely beautiful girl in front of her. She also found out that most of the reasons why he came to Enia were because of her.

The nine-tailed fox girl named Dongxue was the person he had always liked in Dongxia. It could be said that they were in love with each other. Originally, he should not have appeared here, but he just couldn't let go.

Now, the girl looked at the woman named Dongxue and lowered her head shyly like a sneaky cat.

Dongxue had no experience in dealing with a "love rival", and she didn't hate her at all. She didn't know what to say for a while, and the situation was a bit embarrassing.

"Okay, stop listening and come in." A weak voice barely came out from the room. After hearing it, the two girls quickly gathered their mood and pushed the door open at the same time.

Dongxue and Wei walked to Chen Wenqin. Dongxue pulled Wei and sat down next to him.

"Wei, I'm an orphan. I have no sister. I don't even know what my biological parents look like or whether they are alive or not. Thank you for taking care of me during this period of time, especially when I was sick. , to me, you are like my family."

Chen Wenqin said slowly, looking at the catman girl with her head lowered and looking lost and sad, her pair of fluffy animal ears lying tightly on her little head, and the room fell into a gentle silence. Then, faint sobbing came out

"Wei likes General Chen."

Tears fell and she clutched the hem of her skirt. For the first time, the girl expressed her sincerity to a man. The choked tone in her voice made people feel so distressed.

Chen Wenqin was slightly stunned. With Dong Xue's help, he slowly sat up and stretched out his broad palm to gently cover the girl's head. His gentle tone seemed to melt everything:

"Yeah I know"

"I just want to be with General Chen."

"Yeah I know"

"Wei doesn't want General Chen to leave."

"Yeah I know"

"General! Don't go! Wei will listen to the general carefully, and Wei will not disturb you and Miss Dongxue, general! Don't go! I beg you, Wei doesn't want you to go."

Wei fell into Chen Wenqin's arms with a "wow" sound, and her tears fell like rain, which wetted the quilt, wetted the clothes, and also wetted everyone's hearts.

"Yeah, I know."

I don’t know how long I cried until the girl’s tears dried up and she fell asleep in Chen Wenqin’s arms after crying.

Chen Wenqin slowly let go of her shoulders, gently laid her down on his bed, and covered her with a quilt, but the girl's crying seemed to still echo in Fang's room for a long time.

"Let's go out and take a look..." After Wei fell asleep after crying tiredly, Chen Wenqin said to Dong Xue with a smile...

In the evening, on the hillside of Keya City, a man in a green shirt and a woman in a plain white snow skirt leaned closely together. The setting sun in the distance was like a naughty child who accidentally knocked over the dye and dyed it red. To the horizon.

Dongxue leaned against his shoulder, and tears streaked down Dongxue's beautiful face with inconspicuous tear marks.

"That girl really likes you."

"She is a good girl, but I am just a passer-by in her life. Although I cannot see what she will look like in the future, I believe she will be happy and find someone who truly loves her." Chen Wenqin's tone became increasingly serious. Weak, the hand holding the girl's shoulder gradually became weak.

Dongxue didn't respond to his words. She just wanted to lean on his shoulder so quietly and guard his side so quietly. It didn't matter even if the world collapsed.

"Dongxue, do you blame me?"

"Well, blame you, blame you for leaving me! Blame you for not being by my side, blame you for disturbing my heart!"

"Then Dongxue must hate me very much."

"Yeah, I hate you getting entangled with a girl when I'm not around!"

"Hehehe" Chen Wenqin said with a smile, "Are you jealous?"

"Yeah, I'm jealous."

"But Wei and I are innocent."

"I do not care!"

"That being the case"

Chen Wenqin lowered his eyes slightly, and his tone became weaker and weaker, as if he was dozing off and about to fall asleep. His broad palm could no longer hold the girl's shoulder, but he put it on her without any strength.

"Then Dongxue, forget about me."

The setting sun gradually disappeared in the distant sky, and the blush spread all over the world. Everything in the world seemed to be wearing the most beautiful wedding dress.

The man's head was close to the girl's, and a ray of breeze lifted his hair and brushed the slightly raised corner of his mouth.

The man stopped talking, and his slowly closing eyes could never be opened.

Tears slowly fell from the corners of the girl's eyes. There was no sound of crying or a man's voice. Everything in the world seemed to have stopped.

"Idiot! How could you forget!"

The girl spoke word by word, but he could no longer hear her.

Thanks to "Uncle God" for the reward of 200 starting coins~~~

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