Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 259 Whale falls under the city (Happy New Year to everyone~~~)

Beyond the Luohe River in the southeastern part of Ella, at the junction of the border and the Mosi Empire—Jingluo City!

Tansiant has been besieged in this city for several days. In his military career, he never imagined that he would be forced to retreat by others! In a certain aspect, this is even more embarrassing than the last "human-animal war"!

Fortunately, the army under the lion-human general named Ryan did not have the equipment to siege the city, so all they could do was besiege the city! But nevertheless! This is embarrassing enough! It is estimated that after returning to the Moxi Empire this time, I will be made fun of by the civil and military officials of the court!

"General, General Teng Shu is leading an army of 300,000 on the way to Jingluo City. If nothing else happens, we will definitely reach it in the afternoon! Then we will attack from both front and back! The Luohe army will be finished!"

In the palace of the Lord of Jingluo City, an attendant reported that as Tansiant's lieutenant, he had followed this general who fought countless battles and won countless victories for the Moxi Empire for many years, but he didn't expect it! His most admired general was defeated by the orcs twice in a row!

"I understand! You go down first and report to me immediately if anything happens."

The attendant stepped back, and Tansiant sighed, clenching his fists!

For him, two consecutive defeats have caused him, as one of the top generals of the Moxi Empire, to lose all face! So what if reinforcements come to relieve him from the siege? After Whale falls into the city, Teng Shu will take his place, and he can only return to Moxi with humiliation and unwillingness! He will eventually become a shame in the history books of the Moxi Empire!


A heavy blow hit the table, and a hole was immediately broken into the wooden table. His body was shaking, and he was unwilling to give in! As the commander-in-chief of the Moxi Empire, he is unwilling to give in! As a man who has won countless victories in his military career, he is not willing to give in! He was unwilling to just return to Moxi!

Walk out of the city lord's mansion built on the city wall of Jingluo City! Tansant clenched his fists and stared at the military camps in the distance outside Jingluo City!

Rather than just go back like this! It would be better to die on the battlefield!

"General Lane, according to the spies, a general named Teng Shu from the Moxi Empire has led an army of 300,000 to support Jingluo City! Do we want to retreat?"

Five or six lieutenants were having a meeting with Ryan in the camp. Ryan had thought about reinforcements from the Moxi Empire, but unexpectedly, the Moxi Empire directly sent 300,000 people! This is really a big deal!

"The total number of soldiers in my hands is less than 100,000, so we definitely can't fight!" Ryan exhaled a cold breath.

Because the temporary supply line established by Lane has limited transportation resources, it only transports food from Luohe to Jingluo City, and does not transport stoves. Therefore, in this winter, Lane's camp can only rely on the automatic heating of the human body.

"Did the teacher give any instructions?"

Ryan asked a messenger on standby in the camp.

"After Lord Fante left the palace, the 200,000 troops who stayed in Ella rushed to our side at the same time under the leadership of Lord Longka. They should have considered that someone would come for reinforcements."

"Where is the distance to support our army now?"

"The reinforcements from the Moxi Empire are expected to arrive at the same time!"

"Arrived at the same time." Ryan looked at the Whale Fall City on the map.

Although Jingluo City is not an important military city of the Moxi Empire, if it is captured, Jingluo City will be a small starting point! Then we can launch an offensive against the Moxi Empire! For Ryan! He really doesn't want to give up this city!

But! Two hundred thousand versus three hundred thousand! Moreover, Tansiant has been holding on to Whale City and has not come out. Judging from the current situation, he can only give up!

"Send my military order to the whole army"

"General! Urgent report from the front!"

Just when Ryan was about to give the order to withdraw the troops, a messenger rolled and fell into the commander's tent!

At the same time, among the Moxi Empire's Teng Shu and Ella Longka's troops who rushed to support Jingluo City! At the same time, the spies on the front line fell off their horses!

After hearing the news, Teng Shu and Long Ka's eyes suddenly shrank! The reins in my hands couldn't help but tighten!

"Pass my military order! Bring one day's worth of rations to the entire army! Lightly equip yourself and rush to Jingluo City at full speed!"

Among the two armies, the same military order was issued, and the mighty army soldiers activated their accelerating martial arts and rushed at full speed!

"Lian (Teng Shu)! You kid! Don't die! I issued a military order!"

At the forefront of the mighty army that stirred up countless sand and dust! Two supreme commanders galloped on their horses! Ling Ran's eyes spanned the boundless realm! Watch the whale fall into the city!

"Tansiante! You guy! I'm about to go home, and you still come out to ask for a beating. Why, are you reluctant to leave me?"

Outside Jingluo City, the two armies faced each other. Although the weather was freezing, all the soldiers were extremely hot! Their blood is boiling!

"Ryan! You can leave if you want! But! Leave your good head behind!" Under the Whale City, a general named Tansiant was fully armed, and the broad sword in his hand made a trembling sound!

In their eyes, what they long for is the other party's hot blood!

Ryan really didn't expect that Tansant would give up guarding Whale Fall City and want to fight to the death with him!

As a qualified general! This move is undoubtedly stupid! But! As a warrior! As an orc, Ryan undoubtedly admires this human general!

And for Tansiant! He was also very surprised! The other party must have known about the arrival of Moxi's 300,000 reinforcements! And the other party only has 200,000! It is the wisest move to join up with Longka's 200,000 and defend Luohe! But this orc soldier did not hesitate to choose to fight him head-on!

The arrogant and brave gesture of the beastman! It really makes people daydream!

The vast battlefield fell into a chilling silence, no one spoke, and a total of 200,000 troops looked directly at each other!

I saw two tall generals at the front of the army raising their hands at the same time and waving them down heavily! The battlefield, which was so quiet that only the sound of breathing could be heard, suddenly erupted into a shocking roar! All the warriors rushed towards each other's head!

"For the glory of Moxi!"

"For Ella!"

"For Enya!"

Roar! The sound of swords chopping! The sound of armor clashing! The "click" sound of the sword cutting into the body and bones! All sounds fill the battlefield! In their hearts life and death are beyond the pale! What they long for is a dripping victory! It is a battle that can wash away the unwillingness and humiliation when being surrounded by the opponent!

They are all the strongest soldiers! Full of glory! They waved the knife in their hands at the last moment of their lives!

I wish everyone a happy New Year~~~~Hongqi(`)~~~Every year has a bright future~~~[██▓]Loading good luck in 2019

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