Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 261 Broken Branch

After the battle in Jingluo City, the Ella army that had obtained Jingluo City formed a watch posture with Luocheng. It can be said that no matter who wants to break through the gap from the southeastern border of Ella, they will face the front and rear attacks from Ryan and Longka!

Moreover, the crisis in the southeastern border of Ella has not only been completely resolved, but also the southern border of the Moxi Empire can be attacked with the help of Jingluo City!

On the next day, the news that Tansiante led his troops out of the city without authorization and was defeated in a decisive battle and lost the Whale Fall City has spread to the Ella Palace and the Mosi Empire Palace!

Emperor Moxi was furious when he learned that Whalefall City had been lost and Tansant had been sacrificed! Overturning the table in one fell swoop!

Misfortunes never come singly!

The day after the news of the fall of Jingluo City reached the Moxi Empire, news of the battle situation at Tianmen in the southern border of Ella came!

When the Ella noble Rakshasa Sect was caught in a dilemma deep in the southern grassland, the Mole Human Tribe's Basa Sect launched a final attack on the Rakshasa Sect's camp at night!

Thousands of underground caves opened continuously within two hours! The rocket-bearing feathers of the Centaur tribe poured down on the Rakshasa Gate military camp like rain! The indigenous grassland people from the southern border used their sabers to cut off the horses' legs one by one! Cut down enemies.

The battle lasted from night to dawn! In the end, Rakshasamen led the remaining 10,000 cavalry to escape from Tianmen! And the Basamen did not have the concept of giving up when things were good, and led the army to pursue them until they reached the border of the Mosi Empire!

Same as Whale Falls City! Now the offense and defense are switching, and the Basamen is thinking of ways to break the city!

The same day that the Rakshasa Sect was defeated! After the death of Chen Wenqin, the original defender of Keya City, Tan Xiao led the remaining soldiers of Mbappe City and Keya City, totaling less than 60,000, wearing plain clothes and white scarves! Attack all the way from the western border! At the same time, Longka handed over his 100,000 troops to Tan Xiao without hesitation! And the equipment used to siege the city is constantly being transported from the rear! These equipment are not ordinary siege weapons! But it was made by the mechanical species!

As long as the siege equipment, 100,000 troops, and Tan Xiao converge, the western border of the Moxi Empire will face the most significant threat!

The Moxi Empire never expected that it would be its own three armies that pressed into Ella! But now, except for Long Dao! His southern and western borders are under the most serious threat at the same time!

And because of the defeat of important battlefields such as Keya City and Mbappe City, the three-party coalition fighting with these important cities as the core also lost its backbone! Morale is low! Now, except for the east, the stalemate in the other border cities of the Ella Empire has come to life like running water.

The Eastern Xia Kingdom's Euphorbia Army and the Ella defenders, who were responsible for guarding dozens of cities on the border, began to counterattack! Basically, except for the eastern border area of ​​​​Longdao! All border crises are over! The opposite of! They fought back all the way! Start counterattack!

"After the Ella Empire won the battle, they didn't go to support Long Dao! Instead, they came to attack me, Moxi?!" Emperor Moxi said angrily, "Doesn't the Ella Empire want Long Dao!"

"Your Majesty, please calm down! Although there have been many accidents in the battle! But the attack on Longdao has been progressing steadily! Soon! General Laco's victory will be reported!" said a minister.

"Yes, Your Majesty! How can I, the Moxi Empire, be able to attack even if I want to! Not to mention the Ella Empire, which is now exhausted and has very few troops left! Even the Ella Empire in its heyday! I, Moxi We are all confident that they will never come back! Your Majesty does not need to be so angry." Another noble said.

"That's true. As long as Long Dao is defeated! The Ella Empire and that arrogant slime will be taught a bloody lesson!"

"However, just in case! Your Majesty, please ask Archmage Vega to take action!"

The court fell into silence again, and Emperor Moxi was also pacing back and forth around the dragon throne!

The Archmage is enshrined by the state! Its status cannot be ordered by the emperor! He will only take action when Moxi is attacked in the capital! What if Archmage Vega is allowed to attack other countries? According to the character of this archmage, he will definitely refuse!

As if he could see the annoyance of the emperor pacing back and forth among the higher ranks, a noble reminded:

"Your Majesty! Archmage Wei Jia was favored by the late emperor and promised the late emperor to do something personally! But since the late emperor has passed away, Arch Mage Wei Jia can only repay it to your majesty!"

After being reminded by this nobleman, the Moxi Empire's eyes lit up, but it still hesitated. After all, a great mage can only be kind once! Used to steadily attack the dragon path that leads to victory! Wouldn’t it be too wasteful?

"The nights are long and there are many dreams! Long Dao cannot take any chances again! Your Majesty, please make a decision!"

A minister said loudly!

"Your Majesty, please make a decision!"

Following the rhythm of this minister, all the noble ministers above the court shouted in unison!

Seeing Wenwu Manchao bending down to plead with him, Emperor Moxi hesitated and finally nodded lightly.

After the court meeting, Emperor Mossi drove to the side fort where the palace mage was located next to the palace castle, and walked through the garden of the side fort. Emperor Mosi knocked on the door of the seemingly simple room.

The door opened on its own, Emperor Moxi waved away his attendants, and walked in alone.

"The Archmage."

Emperor Moxi saluted as a junior to Archmage Vega, who was dozing at the table.

"I guess your Majesty came here this time to let me, an old man, go out and exercise." Archmage Weijia slowly opened his eyes. Without Lin Wen as his apprentice, it was obvious that he was a little lonely.

"Please also ask the Archmage to take action."

Archmage Vega looked at the emperor who was saluting him, turned his head and looked at the garden through the window:

"The flowers here were planted by my apprentice. My apprentice is not here, so I, an old man, naturally have to help him take care of them. Moreover, I have long stopped caring about the world. Lin Wen, that kid, has left Baicheng and gone to Longdao in person. Two thirds of the flowers here have been planted by my apprentice." With Mage Moxi and two-thirds of the mages supported by Ella’s rebellious nobles, what else does Your Majesty have to worry about?”

"Grand Master Lin Wen has entered the realm of the Archmage before he reaches thirty! It is indeed the pride of Moxi and even the human race! But after all, he is too young! Now Moxi is provoked by rats who overestimate their abilities! As long as the dragon path is broken! Ella will surely Death! I’m afraid Archmage Anthony will also go! The late emperor had a close relationship with Archmage Vega! Please also ask the Archmage to take action!”

After closing the book, Archmage Vega stood up with a hunched body, walked slowly to Emperor Moxi's side, and shook his head.

"Forget it, let's just think that this old bone like me is going out for a walk for the last time. But, Your Majesty, this is the only time."

Having said that, Archmage Vega passed by Emperor Moxi.

Emperor Moxi straightened up and looked outside the door. Archmage Vega had disappeared, and on a small tree in the garden, a branch had just been broken and a few leaves fell.

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