Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 264 Can you hold it?

"Your Mightiness?"

Lin Wen, who was leading all the mages and platinum-level warriors and above to rush to the Dragon Road, reined in the reins. The powerful horse under him let out a long breath and stopped its hooves. The elite army behind him also stopped one after another.

He ignored the questions from the attendants around him.

Lin Wen turned the horse's head and looked at the sky to the south. His fists could not help but clenched. Although there was no cry, tears fell quietly and dripped on the horse's back.

Turning over and dismounting, Lin Wen knelt down towards the south. Under the gaze of the army, Lin Wen bowed and bowed again! Four prayers in total! (In the Moxi Empire, children need to bow four times when their father leaves)

The army said nothing! After looking at this young archmage who the entire Moxi Empire was proud of, he couldn't help but bow to him! My heart couldn't help but sink!

In the Mossi Empire! Except Archmage Vega! Who can make Lin Wenxing, who has become the Archmage, perform the four obeisances of "son to father"?

Although I didn’t want to believe it, I saw Lin Wen couldn’t kneel down after four bows! They also have to believe it!

"Moxi Empire Teng Shu! Congratulations to Archmage Weijia!"

First Lieutenant General Lin Wen! At the same time, Teng Shu, one of the top generals of the Moxi Empire, stood up and dismounted! Get down on one knee! Left fist to the ground! The sound spreads across the wilderness!

"Generals (mages) of the Moxi Empire! Congratulations to Archmage Weijia!"

Above the wilderness, on the road to the Dragon Path! Pieces of black armor and black robes! Kneel down at the same time! I can't stand it for a long time!

In the sky above the Endless Land, there is a huge land. There are deserts, forests, lakes, and everything in the world except the ocean.

A disgraced girl walking in the forest suddenly sensed something and stopped. Her small palms tightly covered her chest. Tears flowed uncontrollably and wet her neck, chest and chest. of soil.

"Grandpa Anthony" the girl cried sadly and couldn't help herself.

Outside the forest, hundreds of angels had surrounded the forest, looking coldly at her crying sadly in the forest.

"Master, what's wrong with you? Are you worried about Ella?"

In the Twilight Continent, in this land with only night and twilight, a green slime who had just eaten a meal of dragon meat stood on the wall of the Black City, looking into the distance, and beside him, stood There is a girl who is clearly a succubus but looks like a high school student.

Slime was a little distracted and didn't notice her words.

"Master, don't worry, the Twilight Continent is ready. As soon as the master opens the star channel, the Twilight army will fight for you!"

"No, it's not."

The slime shook his head (shaking his body) with a sad expression on his face, and his magic power changed. After a moment, he turned into a middle-aged humanoid man with a height of 1.8 meters and a handsome appearance.

Under the woman's gaze, the slime that transformed into a humanoid bowed down, changed from its usual naughty and unruly demeanor, and said respectfully:

"Fantasy! Congratulations to Archmage Anthony! Congratulations to Archmage Vega!"

Hearing his words, the woman was startled. She turned in the same direction as the man, bowed her head and bowed her skirt.

After a long time, the man stood up, and the woman immediately straightened her legs.

"Enough people have died in this war. Chief Mei'er, please inform Chief Hachi'er and the others that it's time for us to set off."

The leader of the succubus clan nodded and said, "Yes, master."

In the courtyard of Ella Palace where it had just snowed, a beautiful woman in a long skirt was taking a lazy walk, stepping on the smooth and soft snow in the courtyard as comfortably as a little girl.

However, suddenly, the woman's cheerful steps paused slightly, and she closed her steps. The beautiful woman folded her hands in front of her, raised her head, and looked towards the distant sky. On the eyebrows of this beautiful woman, He actually showed a sad look.

"I respectfully send you to Anthony and Master Vega."

A sound was not loud, but it spread slowly, outside the palace wall, and outside the city of Ella!

This sound that consumed all the magic power of the legendary archmage spread throughout the city of Ella! It spread throughout the endless land and the entire seabed! Spread throughout the sky!

This woman's delicate and fair face was actually a bit tired and pale. For the first time in hundreds of years, this beautiful woman and this legendary mage used up all her magic power to spread this message to the whole world. A voice.

At the same time, no matter which race they are, even the sea-dwelling species on the bottom of the sea, even the most arrogant angel species in the sky! Even a mechanical species isolated from the world! Even the Sage's Forest and Dragon Path are still in war! Almost everyone! Whether they are civilians or ordinary people, they all pay the highest salute to these two greatest human archmages in their own way!

But! Even at this moment, especially everyone in the Ella Empire and the Mosi Empire are filled with sad emotions, on the Dragon Road where the battle is fiercest! The siege continues.

At first, Lako used the strategy of transporting top warriors to attack the city, which caused a great crisis to Feitlen!

It can only be said that if Fei Lun hadn't personally led the charge, it would have greatly boosted morale, and the Italian artillery from Li Yunlong's independent regiment's artillery battalion had played a major role! Finally, the mages in the city who were "ordered to recharge their batteries" followed the instructions given by Feitlen at the critical moment and attacked when the city barrier was close to its limit. They all attacked the mages who had been attacking the city for a long time. Out of reach!

Otherwise! It was really almost that Dragon City was really gone!

But despite this, Depor could only withstand the first offensive pressure! And this time the loss of the city defense was huge! Feitlen, who led the charge, was also in desperate situations time and time again during the battle! If not, he would have thought that this dragon city still needs to be commanded by himself! He really got violent blood for the third time!

However, the other party has discovered that the ice dragon's attempt to transport soldiers works!

Because attacking the dragon road Laco did not expect to use heavy siege equipment, so Laco does not have it in hand yet! But as long as Lako deploys siege equipment to other places in the east, and then uses a few ice dragons to transport the siege equipment up! Plus those diamond-level warriors! Then it’s really unstoppable!

The scarred Feitun was lying on the dragon city wall several hundred meters high. Qin'er sat next to him and fell asleep on his shoulder.

He looked into the distance with some sadness. Mage Anthony had passed away, and Lin Wen, a genius mage, would bring at least 10,000 mage to support him! And he is a great mage himself! The empress in the palace needed her presence and couldn't escape. Just from her worldwide voice transmission, Feitlen knew that the empress had no hope.

"Oh! What should I do! Teacher, do you think I can really hold on?"

Feilun sighed softly as he thought about it.

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