Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 268 Playing Chess

Catkin-like snow catkins slowly fell down, falling outside the Dragon City, spreading on the Dragon Road, dotting the bodies of the standing and lying people, and gradually melting.

The green slime turned into a human form and stood face to face with Lin Wen. Behind him, the five personal maids of the Eastern Xia Kingdom's empress put their hands in front of them, standing slim and graceful, with snow-covered clothes and snowy hair. At the end, it forms a perfect movement with the heavy snow in the sky, which is so beautiful and refined.

Outside the Dragon Road, five thousand orcs standing in the air are surrounded by thick and violent magic elements. It seems that with just a wave of the hand from these five thousand orcs, everyone outside the entire Dragon City will be annihilated!

Under the Dragon Road, thousands of miles away from the Moxi Empire's camp, the 30,000 two-headed dog demons of the Twilight Continent showed their prototypes and faced off against the Moxi Empire soldiers who stayed behind. Their huge bodies had drooling heads! Eyes are red! The sharp claws scraped the ground! The burly body seems to tear everything apart!

Not only the Two-Headed Dog Demon Clan, the Thunder Bear Clan, the Sand Scorpion Clan, the Soul Clan, and the Dark Elf Clan who were already taking aim with their bows and arrows, a total of eight races with extremely strong frontal combat power in the Twilight Continent surrounded Long Dao. The flat ground! The unique aura of the demon species spreads out for thousands of miles!

An eagle's cry pierced the sky!

Whether it was the army confronting the demon species in Twilight Continent or the soldiers of the Moxi Empire outside Dragon City, they all raised their heads and looked up to the sky!

In an instant! The sky is full of snow, cutting it off! A piece of "black cloth" covered the sky!

A total of 100,000 warriors from the Hongyan Black Eagle Clan and the Dark Crow Clan rushed in like a black wave, covering the sky. At least above the dragon path, the snowflakes no longer fell on the ground.

As an archmage, Lin Wen closed his eyes and clearly perceived everything around him. After more than ten breaths, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at the floating orc mages:

"I have only read about orc shamans in books. I never thought that I would be able to see them with my own eyes in my lifetime. It's a pity that the teacher doesn't have this kind of eyesight anymore."

"Arch Mage Wei Jia has trained an arch mage who is less than thirty years old. I believe that Arch Mage Wei Jia has nothing to regret in life." Fang Te said lightly, looking at him levelly, "This war will kill everyone." A lot of people have died, a lot of my friends have died, a lot of people I hold dear have died.”

"There are very few people I cherish, but he also left during this war. I think I can understand your mood." Lin Wen said slowly, and the hot breath from his mouth turned into a white mist, "Listen You say that you want to build an illusory country, and there are still many people who believe in you. Do you think you can really do it?"

"have no idea."

"Don't know? Those who believe in you fought bloody battles for you. Chen Wenqin of Keya City and even Master Anthony died for you in a sense. You said, you don't know?"

Lin Wen's mood was a little angry. This was the first time he felt angry after entering the realm of the Archmage.

Fang Te smiled slightly, lowered his head to look at Feitun and Qin'er lying together, raised his head to look at the corpses of humans and orcs lying around, and turned his head to look at the five nine-tailed foxes standing behind him. The beautiful woman of the clan raised her head and looked at the five thousand orc shamans and the Dark Crow Clan and the Red-faced Black Eagle Clan who were fighting together in the Twilight Continent.


Withdrawing his gaze, Fangte looked directly into Lin Wen's eyes.

"I don't know. I don't know if I can unify all races in the end. I don't know if I can really build a peaceful world by then. But, I will do it, do it, and it is possible to change, but if not If we do it, everything will remain the same as it was seven centuries ago, and nothing will change."

"In the past, I also told Li Lin that I wanted to rule the world, but it was a joke. Gradually, when I did it in this joking manner, I discovered many, many things."

"In the process of doing this, there will no longer be civil strife in Ainia, the mechanical species will no longer be stubborn, and the Twilight Continent will no longer only have darkness. And in the process, many people died. Every time a person dies, I Every step I take will be a heavy step! I don’t know if I can really reach the end, and I don’t know if I can build the beautiful world that Wen Qin and I envisioned.”

"I have also been scared and confused, especially when I learned that Wen Qin was leaving. I was in a daze for a whole day, until I received the last letter that Wen Qin asked Miss Dongxue to forward to me."

"Although Chen Wenqin looks very elegant, he is actually a very verbose person. But in the letter, he only said one sentence to me."

"Brother Fang, let me in heaven see the most beautiful world."

Thinking of his old friend, Fangte couldn't help but his eyes turned red. He could only take a deep breath to swallow his sadness.

"So, there is so much fear, there is so much confusion, there is so much impossibility, just do it, just like I did before, just like I do now, and just like I will do in the future."

Under Dragon City, surrounded by tens of thousands of people, the scene was extremely silent, with only the sound of clans flapping their wings in the sky.

Both sides looked at the highest generals. No matter which side they were, no one dared to act rashly without the orders of Lin Wen and Fang Te. They just watched everything about the two supreme men of Dragon City and listened to their words that were completely different from the current environment. Mismatched dialogue.

"Dragon City, although we can't take it down, this war is not over yet, and you haven't won yet." After a long time, Lin Wen said slowly.

Although Lin Wen was indeed surrounded by groups, every soldier on Fangte's side was full of energy, and there were also 5,000 orc shamans and five nine-tailed foxes who were more powerful than the eighth-level mage. Fangte himself has also stepped into the threshold of the Archmage. Not only that, in terms of actual combat, Jon Cappe in his prime is no match for Fangte, not to mention Lin Wen, who doesn't have much magic power left now.

However, the Moxi Empire has a large number of troops, and they are all the best among the best, plus the remaining tens of thousands of mages. Although they are very tired after a great battle, if they fight to the death! Even if Fangte could completely annihilate them, the losses on Fangte's side would definitely not be small.

Lin Wen knew that Fangte's troops were not only used to support Dragon City, but their main purpose was to attack Moxi and the Giant Kingdom, who were now seriously injured! If Fangte's army suffers serious losses here, it will affect the overall situation later.

"However, it seems to me that Archmage Lin Wen doesn't want to fight anymore."

"Yeah, I'm a little tired and don't want to play. Lin Wen wants to play a game of chess with you. I wonder if you are willing?"

Thanks to "Uncle God" for the reward of 500 starting coins~~~╮(‵▽′)╭

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