Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 288 A bloody battle

The Odean Empire, as the country that most believes in "science", the influence of the Pusius Cult in Odeia is much smaller than that of other human countries. However, despite this, during the Pusius Cult rebellion, At that time, Odeya still spent a lot of effort to rehabilitate, and Odeya not only lost his troops, but also the priests and paladins who fled to the Mossi Empire.

And now, when facing the incoming countless armies of the dead, the situation in the Odea Empire seems so tense for the first time since the founding of the country.

In fact, before the army of the dead pressed into the Odea Empire, Hades first provided Rad with a choice, stating that as long as he joined his side, the army of the dead would not step into the Odea Empire!

However, this proposal was rejected by the Odean Emperor without a second thought, and soon came the news that the army of the dead was marching towards the Odean Empire.

The great northern plains of Odea! Located at the junction of Canyon of the Dead and Odea!

now! In this desolate plain, there are armored undead knights riding skeleton horses on one side. Behind these undead knights, there are tens of thousands of skeleton cavalry! Opposite this army of the dead, Rad, wearing a black gold imperial robe, rode a war horse to confront the undead cavalry. Behind him were tens of thousands of the most elite warriors of the Odeya Empire!

The undead have no intelligence! Even the highest-level undead only rely on instinct to survive, just like a magical beast!

But now, they are fighting in an orderly manner, even if they are facing the "living creatures" they hate most! He also suppressed his impulsive emotions!

"Your Majesty! Please sit in the rear!"

A general got off his horse and knelt on one knee in front of Ladd!

Ever since Ladd said that he would go into battle to kill the enemy in person, all the ministers and nobles have stopped the emperor! But I didn’t expect that he was so determined that he couldn’t pull back even ten cows!

This general naturally knew that those noble ministers could not persuade him, and he certainly could not persuade him, but he had no choice but to persuade him! After all, even if he lost this battle, the worst he could do was to shrink the defense line! Have a chance to fight back! But if something happens to your emperor! That means it’s all over!

"Are you from the Howard family?"

Ignoring his persuasion, Rad said calmly, even if there were hundreds of thousands of dead soldiers in front of him.

"Yes, Your Majesty! I am the eldest son of the Howard family! Mike Howard."

"So that's it. The eldest son of the Howard family is very brave. He has been fighting enemies since he was a child. His heroic appearance is extraordinary. It seems to be true."

Ladd praised Mike in return. For a moment, even a middle-aged man in his thirties who had been fighting on the battlefield for many years since childhood blushed when he heard such praise from the emperor whom he had always admired and even admired.

"Your Majesty, thank you! It's Mike's honor to fight for your Majesty! Your Majesty's sword points to you! Even to the ends of the world! Mike will plant the flag of Odeya for your Majesty!"

"Hahaha! Okay! Okay! Okay!"

Ladd laughed, his voice spreading slowly across the empty plain!

"sulfuric acid!"

A crisp sound of drawing the sword came from Rad's waist. The man in the black gold emperor's robe raised the sword high and pointed it at the sky directly above the army of the dead at a 45-degree angle!

"Then! General Mike! I want to go there! Will you come with me?"

"For Your Majesty! The Odea army will fight to the death!"

"Okay! Pass my military order! Charge forward!"

Under the command of the emperor who was later rated as the most legendary generation of Odeya! The Odea army has a total of 650,000 warriors! Thirty-two thousand mages! The most intense fighting started in this most desolate plain!

To the south where the sounds of fighting have dispersed, in the southern border of the Ella Empire! A general who woke up not long ago stood in front of the two armies, holding a spear and wearing armor astride his horse.

"General Longka, you just went to the battlefield just after your injury. Is it possible that you, Ella, have no one left?"

Outside the southern city, a plump woman wearing a purple dress and pointed ears walked out of the army of forest elves and stood opposite the Ella Empire Dragon Card several hundred meters away.

"Hehehe, there is no one left in our Ella Empire? It's hard for you in the Forest of Sage, too. You are actually allowed to lead the army by a woman?"

"The Nice family is the oldest family of the elf species. Our ancestors were nobles killed in the army. It is natural to lead the army. However, the general should not be defeated by a woman, otherwise, it will be embarrassing. ."

Before the war started, the Elfs and the Ella Empire were fighting each other, but both of them were right. The Elfs were severely weakened after the civil war, and they also experienced a joint crusade between the Odea Empire and the Machinery! The combat effectiveness of the forest elves now is not as good as before! Not even a third of what it was at its peak!

But the Ella Empire wasn't much better.

Experienced the rebellion of the nobles! After experiencing the crusade of the three-party coalition again! In the end, the church in the country rebelled and tried to destroy the royal family and control Ella. Although they successfully got through the difficulties with the help of Fangte, after several fatal twists and turns, the combat power of the Ella Empire was reduced by the "End of the Crossbow". The words to describe it cannot be said to be exaggerated.

Longka and Nice Weier looked at each other, and their eyes were full of disdain for each other. However, there was no murderous intention to hate the other party. After all, there was no life-or-death hatred between the two parties. If not, Everyone fights for his own sake. Who would fight to the death when their respective countries are scarred?

The raindrops gradually fell, ticking on the ground and falling on both parties. Niceweir stretched out her white palms to catch the raindrops, and her purple dress gradually became wet.

"I hate rain."

"I don't like it either." Longka shook the tip of his spear, and a few water splashes flew away.

"Then, let's begin. I hope this is the last battle." Nice Weier said slowly.

Before the confrontation, Nice Weier turned around gently and walked slowly towards his side's military formation.

At the same time, Longka slowly raised the spear in his hand and pointed it diagonally upward into the air.

The raindrops fell heavier and faster, and when the woman's skirt was dragged into the military formation with the rain, Longka's spear swung down!



Countless forest elves crossed the girl's side and fought forward! Countless human species charged head-on under the leadership of Longka!

Close combat! Mixed with the rain, the woman raised her head and looked into the air. A huge magic circle led by a high-level elf mage slowly emerged. The girl touched it gently with her delicate hand, and the magic circle spread over the huge battlefield. On the battlefield In the center, a humanoid general named Longka fought a bloody battle.

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