Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 292 Long gone

A refreshing breeze blew into the cave entrance, swirling around in a small cave, caressing the hem of a man who looked like a human.

He leaned against the cave wall with a pale face, motionless. If he wasn't still breathing slightly, anyone who saw him would probably think he was a corpse.

A fox appeared out of nowhere in the bamboo forest and crawled into the cave. Behind it were several cute and fluffy little foxes.

Looking at the man's appearance, the fox mother turned her head and looked carefully at the man who seemed to be dead but was not yet dead.

Crawling over on tiptoe, the mother fox stretched out her fluffy little paws and patted his palm gently.

He hasn't woken up yet.

Mother Fox patted him again, but he still didn't wake up.

Several little foxes saw their mother curiously looking at things they had never seen before, so they crept over. After a little trial, they became bolder and jumped directly into the man's arms, sticking out their little heads. He sniffed the man's neck with his wet nose.

Perhaps because the fox was psychic, they didn't feel any "bad guy" feeling in the sleeping man, so they stretched out their pink tongues and licked the man's cheeks.

It was a little itchy, the man frowned and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing that the man was awake, the little foxes were so frightened that they immediately jumped into the man's arms. They accidentally slipped and crawled on all fours on the ground.

"It seems like you slept a little too long."

Looking at the warm sunshine shining outside the cave entrance, he only remembered that it was daytime when he fell asleep last time, and it was daytime now, but he didn't know how many days had passed.

The little fox had already climbed up and followed its mother to escape outside the cave entrance, but still did not leave. It kept a safe distance from the man at the entrance of the cave and "secretly observed" him.

Sitting on the ground and bending over, the man picked up the chess pieces scattered on the ground one by one and put them into his arms.

As for the carving knife, it was in a state of disrepair, and the blade was terribly blunt.

"Thank you for waking me up. I'll give this to you as a toy." Fangte smiled and threw the carving knife that had no edge at all.

The two little foxes looked at the black carving knife and gently touched and patted it, just like a cat playing with a mouse, except that this "mouse" couldn't move.

The man stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, took a small step, and walked outside the cave entrance. With another step, he disappeared from the sight of the little foxes.

The two little foxes rubbed their eyes cutely, looked at the entrance of the cave and then looked at the direction in which the man disappeared, as if the man had never appeared.

Walking to the bank of the stream, the man washed his face with the stream water in his hand and drank a few more sips. The clear spring water had a slight sweetness that made the man couldn't help but drink a few more sips.

After slowly closing his eyes and using the surrounding elements to grasp the accurate time of the world, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, it's not too late."

Walking forward, taking a step above the stream, the next step is to reach the bamboo house.

In the center of the bamboo, a beautiful girl was processing documents in the yard. However, the woman was sitting with her legs spread wide, which was extremely unsightly.

"Fang Te, you are finally back. I thought you were going to die in that cave."

The woman raised her head and twisted her neck. The next moment, a slime appeared in front of the man.

"Let me see them." Fang Te said weakly.

The slime in front of her was Fangte's clone. When Fangte stayed in the cave without eating or drinking all day long, she transformed into the empress and handled affairs.

"Thankfully you're here. To be honest, I can't hold on anymore."

"I know." Fangte nodded.

Although Fangte automatically disconnected from his clone before entering the cave so that he would not be disturbed, after all, Fangte is the main body. Now that Fangte is just holding on with just one breath, how can his clone be any better? go.

After linking up with his clone again, all the things the clone had experienced and dealt with these days poured into Fangte's mind, including information from battlefields around the world, as well as information about Luo Luo Yaya and the others when they returned to Dongxia. The information in the memory was deleted and modified by Fangte's clone while sleeping.

"I can rest now."

"That's enough." Looking at his clone, Fangte said with a smile, "I'm going to have a rest soon."

Slime couldn't help but smile and said nothing more. He just looked at Fangte helplessly and disappeared in front of him.

The cool wind of late summer and early autumn blows through the bamboo forest. This bamboo forest, which is always green and never withers, makes a rustling sound, and a few unknown insects chirp crisply in the soil.

In the entire bamboo house, there is no longer the "noisy and difficult to sleep" sound of the warblers and swallows, and there is no longer the way they move with beautiful steps. Everything is so quiet, but everything They are all so unaccustomed.

Unable to help but smile and shake his head, Fangte first walked into the nearest Lilin residence.

Although his clones can delete and modify their memories, they cannot replace the main body to break the "contract to stay" with Lilin.

Opening the door gently, the unique light fragrance of the girl's room floated into Fangte's nose. On the bed in the room, a girl was sleeping quietly.

Walking to the bedside, looking at the girl's cute and beautiful appearance, Fangte couldn't help but think of the anger when the goblin said she was "ugly" when they first met, her little willfulness, and her time in the Kingdom of Ori. He was amazed when they met, and remembered that she was willing to "elope" with him in order to help him escape from Ella.

"It's really silly and cute."

Wen Wen looked at the girl lying on the bed and gently tucked the hair that had fallen on her face behind her ears.

The next moment, a broad palm grasped the girl's delicate hand, and ripples of magic spread out from the room. A few breaths later, a red line appeared on the ring finger of Fangte's left hand and the ring finger of the girl's right hand, connecting them.

"The world in the future will be beautiful. You have also found your mother and your family is reunited. I believe you will live a happy life."

Looking at the slender red thread connecting him and the girl, Fang Te stretched out his hand and held the middle part of the red thread. Using magic as a blade, Fangte cut the second part of the red thread from the middle.

The two ends of the red thread hang down on the thin quilt, starting from one section, like a fuse ignited by flames. The red thread burns out and turns into magical elements floating in the room.

The sunlight slowly entered the girl's room and fell on the girl's beautiful face, but the person at the bedside had long since disappeared.

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