"It turns out you are our new god. I haven't seen you for so long. I thought you were really dead."

The man kneeling in the center of countless sea-dwelling corpses seemed to feel something. He slowly raised his head and smiled at Fang Te, who was already almost nothing. However, the blood at the corner of his mouth also spread in this smile.

As a divine being, Fangte could clearly see Lin Wen's physical condition at this time even if he didn't mobilize the magic power in his body.

The magic power in the youngest archmage's body has been completely exhausted. Not only that, although he seems to have no damage on the surface, just some blood flowing out of the corner of his mouth, but inside his body, his internal organs have been completely of damage.

If Fang Te had been a step later, I'm afraid Fang Te wouldn't even have been able to see the archmage's last glance.

"I thought even you, the Archmage, couldn't see me." Fangte walked over with a smile, but the smile at the corner of his mouth was a little far-fetched.

"Hahaha, indeed, although I don't know what's wrong with you, it seems like you won't live long." Lin Wen looked at Fangte with a smile.

He was telling the truth, and Fangte didn't refute it.

"what happened?"

Fangte changed the topic and looked at the countless corpses of sea-dwelling species scattered around.

"It's nothing. It's just that the sea-dwelling species suddenly came ashore here to invade the Moxi Empire and massacred the village. When I came back, most of the people in the village were dead, and I just happened to kill these bastards. Just kill him."

Lin Wen said in a relaxed tone, looking at the corpses scattered around and the remains of ordinary villagers in the distance, his eyes were filled with sadness.

Fang Te was silent. This battlefield was largely caused by himself. He should probably say sorry, but what's the use?

"Hey! Fangte, tell me, who am I? Human species, or sea-dwelling species?" Lin Wen's tone became weaker and weaker, and his body became more and more transparent.

"You are just a creature named 'Lin Wen'."

Fang Te said with a wry smile. Looking at him who was about to disappear as both friend and foe, Fang Te tried his best to suppress the sadness in his tone.

"Hahaha, yes." Lin Wen raised his head and looked at the bottomless sky above his head. His body slowly turned completely fluorescent from small to top, "But don't die. Oh, Li Lin will be sad."

The words fell to the ground, the fluorescence dissipated, and the light points emitted from the man kneeling in front of Fangte connected into two dazzling rays, entering into the chess pieces of the sea-dwelling species and the human species respectively. In front of Fangte, only A small open space just suitable for one person to sit cross-legged

"Go slower, maybe I can catch up with you."

Slowly getting up, the chess pieces had absorbed all the divinity, divine power, souls extracted from all the corpses on the battlefield, as well as the magic power of Archmage Lin Wen.

Picking up the staff that Archmage Weijia had left for Lin Wen, Fangte planted it on the ground and turned around to leave.

In the distant future, this small fishing village will be renamed Lin Village. However, what is strange is that there are very few residents in the fishing village named Lin. What is even stranger is that in a place near the coast of the fishing village, there is a huge Dragonwood tree, and no matter what season it is, the black and green leaves of this Dragonwood tree will never fade.

After walking for an unknown amount of time, Fang Te kept walking under the guidance of ten chess pieces. He passed by countless battlefields. After stopping for a while, Fang Te continued on his way. Finally, unknowingly, Fang Te walked Arrived in the country of gears.

The country-protecting barrier of the Gear Kingdom has completely disappeared. In the modern cities of the Gear Kingdom, everything has become ruins. Among the ruins, there are mechanical warriors, two-headed dog demon warriors, red-eyed black warriors and so on. The various races of the Eagle Tribe Warriors in the Twilight Continent closed their eyes, exuding a strong rancid smell.

As if feeling something, Fang Te walked straight forward until a huge two-headed dog demon more than three meters high appeared in Fang Te's sight. This two-headed dog demon had obvious marks on one head and eye. There were scars, and next to the two-headed dog demon was a dark crow with rich fur, but they had stopped breathing.

"Have a good sleep."

Fang Te patted the head of the two-headed dog demon, stood up, and walked towards the center of the Gear Kingdom.

Fangte walked step by step, and each step quickly changed to a different scenery, and these different scenery always led to the same "remains of mechanical species" and "corpse of the Twilight Continent clan".

He walked faster and faster, and finally arrived at the center of the Gear Kingdom. When he saw that the center of the Gear Kingdom was intact, Fangte's hanging heart finally dropped.

If the war spreads even to the central area, then the country of gears will really be over

The mechanical warriors patrolling the central area did not see Fangte.

Like a ghost, Fangte passed through the patrol line of mechanical warriors and walked towards the rebuilt central tower.

Quickly walking to the top floor of the central tower, in that familiar room, Cike, Hong Ji and the Red Queen were discussing the situation of the war, but Fang Te did not see Hubi in the room.

"We suffered serious damage from the Twilight Continent's attack this time, and the sea-dwelling species have also attacked the Twilight Continent. I'm afraid those demon species don't have the energy to attack us anymore."

Zike said a little tiredly. Even though he is a machine, he is also tired. This shows how tragic this war is.

"However, although the demon species have retreated, some sea-dwelling species have also landed in the nearby sea. I'm afraid they want to accept the endgame caused by the demon species."

"Indeed, the number of sea-dwelling species is too huge. They can be seen on battlefields all over the world. However, their individual combat power is much weaker than that of demon species. As long as there are not too many, we can still It can be blocked." Ci Ke judged.

"It's just that the demise of the Dongxia Kingdom is too hurtful, and the situation in the Ella Empire is not optimistic. Even Tao's brother" said with a sad look on his back, and wanted to speak when he mentioned the Odeya Emperor Rad. Stop again.

"Where did Fang Te go?" Hong Ji lowered her eyebrows. There was no complaint in her tone that Fang Te had not appeared for a long time, and there was no anger in her tone that Fang Te had disappeared when other gods appeared.

From Hongji's tone, Fangte could hear the full concern for his friends.

Zike shook his head: "The guy didn't say anything, it was like he suddenly evaporated."

"However, I believe that he will be the one who wins this war in the end!" the Red Queen said firmly.

Ci Ke and Hong Ji looked at each other, smiled and nodded.

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