Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 297 Canyon of the Dead

To the east of the Gear Kingdom is the junction of the Canyon of the Dead and the Odea Empire, a vast wasteland.

Because it is close to the Canyon of the Dead, this place is the place with the strongest dark elements in the Endless Land, except for the Canyon of the Dead. But now, this wasteland has become the place with the strongest concentration of dark elements in the Endless Land.

In this deserted wasteland, countless undead souls fell to the ground.

Skeletons, Headless Horsemen, Ghost Horses, and almost all the undead in the Canyon of the Dead are out!

These undead are not intelligent species, and they are just a kind of magical beast. Although they do not have any intelligence, they rely on their fighting instincts to display amazing strength on the battlefield.

After determining the direction, Fangte quickly came to the wasteland. As soon as he entered the wasteland, the human chess pieces were restless, rushing out of Fangte's arms and flying towards the wasteland.

Following the chess piece, corpses littered the field along the way, half of which were the corpses of Odean warriors and half of the undead.

Getting closer and closer to the center of the battlefield, there are more and more corpses. Every human warrior fights until the last moment. Even if they die, they will cut off the last knife in their hands.

Among the ten chess pieces in Fangte's arms, only three chess pieces of the divine species, angel species, and human species were left unfilled.

Except for the gods and angels, the human chess pieces absorb the remaining mental and physical strength after the death of the human warriors (physical strength is required to activate martial arts). The most important thing is the residual magic power of the human mage's corpse.

Although the human species died the most in this world war, there were too few human species corpses, so it was difficult to fill them up. After absorbing the deceased Archmage Lin Wen at the seaside, the human species chess pieces were faintly found. Having reached the "satisfied" state, now, after absorbing all the dead warriors and mages in the wasteland, the human chess piece has reached saturation, put away its own light, and returned to Fangte's arms.

"It seems that's almost enough..."

Fangte waved his hand, and ten chess pieces floated in the air. Except for the angel chess piece, which was half full, and the god chess piece, which was completely empty, the rest of the chess pieces were already overflowing.

The god chess piece is located above Fang Te's head, and the angel chess piece is on one side. The other eight chess pieces are constantly spinning around Fang Te. Wisps of light are constantly emerging from the chess pieces, sinking into Fang Te's body inch by inch. within.

Fang Te's body began to become clearer and clearer. In the past few months, everything that the chess pieces had absorbed was completely accommodated by Fang Te.

On the wasteland where tens of thousands of corpses were lying, he found an empty seat and sat on the ground, breathing calmly as if asleep.

There were no visions, everything was so peaceful.

Half an hour later, the light from the eight chess pieces all poured into Fang Te's body. Fang Te slowly opened his eyes. His pupils were emitting golden light, and his form was completely revealed again. The surrounding elements kept gathering around Fang Te. , like a lost child who finally found his mother.

"It should be almost done."

Fang Te stretched out his hands, and the golden light emanating from his body slowly disappeared.

Raising his head and looking straight ahead, Fangte saw everything happening in the Canyon of the Dead and heard the sound of swords slashing!

"Isn't this still alive?" Fangte raised his head slightly and looked at the sky in the distance. He saw species other than human species and undead. "It turns out you are here too. It just so happens that I don't have much time. There’s no need to waste time.”

Fangte couldn't help but smile and walked forward. Wherever he passed, there were white flowers and falling willows everywhere.

In the eerie Canyon of the Dead, the Odea Emperor and the remaining tens of thousands of soldiers formed a formation to fight with the undead, and there was another race among them!

Although this emperor defeated the undead army in the wasteland and almost slaughtered the undead army, he was not satisfied with this. Instead, he pursued the victory and destroyed the Canyon of the Dead.

The morale of Odea's generals who defeated the undead army was really high. They killed the two bone dragons guarding the canyon in one go, hit the middle of the canyon of the dead in one go, and used the craftsmanship technology of Odea and the mechanical species to open up a new area. A camp was set up, and the resources needed by the army were constantly transported from the rear transportation lines.

In the past few months, the conquest of the Canyon of the Dead has been proceeding steadily. According to the emperor's plan, in two months, he will be able to penetrate the Canyon of the Dead, which he has been unable to see but not calm before.

But it happened at this time that an accident happened! Angels actually joined the battlefield.

At this time, the battle between the Canyon of the Dead and the Odea Empire has entered the endgame. Although the Odea Empire has the upper hand, both sides have suffered heavy losses in the battle. Now that the angels suddenly join the battlefield, they will reap the benefits. It was indeed something that Emperor Odeya did not expect.

Although the number of angel species is not large, their individual combat capabilities are extremely strong! Now after the three-party war, the remaining undead in the Canyon of the Dead have basically disappeared, leaving only a few fighting to the death, and the Odea side only has 50,000 remnant troops left.

"Your Majesty! I will definitely open a way for Your Majesty! I will escort you back to Odeya!" said a general with a broken arm.

"Hahaha! How can I, the majestic Emperor Odeya, be greedy for life and fear death!" Emperor Odeya waved the long sword in his hand and slashed straight at the head of a skeleton soldier. The skull soldier's head was separated from his body. Lying on the ground.

"Rad! Back then, you and the Ella Empire went to war with my angel race! You hurt countless of my compatriots! Now, it's time for you to pay back!"

A standing four-winged angel with two pairs of wings flapped its wings and flew in the air, and its sound spread throughout the Canyon of the Dead.

"Repay? Ha! Ridiculous! Let me tell you! I have long been unhappy with you angels who are so superior! What? Aren't you very arrogant? Now you're here to reap the benefits, and you don't even want the chastity memorial?"

Emperor Odeya cursed loudly, which was in sharp contrast to his always gentle and gentle image, but the image of this emperor was even more brilliant in the hearts of all the soldiers who followed him!

really! Our Majesty is so domineering even when he curses! Oh no, you are calling a bird person!

The four-winged angels frowned. Indeed, with the unique pride of angels, they cannot do such things as taking advantage of others. However, their own god Iros has given an order. Even if they are unwilling, they have no choice. reject.

"Ha! Fight to the death!"

The unique pride of angels made him not want to say anything more to him in this regard. The magic elements gathered, and a moment later, a thunder dragon roared away at Ladd.

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