Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 3 Slime was intercepted by goblins...

Chapter 3 Slime was cut off by goblins.

After strengthening his body again, Fangte felt that his strength was many times stronger than before. But what made Fangte extremely unhappy was that he turned a little green again! This is for a man! Even though I am a slime! This is also unbearable!

However, a huge explosion woke up Fangte who was sleeping under the tree.

Rubbing his eyes, Fangte felt that the sun was blocked by something, and there was a huge shadow on the ground. Fangte, who thought it was going to rain, was so frightened that he quickly looked up, but what he saw was bigger than Rain is even worse!

A black dragon and a red dragon actually started fighting in the sky!

A black dragon grabbed a huge rock and threw it at the red dragon! The red dragon dodged quickly, and then spit a fireball at the black dragon, but it didn't hit him! But the direction of the fireball was the direction of my home!

The black dragon and the red dragon fought while flying, causing harm to the fish along the way. Fortunately, the two dragons did not fight for long in the sky above the forest and flew away.

But Fangte's heart sank! Although Fangte had only known his mother and sister for less than a day, and his relationship was still very shallow, they were his family after all.

Fang Te looked at the fire in the direction of the swamp. Although Fang Te was worried, there was nothing he could do. Although Fang Te's physique had been greatly strengthened, the fire was too big and he would definitely be burned as soon as he entered. Slime dry.

The air in the swamp is humid, and there are very few flammable trees, so the flames have no tendency to spread. For the past two days, Fangte could only wait quietly for the fire to get smaller before going in.

It rained one day later, and the fire in the swamp was almost extinguished the next day, so Fangte hurried back.

After returning to the swamp where he was born, Fangte did not find his mother and sister.

"You won't be turned into a slime!"

With "psychologically prepared" for the worst, Fangte kept looking for his mother and sister.

Finally, Fante found a small pink trace on the grass beside the stream, which extended until it disappeared on the bank of the stream.

At this moment, Fangte felt relieved. It looked like they should have jumped into the stream and left. The younger sister was already two days old. According to the slime's growth rate, the younger sister could already go into the water directly without falling apart.

However, Fangte, who was relieved, felt melancholy the next second. Although Fangte, who has a human soul, has nothing in common with his biological mother and sister, at least he has the same kind!

Who knows if I am the only slime left in this forest?

After melancholy by the stream for a long time, the sound of his stomach growling made Fangte realize that he still had to survive hard and he couldn't just drink water like an ordinary slime! You still have to hunt!

After two strengthenings, Fangte's strength has become comparable to that of a middle-aged wild boar, and his flexibility is like Luffy from One Piece. Not only that, Fangte feels that his strength and body flexibility are growing with him. Grow and grow.

For more than two months, Fangte had no fixed address and lived a nomadic life.

After the last experience, Fangte began to deceive and dig traps!

First of all, Fangte believes in the concept that concentration is the essence. He condenses himself to the size of a newborn, and then hangs around some animal nests from time to time. If he encounters any saber-toothed tiger cubs, wild boar cubs, or two-headed leopard cubs, Fang Te pretends to be a pig and eats the tiger, and he takes the bait after a little provocation.

As for the traps, they were simple. Although Fang Te's body was soft, his strength was not small. He often used his own simple wooden shovel to dig traps. Not to mention, Fangte often catches pheasants with red feathers that are twice the size of pheasants on Earth.

In the third month, Fangte felt that his strength could compete with that of a teenage saber-toothed tiger, and his flexibility had improved a lot.

In order to increase his achievements, Fangte began to actually hunt some ferocious animals that were not fully grown yet and were only considered teenagers. Later, in order to practice his skills, Fang Te fought with the adult saber-toothed tiger, and the result was a draw.

Three months have passed, and Fang Te has obtained the titles of "Junior Hunter" and "Equal Fighter". His physical strength has been upgraded by two levels again. Fang Te's agility and regeneration ability have been greatly strengthened, and he also has the third level. Two skills are "hardened"!

This second skill destroyed Fantawild.

The "hardening" skill is like the weapon color in "One Piece". Fantawild can harden his body into a rock-like hardness.

In this way, Fangte can be hard or soft! Whether it is defense or offense, it is much smoother than before.

One day, Fangte went to fight the adult saber-toothed tiger again! Fangte first showed weakness to make him take it lightly. Then at the critical moment, he used his flexibility to stretch his fist, and then hardened the fist. Combined with the rubber-like rebound force and Fangte's original strength, he directly knocked the fist out. The saber-toothed tiger's head was blown apart and it died suddenly on the ground.

However, just when Fangte was about to enjoy his spoils, an arrow flew down from the tree.

Fangte formed a hand and took out the arrow feather from his body. A dozen goblins with long ears and green bodies jumped out from the grass not far away.

These goblins wore torn coarse cloth and held various weapons in their hands, including wooden clubs and maces. The tallest goblin in the lead wore a suit of iron armor and held a variety of weapons. It holds a long knife that looks very sharp!

The leading goblin said something to the little goblin next to him, then took a few steps forward, pointed with one finger at the huge 2-meter-tall saber-toothed tiger on the ground, and yelled at Fang Te:

"Slime! This prey is ours! You! Get out of here!"

"No!" More than a dozen goblins heard Slime speak and looked like they had seen each other for a long time. The leading goblin looked at Fangte in a different way!

A mutated slime that can talk! How much can this buy on the human market?

"This is the prey I killed! The one who belongs to me is me!" Fangte said firmly.

"Did you kill him? Gaga gah."

A dozen goblins made mocking sounds.

"You are an inferior species! Can you kill a saber-toothed tiger? You seem to be kidding our gods!"

The goblin leader, who was twice the size of an ordinary goblin, pulled out his knife, stepped on the saber-toothed tiger's head, pointed the knife at Fantawild, and said in extremely strong language.

"Now it's not just this saber-toothed tiger! You! The slime! Are mine too!"

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