Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 32 One-sided

Finally, Fangte asked from these two gold-level warriors that the object they were hunting was a black female dragon. The humanoid appearance of this female dragon was almost exactly the same as the silver-haired girl he saw in the cave.

However, just when Fangte was about to ask them "why they were chasing her," there was a big explosion from the direction of the cave.

Fangte looked over, frowned, and then looked at the two warriors.

"No! Please!" The two soldiers knew through Fangte's eyes that this slime was going to kill someone.

In fact, Fangte did think so.

After becoming a slime, Fangte's concept of human beings became a little vague. Although Fangte generally retained human emotions, they were not that deep (of course this was only for the enemy, for Lilin and the four mages) Old man, Fangte still has deep feelings for them.)

Furthermore, this world is not as harmonious as his previous life. If he lets them go, more pursuits will be waiting for him. With the strength of one of the three great empires of the human species, wouldn't it be casual to kill him? matter!

The tentacle turned into a knife, Fangte hardened it and made it as sharp as possible, then knocked them unconscious and wiped their necks with a knife.

"Little female dragon, stop struggling and just follow us! We can still make you feel better!"

In front of the cave entrance, the silver-haired girl in a black dress was surrounded by a hundred gold-level adventurers, and a fourth-level mage standing behind the hundred people was marking a magic circle, preparing to prevent her from making a desperate move.

"Abominable humans! My god Aegiya (dragons belong to the fantasy species) will tear you into pieces! Even Psius's fireworks will eventually be destroyed!"

A twelve-meter-long black dragon roared! The dragon's power exuded made all the beasts in the woods tremble, and the golden vertical pupils were burning with angry flames. Her wings had been retracted, but green blood was constantly dripping.

She knew she couldn't leave, but her dignity as a fantasy dragon kept her from giving in! She leaned forward, preparing for the final fight to the death!

"Use black magic resistance martial arts! Be careful! Don't kill her! Capture her alive!"

The warrior commander gave an order, and more than a hundred soldiers added BUFF to themselves.

But when they were about to charge forward, the soldiers behind them screamed!

"Warrior Captain!"

The three fourth-level mages in the team howled.

When the warrior commander suddenly turned his head, blood splashed from the throats of the three fourth-level mages!

A two-meter-tall slime actually assassinated the mage at close range under the protection of more than a dozen gold-level warriors? !

"Sure enough, not all mages are invincible in close combat!"

Fangte glanced at the three fourth-level mages who were lying on the ground and then looked back at them. Those eyes that were supposed to be cute were actually making people feel chilled in their hearts at this moment.

"Don't panic! He must have transformed from a shadow beast! Form in two or three formations! Go forward and kill him!" The warrior commander issued an extremely accurate order.

Shadow beasts belong to the demon species. Although they are good at transformation, their combat effectiveness is not high! According to human standards, holding on to death is only at the human platinum level, and the shadow beast's physical defense is extremely low! The warrior profession with melee combat can just restrain it!

Nearly 100 gold-level warriors faced off against a naturally restrained shadow beast and a dying female dragon! If you lose all this! Then I really don’t have the face to go back!

However, the next time, the warrior commander understood deeply! I don’t have the face to go back! But there is no way to go back at all!

Gold-level warriors slashed at this "shadow beast" countless times without even injuring it at all! The feeling of chopping is like chopping on rubber jelly! This amazing defense power is only possessed by slimes!

Is this really a slime? !

In fact, let alone the growth of this warrior, even the well-informed dragon who was surrounded was shocked!

It wouldn't be a big deal if a slime could only talk. After all, the world is so big! How surprising! It’s just a little novel!

But this slime was able to move freely among dozens of people! It's so scary!

However, for the little female dragon, the sigh was only temporary, and the reality of the difficult situation made her regain her composure!

Before the stunned warrior captain could recover, a dragon roar came out from behind him, and the warriors behind him were thrown away! This dying dragon seems to be having a comeback and fights again.

This warrior has never been so desperate in his life! It would have been extremely easy for 100 gold-level warriors and three fourth-level mages to capture a seriously injured little female dragon! It’s as simple as going on a picnic and hunting a deer!

But I didn’t expect it! I actually encountered a slime that was so powerful that it made people panic? !

A quarter of an hour later, no one was left alive! Including the warrior captain! In the end, he died in the sharp claws of this little female dragon, and was stabbed to the core.

Blood dyed the soil at the entrance of the hole red, and Fangte changed from a green jelly to a red jelly.

He looked at the nearly a hundred corpses on the ground, formed small tentacles and gently wiped his face. He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. This feeling was very complicated and had a sense of sadness.

After killing the two soldiers before, the feeling was not so strong, but when he saw the corpses everywhere, Fangte couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

This feeling comes from the sadness and numbness deep in the soul for "the same kind". The kind of numbness that beasts are equivalent to humans, and humans are equivalent to beasts. Even Fangte doesn't know whether the final version of himself will be real. Become a beast.

In his previous life, Fangte liked to read online novels. The protagonist's decisive killing after time travel made Fangte feel a little uncomfortable even though he could no longer be considered a human being.

Perhaps wanting Fangte to know that she was the girl in the cave, the little female dragon changed back to its original shape again.

The beautiful long silver hair was stained with blood, and the black skirt was also stained with red blood stains. The girl held her right arm in her left hand and stood in front of Fangte, her head lowered and silent.

"I'm leaving. You saved me in the forest, and I also saved you. We are even." Fang Te transformed into a small tentacle and wiped his face randomly. He was a little confused and felt that he needed time to think. Human (slime) life.


The silver-haired girl responded softly, very coldly and didn't say much.

Fangte turned around and waved goodbye, but before he took a few steps, he heard the sound of a girl falling to the ground behind him.

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