Fantasy species do not have a country or any gathering area. These creatures, which are rare in number but extremely powerful, have always been the overlord of one party.

Most fantasy species are never willing to bow to anyone or share resources. Maybe this little female dragon is one of those few.

When the red comet streaked across the sky, to the west of Ainia, after passing through the Canyon of the Dead, there was a huge basin with an area of ​​3 million square kilometers. In the basin, there were forests, villages, towns, and countless buildings. Lin stands here.

The slightly raised eaves at the four corners, the high red lanterns, the numerous attics, and the slowly flowing stream through the ancient town. The architectural style is extremely oriental, as if it is a reflection of ancient oriental architecture. The only difference is that in the basin , but there is no palace.

However, if you look carefully, you will find that in the corner of the basin, there is a huge bamboo forest. The area of ​​the bamboo forest is equivalent to the size of the entire Ori Kingdom. There are no shops or markets around this bamboo forest. There is only one. A few small and simple families.

In the depths of the bamboo forest, several bamboo buildings stand elegantly. In the small courtyard surrounded by green bamboo poles in the bamboo buildings, under the moonlight, the beautiful laughter of orioles and swallows can be heard in this small courtyard.

"Miss, why are you coming out?" A maid saw her master coming out and rushed to greet her.

"The night is a little special tonight, so I came out to take a look and get some fresh air."

The only owner of the bamboo forest said with a chuckle. His voice was so beautiful that it was like hooks that hooked straight into people's souls.

"You don't have to come with me. I'm going to take a walk and I'll be back."

"Yes." The maids in the bamboo courtyard bowed and waited until the owner of the bamboo forest disappeared into the night before slowly getting up.

The owner of the bamboo forest walked forward slowly, slowly raised his head, and stopped to look at the sky. His naturally charming eyes followed a red comet across the sky. The owner of the bamboo forest smiled slightly, as charming as if he were boneless. Under an oriental dress, nine snow-white tails bloomed like lilies.

This bamboo forest is located in the Dongxia Kingdom, and the national emblem of Dongxia is engraved with a nine-tailed fox.

Looking north from Dongxia Kingdom, there is a huge misty forest. In this forest, there are buildings built on the foundations of hundreds of towering trees. Countless nobles put down whatever they were doing and looked at the building together. piece of sky.

"Sister, look, here's the red comet."

A young lady was shaking her sister's hand in the room, pointing to the sky outside the window. The girl and the young lady had one thing in common, that is, their ears were pointed and long.

The girl named Wei'er put down the book in her hand and looked out the window, lightly pursed her lips. A look of surprise flashed through her, who had always been mature and steady!

The place where the devil is is always a dark place, and in Arli, a place where even flowers are blooming, there is a castle built in the twilight. Outside the castle, crows are chirping and tree trunks are withered.

Several men in black tuxedos stood on the top of the castle. They held wine glasses elegantly, and the red drink in the glasses exuded a faint smell of blood.

"As expected, a human girl tastes better."

A man with a sickly pale face said lightly, a pair of sharp teeth slightly exposed.

"How are those low-level demons doing?"

"about there."

The red comet streaked across the blood moon, seeming to dye the sky red.

"Data collection is in progress! The data collection is completed, the data has been identified and is now shared with the main database."

A girl with a loli figure stood on a clock tower. Looking down from the clock tower, an entire town was made of gears, steel, etc. The whole town was full of magic. Like machinery, but there is no vitality at all.

"Hubby, it's time to go back."

A girl with the shape of a royal sister flew from the ground to the five-hundred-meter-high bell tower.

"Well, Hubby got it."

The girl named Hubie nodded.

In the Ella Empire, an imperial palace that occupies one-third of the entire human race, the leader of the Pusius Cult of the Ella Empire went to the palace and presented a "divine revelation" to one of the most noble kings of the human race.

After the leader left, a stout man walked straight to the emperor's study in the palace without anyone stopping him.

"Buster (King Ori), you are finally willing to come and see me!"

The man spoke. There were many messy documents on his desk, and one of the most noble crowns in the human race was thrown casually into a corner of the desk.

"You destroyed the secluded place I finally found. How can I come and see you?" Buster said angrily.

"Don't be so sarcastic. Although I don't know how you became the little king of that bullshit Ori Kingdom, but if it weren't for me, would that little fight have stopped?" Emperor Ella said with a smile, " By the way, I heard that your daughter is incredibly beautiful! How about marrying my eldest son? "

"Get out of here!" Buster laughed and scolded him, but soon his expression turned serious again, "Is that red comet really the beginning?"

Emperor Ella handed him the "revelation from the gods" and said solemnly:

"I think so."

"Why are you absent-minded today?" In the palace on the west side of the palace, an old man washed an apple and handed it to his apprentice.

Fortunately, there were only two masters and apprentices in this room full of magic props. If others saw this world-famous old man washing apples for a young girl, they would probably think that they were dreaming.

"The eldest prince always appears in the palace medicine garden when he has something to do. I always find him annoying." The girl lay on the table melancholy.

"The eldest prince is quite good-looking, although he is not as good-looking as your master or me when I was young." The old man persuaded.

"Grandpa Master! If you say that again! I will go to Grandpa Vera and the others to learn magic! No! I will go to Grandpa the Cult Master! He said he would teach me the top Holy Light Technique!"

Hearing the girl's angry words, especially the second half of the sentence, the old man was so angry that he coughed. He said bitterly: "Damn Holy Light Technique!"

"Grandpa Master, what did you say?"

"Nothing, nothing. I'll get a stick and drive that guy away tomorrow!"

Archmage Anthony, known as Grandpa Mage, said with a smile, raised his head and looked out the window, and saw that the comet had crossed the sky and disappeared at the end.

Fantasy species, angel species, demon species, sea spirit species, forest elf species, mechanical species, giant species, orc species, human species, and even Warcraft species, on this night, the whole world saw this red comet.

The oracle given by the leader of the Psius Cult slowly slipped from the table and spread out on the ground:

The fall of the red comet, the beginning of the king's war

Starting from this night! The selection of the new king of the world and the new god of the Kingdom of God will officially begin.

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