Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 44 Two Years Later

The Moxi Empire, one of the three great empires of the human species, is the smallest among the three empires. The palace and castle built in the center of the capital only covers two-thirds of the area of ​​the Ella Empire. However, the strength of the Moxi Empire is Undoubtedly the strongest among the three empires.

In the palace complex affiliated with the most powerful imperial castle in the human race, there are no maids or any guards. There are just an old man and a young man in a huge room.

"Teacher, can you stop practicing? My fingers are all scratched."

An adult man in his twenties was slumped on the ground, with dozens of magic scrolls floating around him (used to imprint magic circles and spell practices.)

"How long have you been practicing? You've only been practicing for less than half an hour. Now you're tired." The old man picked up the priceless staff and knocked it on his buttocks. "Lin Wen! Get up quickly!" Practice for at least two more hours!"

"Ah, no, teacher, didn't you say that the mage who is as famous as you in Ella Kingdom will come today? There will also be his apprentice."

When the young man named Lin Wen mentioned this topic, his eyes lit up and he quickly sat up. The magic scroll floating in the air quickly rolled up and fell neatly on the table.

"Teacher! I heard that the mage who is here as a guest today has a very beautiful apprentice! Is it true? Teacher, why don't you introduce it to me?"

Lin Wen shamelessly hung the old man's back, looking like a fool.

"You kid! You don't practice spells well! You only think about other people's girls! Let me tell you! If you dare to embarrass yourself in front of that old man's apprentice! Don't even think about sleeping tonight! Practice for more than ten hours!"

The old man was about to hit his butt with the staff. When the young man named Lin Wen saw something was wrong, he opened the door and ran away. However, just as he was about to open the door, the door was opened!

A girl stood in front of him.

She has a small cherry-red mouth, big watery eyes, a small and straight nose, and a fair and soft face with a rosy face, as if you can squeeze out water with just a pinch.

The girl wears a slim-fitting mage blouse on the upper body, a white silk skirt on the lower body, and a pair of white stockings that are an inch above her knees. The absolute realm between the skirt and stockings is looming.

"Hello! My name is Lin Wen!"

Even though he could move freely in the palace and thought he had seen countless beautiful girls, none of them were as good as the girl in front of him.

Lin Wen took a deep breath! Not knowing where the courage came from, he suddenly bowed and said loudly:

"Miss! Please marry me!"

"don't want!"

The girl put her skillful hands on her chest, and was frightened by the man in front of her who proposed suddenly as soon as they met.

The teacher standing behind Lin Wen frowned and looked carefully at the little girl who opened the door to her magic room.

This door has no real lock, but only a seal composed of thousands of magic spells. Although these spells are extremely simple, there are tens of millions of combinations! Only he and his apprentice could master the crack, and the little girl in front of him actually opened the door.

"Is your teacher Anthony?" the old mage stepped forward and asked, pushing away the apprentice who was still bowing to propose marriage.

"You must be Archmage Wei Jia." The girl bowed her skirt and said, "Hello, Grandpa Wei Jia, my name is Ori Lilin, and I am a disciple of Teacher Anthony."

"Yes." The only human archmage nodded, as if he didn't care about what Li Lin said, and said to himself, "Yes, yes, it is indeed a magic embryo. That old man Anthony is really lucky."

"Ah! It turns out that Miss, you are the apprentice of Master Anthony's grandfather! I am the disciple of Master Weijia! We are really matched! And I have always admired Master Anthony!" Lin Wen squeezed in front of Li Lin again and gushed Talking endlessly.

Archmage Weijia sighed, shook his head, and nodded on his disciple's head. The next moment, Lin Wen was immobilized and could not speak.

"The old man Anthony is here too, where are the others?"

"Teacher is greeting you in Emperor Moxi's study. As for why I came to see you first, I don't know clearly."

"Hahaha, that old man would be so polite and take the initiative to say hello? Your master just wants to show off that he has accepted a disciple who has the talent and appearance to be a dream."

The old man said with a smile, and Li Lin felt a little shy when he heard what the old man said.

"Okay, let me take you to find that old man Anthony."

Weijia left Lin Wen behind and walked forward with Lilin's support. Lin Wen, who was left behind, kept winking, but was ignored.

Archmage Weijia walked very slowly, but as long as you looked down, you would see that every step of the Archmage was on the void, and the surrounding scenery was passing by like a revolving lantern.

Soon, as they stepped through the last void, the only two great mages of the human species met in a garden.

"Huh? Vega, where is your apprentice named Lin Wen? Why didn't you see him coming?" Anthony looked like he was smiling but not smiling after seeing Vega.

"Okay, old man, you are already old. Can you be a little more mature? I admit that your apprenticeship is indeed better than mine." Weijia sighed, walked slowly to the pavilion and sat down.

"Don't say that, Lin Wen is also very good."

"It's a pity that I'm too lazy." Vega waved his hand, "Tell me, what did you come to see me for today? I have roughly guessed something about it. It should be about the red comet three years ago."

"Old Vega, do you really believe that the red comet is the prelude to the war between the ten intelligent races?"

"Old Anthony, let me ask you! Do you really believe that there are still gods in this world? That aloof race that claims to have wiped out everything in the world, are they really not dead yet?"

"I do not believe."

"But I believe that even if no one in this world has ever seen the God Seed again, the name of the God Seed is still spread among the major races. If you violate the oaths sworn in the name of the gods, you will definitely suffer the wrath of the gods."

"But as you said, no one has seen God. Maybe this power is just the remnant of the divine species, and God may have long since ceased to exist."

Lilin, who was listening to the two archmages discussing theology, was confused and pouted in boredom.

But just when Lilin was thinking about walking away, Master Wei Jia's words made Lilin's beautiful eyes suddenly expand.

"I don't want to argue with you about this, I just want to tell you! The entire territory to the north of Ania was unified by a black dragon two years ago! No! To be precise! It was by a Sly Mu is unified!"

Vega paused.

"Anthony, you should already know about this, and you should also know something about this slime."

Thanks to "Si Nong" for the reward of 100 starting coins~~~~

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