Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 47 Three Years of Ania

The orcs are known as the race with the lowest intelligence among the intelligent races. Among the other intelligent races, almost all the orcs believe that the orcs are uncivilized primitive barbarians.

Especially the elf species who advocate elegance and style the most. In the eyes of the elf species, the brutal and dirty life of the orcs has nothing to do with elegance. They are simply talking monsters!

but! Although the orcs are recognized as primitive barbarians, each race of orcs has a very distinct personality.

For example, the werewolf tribe believes in "repaying kindness and repaying hatred". And there was no cautiousness, which made Fangte feel very comfortable when getting along with them.

Three years ago, Fantawild and Emilia went to the werewolf tribe. Fante and Emilia actually had little hope for the werewolf tribe, but when Emilia told the leader of the werewolf tribe about her father After being wiped out by the Ella Empire, the werewolf tribe vowed to avenge her father and volunteered to become Emilia's blade.

However, in Fangte's view, this sharp blade is still too rough and needs to be polished. At the same time, Fangte also wants to do an experiment. He wants to use modern methods to train this orc race! Then apply the art of modern warfare to the battlefield.

At the beginning, even with Emilia's support, Fant could not interfere with the orcs, because for the werewolves, they were absolutely unwilling to let a slime impose orders on them, even if this one Slime is his leader's favorite pet.

And Fangte had no way to let Emilia convey his instructions directly, because this kind of training method requires strict management by the instructor, and although Emilia is a dragon, this dragon is a three-no girl, and there is no way to get angry. Or make a dignified expression.

Of course, the above are only a small part of the reasons.

More importantly, Fangte needs to master various training details and needs to make adjustments at all times. He must be with the trained orcs at all times, including food and accommodation. This is simply too difficult for Emilia. .

After careful consideration, Fang Te directly chose to reveal his specialness to the werewolf tribe. First, he made the werewolf tribe realize that he was not a simple slime, reducing their psychological pressure, and then turned into an adult. Werewolf, solo with the leader of the werewolf tribe, to win their respect.

Although Fangte turned into a mighty adult werewolf, he was unable to use the orc's exclusive skill "Bloodshot". And because he used the adult werewolf posture to fight, the magic power in Fangte's body drained as fast as a bucket of water breaking through the bottom.

After a solo, Fangte, whose magic power was at the bottom, lay motionless on the bed for several days before he recovered. However, after this battle, the werewolf tribe all felt a lot for this slime from the bottom of their hearts. I have a lot of respect, especially for those female werewolves, there is always some fiery look in Fangte’s eyes.

In the following days, Fangte used the werewolf tribe as his base and began to train this natural soldier!

Stand in military posture! Long distance run! push-up! Fall down! Brainwashing about the importance of military discipline, all kinds of training content were used by Fangte anyway. Not only that, Fangte also conducted specialized training based on the racial characteristics of the werewolves.

After two months of non-stop intensive training, Fangte achieved a new achievement - the "Fitness Coaching Program".

In the third month, Fangte began to conquer Ainiya. Every battle was won with ease, because almost all enemies thought that the other party would confront them head-on. However, unexpectedly, this werewolf tribe did not follow common sense. Play your cards! Various night attacks and battle encirclements, coupled with that powerful strength, Fang Te swept across the north of Ainia like a tornado.

It was not until more than half a year later that the campaign stopped.

In the following battles, Fangte achieved the achievement - "Conqueror", which rewarded Fangte with a series of modern war materials and more detailed content on the training of various modern arms.

A year later, Fangte fought against the Three Beast Alliance and won.

When the battle stopped, there were already several types of orcs joining Fantawild: werewolves, kobolds, and wild boars (Fangte always had some unclear feelings about this tribe, probably because his first meal was wild boars. ) cat people and so on, a total of ten races.

At this time, Fangte also knew that not all orcs were the cute beast-eared girls in anime, or the hot-eyed beast-eared burly men. There were also many races with animal heads and human bodies.

And not all girls with animal ears are really cute! Delicate! Such gentle existences like the Ori Kingdom maids Yaya and the others!

Except for the werewolves and other large races, seven out of ten women from other small races are muscular. This reminded Fangte of the illustration of King Kong Barbie in the high school biology book.

Within two years after he stopped fighting, Fang Te began to carry out his own transformation plan for another world!

The orcs don't all exist in the form of primitive tribes. They also have towns. Although these towns are a bit crude, it doesn't matter. With the prestige established in the war, Fangte has absolute authority over the orcs.

Fantawild has a clear division of labor among all orcs. The female orcs maintain the basic guarantee of life (except for King Kong Barbie), including captive livestock raising, laundry, etc. proposed by Fantawild, while the male orcs not only have to complete daily Fangte’s training course, and they all have to build a city.

In fact, Fangte still wants to farm, but the land on his site is not fertile enough, and the income and effort are not proportional, which makes Fangte feel a little melancholy.

But soon, Fangte once again obtained the "City Builder" achievement, and the reward turned out to be hybrid rice and its comprehensive planting knowledge!

At this moment, Fang Te was so happy that he almost jumped up! Call Grandpa Yuan's greatness direct.

During this period, Fantawild went through a long period of construction and popularized various modern knowledge! Fantawild finally harvested its first crop of rice! It was enough to feed the entire tribe, and the entire tribe cheered for half a month. Under the auspices of Fang Te, the "Harvest Festival" was held.

In the past two years, Fangte began to train the leaders of various tribes. For the tribal leaders, their intelligence is a level higher than that of other orcs, and even smarter than ordinary people. This makes Fangte Particularly sympathetic to the orcs who have been overgeneralized.

Within a year and a half, Fangte's territory gradually stabilized, his strength became stronger, and more orc tribes and orc towns joined him.

However, Fangte's pressure is also increasing, because this means that he has begun to enter the sight of big countries.

After thinking about it for a long time, I think it’s better to do a little sorting and summary. It’s definitely not water~~~It’s definitely not water~~~~(°°)

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