Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 5 The kidnapped girl

Although slimes are lower creatures, the growth period is not long, but it is not too short. Generally, 4 years is considered a true adult. As for the lifespan of slimes, it is said that it is much longer than the lifespan of dragons. .

The physical ability of the "Slime Reward System" is not fixed and will increase with age. With Fangte's current strength, he can easily defeat the saber-toothed tiger. Fangte feels that when he reaches 2 years old, Then help the Goya tribe regain its original territory, and then go explore this different world yourself!

And now Fangte can be said to be less than four months old and is still in the infant stage. Although Fangte can thrive in this forest as a slime, he is too boring after all. As a human soul, it is natural to live in groups. How can we endure loneliness?

Fangte followed the goblins to the village they had just established in the Forest of Vada. Some important stone tools in the village were moved here, and the houses were made of wood, with the roofs just covered with leaves. The branches look very crude.

The only seven goblins left in the village are young men, the others are women and children, and a few old people.

Seeing that their father was back and fighting against a two-meter-tall saber-toothed tiger, the goblin children happily ran over and jumped up and down.

And when they saw a one-meter-tall slime, they thought it was a toy their father had caught for them to play with, and they all hugged Fantawild happily. The cool touch of the slime made them very satisfied.

But after a while, those children were scolded by their father and left.

Soon, the Goblin mage, the village chief Moses, solemnly announced Fangte's identity to the whole village and told the whole story, but it still caused a commotion in the village.

Among them, there were a few young goblins who stayed behind in the village and were dissatisfied and unwilling to become dependents of an inferior race. However, they became much more honest after being beaten to the ground by Fang Te.

Fang Te declared in front of the whole village that he would not harm their interests, live with them, and would help them regain their territory in the Araki Forest.

The village chief Moses and the young goblin leader Xi Ge did not completely trust Fangte's words. After all, how could a master not oppress his family members? As for Fangte's claim to help his tribe regain the territory of the Araki Forest, they found it somewhat believable!

After all, Fantawild's slime is so mutated! Not only can you talk! And his fighting ability is amazing! It even rebounds magic! Maybe this slime can really help his tribe regain its previous glory!

The Goya tribe discovered that their master really meant what he said, and had not occupied any of the tribe's property. He even built the cabin he lived in himself.

Originally, the relationship between the Goblin villagers and Fangte was very restrictive at first. Of course, because Fangte was the master of the Goya tribe, they were more in awe. However, as time went by, the villagers found that this master was particularly easy to talk to! There is no airs at all.

Especially Goblin children. In this hot summer, their favorite thing is to hold Fangte, and Fangte is also happy to play with the children, which has won the favor of the Goblin village.

Not only that! Fangte didn't eat and drink for free, he often hunted with the young goblins, and with Fangte's strength, he usually came back with a full load!

Just like that, a year passed, and Fangte not only saw it from a contractual perspective! In a true sense, he gained the respect and loyalty of the Goya tribe. During this period, Fangte even gained the title of "Intermediate Hunter" and the ability to "gigante".

At the same time, Fangte, who was already considered a teenage slime, felt that his physical abilities were increasing rapidly, and he even felt like he could compete with a young dragon. Of course, this could also be an illusion.

"Master, what are your orders for calling me here?"

One afternoon, in Fangte's cabin, Fangte called the village chief Moses over.

"Moses, I once promised you that I would win the old village in the Arrenwood Forest for you. I think I can fulfill this promise, but I want to ask, do you want to go back?"

The Wada Forest is different from the huge Araki Forest. The resources in the Wada Forest are not rich, so there are very few tribes in the true sense. Even if there are, they are like villages of a hundred people like the Goya tribe, but here Life can also be called self-sufficient.

Fangte can help them get the village back, but Fangte will not stay in the Goya tribe for too long. Although the goblins have strong reproductive capabilities, even if Fangte stays until the Goya tribe develops to the most glorious five hundred people , then once he leaves, he may be besieged by several tribes, among which it is very likely that it will be the revenge of the Dog Head Tribe and the Wind Wolf Tribe.

"My subordinates think so."

Just when the village chief Moses hesitated, Xige happily walked into the cabin. After Xige said hello to the village chief, he happily said to Fangte:

"Master! Our hunting team brought back a human today! Originally we planned to kill him, but after discussion, we agreed that he should be dedicated to our great master!"


Fangte was a little confused. He knew that in this world, the creatures of lower races were proud of humans being slaves, and humans were proud of being slaves of higher races, but! This forest of Vada is separated from the nearest human town by a huge forest of wild trees, and no one comes to this almost primitive forest with enough food and water. How did they catch it?

"Yes, Master! It seems that a caravan got lost and accidentally came to the forest of Vada. This caravan was attacked by a pack of wolves, and we happened to catch up with it! It happened to save a human! That caravan The team’s goods were also brought back to the tribe by us.”

"Yes! I understand! You did a good job this time. Bring that slave here! Chief Moses, you don't have to rush to answer what I said. I will wait for your answer."

Village Chief Moses nodded and left the cabin with Xi Ge.

Soon, a human being who was tied up, with linen stuffed in his mouth, and a bag on his head was forced into Fangte's cabin by two goblins.

Fang Te skillfully transformed into human hands to remove the bag from his head.

The moment he saw the human being, Fang Te was shocked!

This is not because Fangte hasn’t seen humans for nearly a year! But this human being is actually a girl!

And the girl was stunned! She knew she was going to be given to someone else!

But I didn’t expect to be sacrificed to a slime!

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