Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 54 I’m already married

"Envoy, please rest assured, we are very clean." The girl whispered again and buried her head deeper.

"no no."

Fangte was a little confused and quickly took a sip of tea to calm down.

"Actually, I'm married. I love my wife very much, and if the bed is too hot, I won't be able to sleep."

Fang Te said, of course this was not Fang Te's sincere words. Although Fang Te had cut off the spiritual connection with Amelia in order to prevent Anthony from finding out anything was wrong, even if she did something, she would not feel it at all. , but Fangte’s magic power is almost at its bottom! It will become a prototype in another hour, and he can't mess around!

And the more critical the situation, the more important it is for men to take control of their bodies. Are there not many people in history who died at the hands of women?

After calming down for a while, Fangte felt more and more something was wrong.

According to my understanding of Sweet! This person took the initiative to go to the Kingdom of Ori for Li Lin, and even mobilized the army to snatch her away!

These two girls have beautiful faces, not to mention their figures, not to mention they are still virgins, according to his lustful appearance! It is really abnormal to send these two girls to serve him.

After hearing what Fangte said, the two girls were a little embarrassed. They didn't know what to do for a while, and the room fell into silence.

"Go and tell the Second Prince, I appreciate his kindness."

Fang Te said calmly and turned around naturally, and the two maids naturally knew what Fang Te meant by turning around.

They got out of bed gently, put on their clothes, and bowed their skirts to Fangte, but they still didn't leave, looking like they were hesitant to speak.

"Is there anything else?" Fangte asked.

The more courageous maid among them bit her lips, blushed, and said softly: "Your Majesty, the Second Prince wants us to wait until you have enjoyed yourself and tell you that we hope you can spare some time tomorrow. The Second Prince wants to talk to you." Go visit Yanju and enjoy the friendship of being a landlord."

Fangte's brows twitched. The name of this so-called "Yanju" comes from the Kingdom of Dongxia, to put it bluntly! In fact, it is a brothel.

"Then please tell the Second Prince that I thank him for his kindness. I won't bother him tomorrow." Fang Te deliberately pretended not to know what "Yanju" was.

"Sir, Yan Ju is..." The two maids wanted to remind them, but they hesitated. After all, if they ruined the second prince's affairs because of their talkativeness, their end would be very tragic.

"Isn't it just a place to eat and drink? I understand." Fang Te said with a smile.

"You come in so boldly, do you really think that old man Anthony is a vegetarian?"

In an extremely luxurious room in a huge castle palace, a man and a girl sat face to face.

The man was holding the tea cup. The expression on his face was completely different from the obscene and dissolute look during the day. There was a faint hint of indifference and seriousness between his eyebrows. It had to be said that this man did have some heroic demeanor when he was not dissolute.

"What? You don't like me? A girl came to your room in the middle of the night, and you're not happy?" The girl smiled slightly, but her smile was a little cold, "Besides, didn't you ask me to come?"

The girl turned around in front of him and said with a smile, "Your sister gave me this dress."

Hearing the word "sister", the man frowned, and the hand holding the tea cup couldn't help but increase in strength.

"The content of our agreement has nothing to do with my sister."

"Hey, I didn't expect people like you to care about anything."

The man didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

"Don't worry, I have no plans to do anything to your sister for the time being. However, why do you want to have a good relationship with that orc race? Do you want to form an alliance with the so-called 'orc tribe'?"

"Why not? Ainya's 'Orc Tribe' has been fully established for less than 3 years. What they really need is not a full-fledged ally. That kind of alliance will not last long. What he really needs is someone like me. "

"Oh, then you are a reliable ally?" the girl asked with a smile.

The man smiled slightly and did not answer, but in the girl's eyes he had already answered.

"Forget it, it's none of my business anyway." The girl stood up, "According to the agreement, I will help you assassinate your brother, and I will also provide you with military assistance. As for whether it succeeds or not, then I I can’t care less.”

"However, I would like to remind you that this little envoy of the beastman race looks harmless to humans and animals, but the magic power in his body is very rich. A beastman race, even a beastman race, has the magic power of a shaman of the beastman race. That’s all, he is definitely not a simple character!”

"As for the contract between us, if you dare to violate it, I guarantee that you will not only suffer the wrath of Pusius, but I will also let you taste the thorns of Zyra! You know, I am not a simple-minded person with well-developed limbs. of orcs."

The girl walked slowly towards the door, and her figure slowly disappeared into the dark night.

In the dead of night, Fangte was not in a hurry to rest. Instead, he dipped his small tentacles in tea. On the corridor in front of his room and on the wooden doors and windows, there were magic circles painted on them. This kind of magic circle belonged to the second level. The basic magic circle is called "Wind Chimes".

As the name suggests, when someone appears on the wind chime player's formation, the sound of wind chimes will be emitted as a warning. It is generally used by adventurers when they go out to hunt monsters.

However, the "Wind Chimer" is a low-level magic circle, so as long as a mage of level 5 or above can disable the Wind Chime, Fangte made some changes.

First of all, Fangte connected the Wind Chime Array with his own soul. As long as someone tries to crack it, as long as he is not a seventh-level mage or above, Fangte will know it immediately.

Another factor is the level of intelligence. This is Fangte’s proudest stroke. In order not to draw every night and clear it every morning, Fangte has set a switch for the “Wind Chime Maker” array, which will take effect when Fangte falls asleep. , when Fangte wakes up, the magic circle will naturally hide.

Finally, there is the degree of invisibility. After the wind chime array is triggered, it will not sound directly. Instead, it will be transmitted into Fangte's soul and will only be heard by himself.

After making all preparations, Fang Te returned to the room with satisfaction and jumped onto his bed with peace of mind.

Lying on the bed like a salted fish, he was waiting to meet Sweet tomorrow!

A cynical and dissolute boy! He actually took the initiative to dedicate two beauties to his little envoy, and it seemed that this matter was arranged secretly. After three years, it was not easy to see this Sweet!

Fang Te slowly fell in love with it. Early the next morning, Fang Te slowly opened his eyes, and the crisp sound of wind chimes reached Fang Te's ears.

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