"Since the Second Prince has already made plans, what does the Second Prince mean by tying me to the same rope this time?" Fangte said slowly.

Indeed, according to what Fang Te said, after his brother died, the throne would belong to him. Since his goal was achieved, it would be superfluous to form an alliance with Fang Te.

"My brother will die tonight, but the real death will be on the battlefield with the giant species in two months." Sweet said with a smile, "At that time, my brother will die gloriously under the soles of the giant species. And I will take my brother's place to fight against the giants, and by then, I'm afraid I will need the support of the 'Orc Tribe'."

After hearing this, Fangte finally understood his plan.

Today's eldest prince Gash will be killed by members of the Nice family, and the Nice family will use magic to transform into the eldest prince Gash to take his place. In the battle with the giant species two months later, this The "Great Prince of Gash" will "die tragically" at the hands of the giant race.

In the Ella Empire army that was fighting against the giants, Fangte believed that there were definitely nobles and generals that Sweet had secretly recruited. Although the number was definitely less than half, it was certainly not less. One third should be something. no problem.

Of course, this does not mean that those nobles and generals were determined to work for Sweet from the beginning. This is unrealistic.

If Fang Te guessed correctly, Sweet should first have secretly given many benefits to those nobles and generals in various ways, and then asked them to wait for the opportunity, as long as they could help him when the opportunity came.

And this timing should be the news of the "tragic death" of Prince Gash at the feet of the giant species.

If the eldest prince Gashi did not die tragically by then, it would not matter. Anyway, he would just fight honestly with the eldest prince Gashi as the leader.

But as soon as the time came, they knew that all the preparations Sweet had made in advance were completed.

As the only son of Emperor Ella, the eldest son is dead, and Sweet has become the orthodox heir to the throne. They are loyal to only one person, and that is the emperor who can bring benefits to them in the future.

In this case, they would definitely support Sweet like changing their faces and extend this favor smoothly. Anyway, it was just a help and they would not lose money. Since the transaction did not lose money, why not do it?

By then one-third of the Ella Empire's army will be! In addition, the orc tribe insisted on Sweet being the temporary leader. Even if the remaining two-thirds of the Ella Empire army were kept in the dark, they could not prevent Sweet from becoming the leader of the human side of the coalition. .

In this way, as long as he doesn't mess up, the coalition forces will definitely be able to defeat the giant race, and this war can also help him build up huge prestige!

As long as he gets endless "feelings" from the "grief" of his brother's death! From then on, he changed his mind and started a new life, determined to become a good emperor, coupled with the overt support of the orc tribe and the secret help of the forest elves, it was no accident that the throne was his.

But this guy thinks too well!

I have to say that Fangte wanted to applaud the second prince for "bearing the humiliation".

It is a pity that the second prince does not know that the war between the giant race and the Ella Empire was started by Fangte.

"In that case, I will go back and wait for the good news about the second prince." Fangte stood up and wanted to leave. He really didn't want to stay with this guy.

"Lord Orgrim, please don't worry. Of course, the good news must be shared with my dear allies as soon as possible. Moreover, we still have a dear friend who is not here."

Sweet slowly filled Fantawild with a glass of bright red wine.

The light of the evening sun shone into the courtyard, and the two slender girls trimmed the flowers and plants after Fangte left.

Although the maids and attendants take care of her own garden, Daphne still likes to do it herself.

The sun has completely set, the red moon has also hung in the sky, and stars are dotted in the sky.

"Princess, princess, look, there is a necklace here."

From evening to night, after taking care of the flowers and plants in the courtyard, the master and servant left on the cobblestone road in the flower garden. With the help of the moonlight, Xiaowei saw a necklace next to the soft mud on the roadside.

Xiaowei bent down to pick it up and handed it to Daphne happily with an innocent smile.

This courtyard is in the inner courtyard of the palace where Daphne lives. Except for her friends, Daphne generally does not meet anyone here.

She gently held up the necklace with her slender hands. The necklace was made of a magical substance - dragon crystal. Mithril was used as the lace. Magic runes were engraved on the dragon crystal. The hollow links were engraved with delicate little lilies. It was simple. And good-looking.

This is a magical craft, and looking at the style of the necklace, it is obvious that it is made for girls.

Magic object? Women's style? Your own friend?

When the three conditions are added together, only Lilin is the one.

In the past three years, Daphne and Li Lin have become close friends and often come and go in her courtyard. She must have left her behind accidentally.

"Sister Lilin is really careless. She left her staff in my room last time and almost ransacked the palace."

Daphne pursed her lips and felt a little angry, but this little anger was more about her concern for her friend, like a small complaint against her sister.

"Xiaowei, let's go give Sister Lilin a necklace first."

"Princess, Xiaowei can go alone. We just finished taking care of the garden and the princess is tired. Princess, please go back and rest first." Xiaowei said with concern.

"Is it okay? Xiaowei, do you know the way? You won't get lost..."

"It's okay princess, you won't get lost. The princess took Xiaowei in and has always taken good care of Xiaowei. Let Xiaowei repay the princess in a small way this time." Xiaowei took the necklace and held it in his arms, looking at her. Said sincerely.

At the same time, a burst of magic ripples slowly spread out with the two girls as the center. Princess Daphne wanted to say something more, but she hesitated. Her clear eyes became a little cloudy, and It was like a leaf falling on a calm lake, causing faint ripples.

And Xiaowei's smile was still so innocent and sweet.

"Then trouble Xiaowei." Daphne said slowly, still smiling, but a little unnatural.

Daphne returned to her room along the original route, but after Xiaowei walked out of the courtyard, she did not go straight to the magic-rich buildings in the palace.

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