Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 77 I don’t want it

"Xiao Fangte, what did you just say?" Lilin asked with a smile, but although this smile was beautiful, in Fangte's opinion... it seemed a bit cold

"Fante, I didn't hear you clearly just now, can you say it again?" Emilia's pale silver eyes were a little gloomy.

Seeing the two men trying to tear him into pieces, Fangte couldn't help but shudder.

"Look, the Moxi Empire and the Ella Empire have joined forces. This battle will definitely be extremely fierce. It is too dangerous for you to stay here. They are coming for the orc tribe and me, so I am even more in danger," he said. I don’t know when I will go to see Ajiya, of course, I don’t know if Ajiya will accept me.”

"So, if I die, then you will have to go to the Kingdom of God with me, and Sweet is already dead, Emilia, your revenge has been avenged, and the contract we signed is unnecessary. ”

Emilia couldn't help but fell into silence, her delicate little face still had that cold expression.

For Emilia, the contract she signed with Fang Te was indeed what it was. Fang Te wanted to rule the world and compete for the position of the New God, and she just wanted revenge, although Emilia herself did not kill him with her own hands. Die Sweet, but Sweet is already dead, and there is no need for the "contract" to exist based on emotion and reason.

Regarding this matter, the clear consciousness unique to the dragon race, a high-ranking race, made her understand nothing more clearly.

"But why? Why do I know that the contract is no longer necessary, but I don't want to terminate the contract? Why is this happening?"

Emilia thought to herself, raised her head and looked directly into Fangte's eyes.

In Emilia's pale silver eyes, Fangte saw a look he had never seen before, but Fangte tilted his head in confusion, obviously not knowing what the other party was thinking, and continued.

"And Lilin, we escaped, and the 'keeping contract' is of no use. There is no way you can help the orcs fight against the Ella Empire. You know, you just help me escape and I will kill your father." I am so angry that if you continue to fight for the orcs, that guy Buster will be angry to death."

"Besides, although your individual strength is very strong, the stronger the individual strength on the battlefield, the faster it will die. It's not like you don't understand that 10,000 ordinary silver warriors can drag you to death, so you stay. It doesn’t help matters either.”

Fangte thought that they were still hesitant because they were worried about him, so he wanted to explain again, but Lilin spoke first, making Fangte swallow the words back in his stomach.

"No!" Li Lin said briefly and concisely, "I won't agree!"

Fantawild: "."

"What you said makes sense, but I think Miss Lilin is right," Emilia said slowly.

Fangte was speechless for a moment, and his "eyelids" couldn't help but twitch. He had been talking about his feelings for so long, but it was all in vain?

"Can I know the reason?" Fangte blurted out subconsciously. In fact, Fangte didn't know the reason. It was just that these two beautiful girls were worried about him.

"That...that" Li Lin was thinking about the reason seriously, her delicate hands kept kneading the hem of the mage's short robe, "I forgot how to terminate the contract."

Fang Te's "right eyelid" couldn't help but twitch, with an expression that said if you believe it, you will be a ghost. Li Lin also felt that her excuse was awkward for the second time. She turned her face away blushing, shrank her shoulders slightly, and said a pair of Shui Lingling's eyes turned guiltily.

"I also forgot how to terminate the contract." Before Fang Te could refute, Emilia said calmly. Her face was still so calm, but she turned her head away, not daring to look at Fang Te.

At this moment, Fangte felt that his IQ was being rubbed against the floor.

All the inheritance of the dragon clan is engraved in the soul. A dragon said that he had forgotten the inheritance engraved in the mark of his soul. Fangte really didn’t know what to say.

Taking a deep breath, Fangte continued to seduce Lilin and Emilia. He really didn't want them to be trapped in the battlefield. The targets of the Ella Empire and the Mosi Empire were the orc tribes. In fact, even if Gash and Sweet were not dead, Sooner or later, they will kill the new thing of the orc tribe in childhood,

So they can leave at any time, and absolutely no one will be bored to find trouble with the eighth-level mages who think the seventh-level is about to reach the eighth level, and the fantasy dragon clan.

But Lilin directly acted a little willfully and refused to let go. Under Lilin's clear attitude, Emilia and Lilin stood on the same front, giving Fangte a clear sense of comrades-in-arms.

"Okay, forget it if you don't lift it, but you have to promise me that after the battle begins, everything will be based on my orders! You will never disobey my orders." Fang Te said dryly. He felt that his A lot of moisture was lost.

When Lilin saw Fangte relent, she nodded quickly like a chicken sucking rice. Emilia also responded softly, but Fangte still felt a little uneasy, and finally asked them to swear in the name of the gods.

"By the way, Xiao Fangte, I heard from Sister Amelia that Yaya and Luoluo are in your yard. Is it true?"

When Fangte was about to leave, Li Lin suddenly asked.

"Oh, indeed, but the war is about to begin. I sent them out on a secret mission, so I'm afraid you won't be able to see them for a short time." Fangte panicked at first, and then thought out of desperation.

"That's it." Like Emilia, Li Lin believed in Fangte's words and had never doubted Fangte, but there was a little loss in her eyes.

He actually understands Lilin's mood. After all, Lilin's only blood relative is her father, but now she is in Ella, and her only close friends are Fangte and Luo Luoya. She naturally hopes that she can meet them.

Fangte felt a little soft-hearted and wanted to be comforted, but still gave up.

After Fangte finally explained some things, he walked out of the study.

When he walked out of the study, the sky was already dark. Fangte couldn't help but raise his head and look at the sky. The red sunset in the distance was about to disappear into the horizon.

Returning to the courtyard, Fangte took a homemade slender charcoal pencil and sketched in the notebook. However, the courtyard was a little quiet tonight without the teasing laughter of the two maids.

When the red moon hung in the sky again, a wolf howl sounded in the town, followed by the long and sharp cry of the Griffins, the roars of the Lions and Leopards, and the silent sneaking of the Cats.

On this night, the leaders of the major races in the northern part of Ania will gather in this small courtyard.

It was originally going to be on the shelves today~~~ But something happened, and it was changed to October 1st, but it doesn’t matter~~~ As long as it doesn’t affect everyone’s reading, I wish everyone a happy National Day~~~~~

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