Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 79 Who can let him die?

In a quiet bamboo forest thousands of miles away from Aniya, as far as the horizon, a woman took off her thin clothes, and her skin as white as frost and snow showed a faint blush under the red moonlight.

The woman's smooth feet gently stepped on the smooth stone slab. The alluring sound of the delicate feet touching the stone slab slowly came out. She tapped her delicate feet gently, and her tender and delicate feet gently touched the pool water. .

The waterfall cascading down from the hill fell into the small pool at the foot of the mountain, and the sound of pure water resounded.

The woman raised the spring water and poured it on her shoulders. The clear spring water ran across the girl's skin, and the whole water droplet slid down completely, leaving no trace of water on the woman's smooth skin.

Nine snow-white long tails floated on the water. The woman held one long tail in front of her and gently washed it.

The clear moonlight shines down, and under the delicate nose, the soft cherry lips are as red as picturesque cinnabar. The face is only the size of a palm, but it is a little too delicate, especially the red phoenix eyes under the slender willow eyebrows, as if they have seen One glance can seduce people's hearts and souls. She is so beautiful that it's almost as if she is an immortal.

"Are you back?"

The woman spoke softly, and every word she spoke was as charming as silk.


The two girls slowly walked out of the bamboo forest and moved lightly to the side of the pool.

The girls each have long snow-white hair, and a pair of snow-white fluffy fox ears standing straight up. They are wearing white simple and elegant short skirts. Under the short skirts, nine long snow-white tails are like lotus flowers. Blooming, dancing gracefully in the air.

"Did he let you go?" The Empress of Dongxia concentrated on cleaning her tail, not looking at the two girls.

"Yeah." Yaya nodded.

"Sister, why don't you let us bring him back? If we really want to do it, the two sisters can still do it." Luoluo said doubtfully.

The empress smiled slightly, her pale pink lips as delicate as cherries: "I have never forced him, not before, not now, and he will come sooner or later."

Yaya and Luoluo lowered their heads slightly, folded their slender hands in front of them, and their beautiful eyebrows were slightly knitted.

"Are you worried that he will die at the hands of the human army?" As if reading the thoughts of the two girls, the Empress of Dongxia hit the nail on the head.

The two girls didn't deny it. If they didn't deny it, that was acquiescence.

"Do you like him? Do you like that slime?" The Empress of Dongxia turned around, tilted her head slightly and looked at the two girls, her thin lips raised inadvertently.

The two girls did not deny it.

The Empress of Dongxia stood up slowly, the moonlight scattered on her body, and her nine long snow-white tails covered her delicate body. When the snow tails were retracted, the Empress of Dongxia had already changed into a bright red thin shirt. , in sharp contrast to her snow-white skin.

"Don't worry, that slime is very lucky." The Empress of Dongxia passed by the two girls, "As long as I don't let him die, no one can do anything to him! Not even the gods! "

In the northern border of Enia, an unprecedentedly prosperous city, in a quadrangle, a twenty cubic centimeter slime was lying on a stone table, and was picking out its ears with its small tentacles with great interest ( Although he has no ears).

Fangte felt a little regretful. He shouldn't have let them express their determination to fight against the human race by howling. After the earth-shattering howling, Fangte felt that his ears were almost deafened.

However, Fangte was still very pleased, and even a little grateful for this war, because only after defeating foreign enemies together can the orc tribe move towards true unification! And the Ella Empire is giving itself this opportunity.

The meeting lasted for five hours in total. After receiving Fangte's accurate instructions, the leaders of the orc tribe all left with Fangte's orders.

Regarding this war, Fangte made two major preparations. One of them was, needless to say, preparations on the battlefield. The other was that Fangte asked the cat people, who were welcomed by most of the orc clans, to go there. Other areas of Ainya, propaganda for this war.

The main theme of the propaganda is roughly:

The human race is going to fight Ainya! Completed the northern border of Enia! The next step is to attack the Western Region and the Eastern Region. Anyway, we want to penetrate the entire Ainiya! Your wives will all be snatched away and used as maids, your daughters will all become indescribable playthings for others, and you will wear a hat that will definitely be turned green by the grassland! Can you bear it?

The content of the promotion is also very simple:

Come! Let's resist together! For your own home, for your wife and children! For your dignity! Join us in the fight! Any warrior who joins the orc tribe! Your whole family can get enough food for a year! If you fail, your whole family can get a pension! And you can receive sufficient rations every month! I will never let your family starve to death!

Regarding this kind of publicity, Fangte actually doesn't know if it has any effect, but it is always good to give it a try, just in case there is really an orc race or an orc clan joining the orc tribe!

And Fangte did this not only to prepare for this war, he also made preparations to unify Ania.

In addition to the northern border of Ainia, there are many scattered clans in other areas, but the information is too backward and the distance is too far, so Fangte has no way to collect these clans, and these clans do not even know that there are orcs. The tribe exists.

It's not that Fangte has never thought about making a big publicity, but without a good name, he can't say: "Join us to have enough food and clothing! Rule the world! Make history", right? Isn't this the second grade? And who believes you?

So Fangte plans to take advantage of this opportunity to establish the strong prestige of the orc tribe in Ainya and show its strong strength! He wants to tell them through the confrontation with the Ella Empire, "Have enough food and clothing! Rule the world! Make history!" This is by no means a second grade.

Of course, this is only a secondary important preparation, and it is not immediate, it is the most important! Still on the battlefield.

Fangte stood and looked into the distance through the night! I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

This time the human empire coalition attacked the northern border of Enia in three groups. The strength of each group was equal, and the morale of the human species can be said to be astonishingly high. Even the soldiers were thinking about how to separate the beast-eared girls. Captured.

As long as one of them opens up the situation! With this amazing momentum, the orc tribe will fall into a difficult and hard battle, so Fangte wants to make a big one! And this one is big! Fante left him to the armored cavalry of the Ella Empire!

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