Half a year has passed since the war between the orc tribe and the human race ended. In terms of construction and life, many small towns have sprung up, and many large towns have been expanded into cities based on the original small towns.

In terms of handicrafts and other aspects, the garment factory led by Fantawild is already in its infancy. The efficiency of the assembly line established by Fantawild is amazing. Modern women’s dresses, short skirts, fringed skirts, sweatshirts, jeans and many other types All the clothes have been mass-produced, and Fangte even had a bold idea. He wanted to mass-produce silk stockings...

In terms of trade and economy, the orc merchants were instructed to transform into different races and start selling to the giants and small human countries and towns first. These strange and beautiful clothes and improved and delicious drinks have won the hearts of the people. With great reputation, the market is gradually opening up.

In terms of military affairs, within half a year, Yuelu had relied on powerful and astonishing means to defeat half of the eastern part of Ainia with blitzkrieg, and all the clans declared their submission to the orc tribe.

The Basa Gate in the Western Campaign mainly focused on negotiation. To sum up, they would give you candy first, beat you up if you didn’t eat it, and then tell you sanctimoniously that the candy was really delicious. Within half a year, the Basa Gatekeeper Aini Asia West captured two-thirds.

Among them, the southern part of Ainia, which has the largest area, was conquered by Qin Xiao and Fei Lun in two groups. Among them, Fei Lun's progress was much greater than that of Qin Xiao, and Qin Xiao not only drank tea and chatted with the local tribes, Apart from inspecting the local customs, basically no battles were fought.

After Qin Xiao's subordinates heard that other armies had achieved various important results, they couldn't help but be jealous. They also wanted to fight a few good battles! He fights for honor for the orc tribe, but his generals are like salted fish.

After the battle in the cold winter, there was a rumor in the army that General Tan Xiao used his troops like an arm, and he knew every detail of the battle situation on the battlefield, and even the command style of every captain! You can always predict the direction of the battlefield! And dominate the battlefield! But why haven't I fought a single battle now?

They all doubted whether their general was the one who won the decisive battle.

In fact, it wasn't just Tan Xiao's subordinates who were melancholy, Fang Te in Luoyang was even more melancholy.

Although the orc tribe has made great progress in half a year, there is always a knot in Fangte's heart that he can't let go of, and that is the empress of the Eastern Xia Kingdom!

Fangte checked the information about the Empress of Dongxia Kingdom in his spare time:

Fantasy nine-tailed fox clan! At the age of thirty, he reaches the ninth level of human mage, and at the age of fifty, he crosses the threshold of the great mage! At the age of seventy, it is rumored that he has crossed the threshold of a legendary mage! Founding of Eastern Xia at the age of eighty-five!

Don't look at the ones that are decades or decades old. You know, this is a fantasy species! Their longevity is alarming, and if that were a job resume! The empress of Eastern Xia is equivalent to going to junior high school at the age of three, high school at the age of four, and going to Qingbei at the age of five, and then she became the richest man in the world.

And that’s not even the scariest thing! The most terrifying thing is that there is a sentence mentioned in the records about her!

"The beauty and beauty are unparalleled! The best among the nine-tailed fox clan!"

Forget it! Still the best among the nine-tailed fox clan! To know! The nine-tailed fox clan is famous for being rich in beauties! It can be said that just one of them can be said to be the most beautiful one in the world, and her beauty is the best among the nine-tailed fox clan!


Fangte took a breath of cold air.

So scary.

Of course, Fangte felt that he would never be interested in this grandma-level figure. After all, he was not a senior citizen (many people who had never seen the true appearance of the Empress of Eastern Xia thought so). He wants to go to Dongxia Kingdom to meet this empress! Want to know what she wants to do.

Even if he arranges an undercover agent next to him, he can tolerate revealing his identity in the Ella Empire! But the problem is! I have never seen this old lady before!

This is the most annoying!

If you see me unhappy, give me a reason! If they intercepted me on a dark alley, they would have to tell me whether they were robbing me for money or sex. As a result, I was tricked without knowing it.

This feeling, how should I put it, is like when you are walking down the street normally, and then someone stabs you in the back for no apparent reason.

Now the Moxi Empire and the Ella Empire are dealing with their own internal affairs. The threatening forces of other orc tribes are hundreds of thousands of miles away from Ainia, and other areas of Ainia have been beaten by Yuelu and the others, and they cannot protect themselves. , it can be said that everything in the orc tribe has stabilized.

It's time to go.

Fang Te stepped into the void and walked towards the central palace of the city. He soon arrived at Emilia's study, where Li Lin happened to be there.

When seeing these two girls, Fangte is always a little touched, because when the war started, they have been by his side, sharing a lot of pressure for him, and adding countless pressures to his life. power.

Of course, after the war, Fang Te also asked Emilia and Lilin again for their opinions. Lilin and Emilia still did not want to terminate the contract.

Fang Te didn't know why, maybe they were worried that something would happen to them, but if they didn't cancel it, forget it. After all, Fang Te couldn't worry about them. If anything happened to them, he could still communicate in time according to the contract. Know.

In the palace, Fangte just explained to them that he was going to the Eastern Xia Empire to do something, without explaining the situation in detail. As a result, Lilin and Emilia looked at Fangte like a scumbag, and those two beautiful pairs The expression of disgust in his eyes can definitely make a sexy girl excited for days!

But Fantawild is not a tremolo

"Don't look at me like that, I really can't do anything!" Fang Te explained.

"Doing something? What?" Lilin asked.

Fantawild: "I"

"How's it going! I can't say anything anymore!"

Lilin pouted her little mouth cutely and looked at Fangte angrily, then looked at Emilia with aggrieved face, and said aggrievedly:

"Sister Emilia, look at Fante! It's obviously just a slime! But he's so lustful! He must be going to find that Eastern Xia Empress! Scumbag! Big pig's hooves!"

Fangte was speechless when he heard Lilin scolding him with the modern vocabulary he taught. Emilia also looked at Fangte indifferently, with a complicated meaning in her eyes.

Finally, after Fangte's explanations, assurances and oaths, Lilin and Amelia truly believed that Fangte had something to do.

That evening, Fang Te secretly left the orc tribe.

And on the night when Fangte had just left, Lilin thought about it all night. The next morning, Lilin said goodbye to Emilia and went to the floating land without telling Fangte.

I am very grateful to the two book friends "My Free and Easy You Can't Copy" and "Xiao Long Bao Sai Gao" for their 500 starting coin reward~~~()

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