Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 97 The man standing alone

In the lantern garden, various precious trees such as white dragon wood trees, pink cherry snow trees, and black wuqin trees stand here.

On their branches, continuous red threads intertwine horizontally, like a beautiful picture formed by Feisana (the goddess of love who is in charge of love and connects people).

Many small round lanterns were hung on the soft red thread. The firelight emitted by the small lanterns added a little warmth to the slightly cold night. Under the lanterns hung small rectangular notes with Chinese characters on them. (After the italic script there is a common Chinese translation) written with various lantern riddles and poems.

There are titles written in black ink on some small lanterns, and there are many blank pieces of paper hanging under the lanterns with the titles written on them. These are the pieces of paper used by those talented people to compose poems, and they are also the focus of the lantern garden—— Compose a poem based on the topic

Many talented people in the Eastern Xia Kingdom basically revolve around the blank note and don't care about the lantern riddles and poems at all. However, after all, they are here for the Empress of the Eastern Xia. As long as they complete a poem, they will be satisfied. The points range from dozens to hundreds. Instead of thinking hard and guessing lantern riddles, it would be more practical to write a few poems.

Fangte accompanied several ancient-style girls to walk under the thousands of intertwined red lines. Fangte enjoyed the ancient and elegant style very much.

The four of them inadvertently came under a lantern with a title written on a white note hanging on it.

"The upper couplet can match the lower couplet, but the lower couplet cannot match the upper couplet (use a polite term)"

The girl named Su Qin who accompanied Fang Te to the Lantern Garden held a piece of paper slightly warmed by the light in her delicate hands and read.

"Master Fang, do you know what it is?"

Fang Te leaned over, opened the paper fan he had prepared with a "swish" sound, and then pretended to fan himself.

Then Fangte was embarrassed, because he also went there to compose poems, and he was really not good at lantern riddles.

"Miss Su, I'm sorry, Xiaosheng."


"I'm sorry? That's right! I'm sorry! I'm just sorry!" The girl named Xia He said happily, "It's hard to match the second couplet with the top couplet - I'm sorry! I'm just sorry. Mr. Fang is really knowledgeable. I didn't expect to be given to him so easily. Guessed it."

Fantawild: "."

Having come up with the answer, the girl named Dongxue gently untied the note and handed it to Fangte. Fangte gave them the first lantern riddle, and Dongxue put the lightly scented note away. Into the pocket.

Fangte could only be lucky that the three girls were not too obsessed with lantern riddles. Su Qin chose a lantern riddle to guess randomly.

For girls from the Eastern Xia Kingdom, lantern riddles are fun, but after all, the time in the lantern garden is limited, and they prefer to devote their time to "receiving poems" and "composing poems according to the topic."

Relying on Fangte's reserve of poems from his previous life, he was very comfortable with these verses, which were similar to knowing the previous sentence and dictating the next. Soon, Fangte felt at ease, not as futile as guessing lantern riddles.

Fang Te played very happily with the three girls Su Qin, Xia He and Dong Xue. Fang Te's humorous remarks from time to time often made the three girls laugh. Gradually, the three girls became very close to Fang Te. Young master, he would even say: "Master, how could this be possible?" and other words with a small complaining tone.

The talented people around who were answering the questions calmly turned their heads when they heard the laughter. When they saw Fang Te surrounded by three women with beautiful faces and graceful figures, they couldn't help being surprised, and then they even wrinkled up. Frowning, the look he looked at Fang Te contained both envy and jealousy, and of course, there was also a hint of literati's contempt for each other.

(However, they regard Fangte as a literati, but Fangte does not necessarily regard himself as a literati!)

Fangte was not blind, so he naturally noticed these eyes, but Fangte didn't pay attention to them. After all, it's always hard to be a cash trader.

Of course, although Fangte was playing with them, he was still counting the time in his mind. After all, the Lantern Garden was only open for two hours, and he still needed to complete those blank notes.

"Miss Su, Miss Xia, Miss Dong, I'm afraid Xiaosheng will be excused."

Fangte bowed with his hands in a gesture he learned from TV series.

"Sir, are you going to write poems and lyrics?" The girl named Su Qin, the girl who struck up a conversation with Fang Te from the beginning, had a little reluctance in her eyes.


"In that case, we can go with Mr., although the little girls are not very talented, but maybe they can provide Mr. with other ideas." Dongxue said.

Fangte hesitated for a moment, but he was really hesitant, not just pretending.

Because the poems he is going to write next are all so good. It’s great to look handsome in front of beautiful girls, but he just wants to make a fortune quietly. Although these three girls are not as beautiful as Emilia and Lilin , but in terms of one hundred points, it is more than eighty points. Even in the environment of Lantern Garden where there are many beauties, it is still conspicuous.

Don’t even think about it, there will definitely be a lot of people watching! Then it will be a bit bad if you are too powerful.

"Master, you won't refuse, right?" The girl named Xia He spoke slowly, looking directly into Fangte's eyes, her eyes filled with that extremely lethal prayer.

"It's an honor for a young man to answer questions with three girls." In the end, Fangte agreed. At worst, he would become famous today. Anyway, he would run away tomorrow. Who knows who.

Fang Te was in front, and the three girls were following Fang Te. This posture was even more eye-catching. Someone looked over before Fang Te could answer the question.

The lantern with the question written on it was basically surrounded by people, and there were quite a lot of them. Fangte didn't want to be too public, and just wanted to find the lantern with the smallest number of people answering the question.

Finally, Fangte saw a lantern with a question written on it and only one man answering the question!

This was already the lantern with the fewest people answering the question. When Fangte saw this guy motionless under the lantern, Fangte thought to himself that this question must be difficult! And this guy must be a tough guy, the type who won't leave until he answers a perfect poem.

When Fangte was about to walk over, Su Qin pulled the corner of Fangte's clothes.

"Master Fang, are you going to answer that question?" Su Qin said a little embarrassed.

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Su Qin looked at the man under the lantern, then at Fang Te, and let go of Fang Te's clothes.

Fang Te naturally didn't know what Su Qin meant. He just thought that the question was difficult and Su Qin had no confidence in herself.

"It's okay! Just give it a try."

After that, Fangte walked over and stopped in front of a lantern with "red beans" written on it.

The man felt someone standing next to him and slowly turned his head

Thank you very much to "Weimufeng♀si" on the creation side for the reward of 500 book coins~~~ヾ()

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