Ruan Ruan planned to take a shower in the bathroom.

Seeing her walk into the bathroom next to the bedroom, Jiang Yanzhan was hesitant to speak, but he wanted to stop.

Ruan Ruan turned his head to look at him while holding his horse's tail: "Huh?"

"...It's okay." Jiang Yanzhan said.

He wanted to tell Ruan Ruan that the guest room is downstairs and there is also a bathroom over there.

His bathroom is generally not used by others.

... But think about it, Ruan Ruan doesn't seem to be a "other" either.

And, I don’t know if it’s because of Ruan Ruan's pheromone...

When she turned her head to look at him with her hair, he suddenly felt that he wanted to lean over.

I want to lower my head and kiss her white neck, want to kiss her chin, want to hug her and bury her face over there, and take a good rest...

Jiang Yanzhan lay in the quilt and closed his eyes.

Pretend that nothing happened.

Ruan Ruan could feel the fluctuations in his mood.

She didn't say anything, just smiled, turned and walked into the bathroom.

Ruan Ruan had washed at home before. After coming to Jiang Yanzhan, he didn't have any particularly strenuous exercise. He didn't sweat much, and he didn't need to wash his hair.

She simply took a shower and came out of it in Jiang Yanzhan's pajamas.

Jiang Yanzhan leaned on the bedside, looking down at his mobile phone.

Ruan Ruan untied the tied ponytail and combed his hair with his fingers. At the same time, he walked to the side of his bed, put one hand on his wrist, and bent over to get close to him: "Jiang Yanzhan, you can turn the light on and look Mobile phone."

She leaned close, Jiang Yanzhan was startled.

With a soft palm against his wrist, Jiang Yanzhan quietly took a breath and let it out slowly.

He held Ruan Ruan's palm with his backhand, and quickly approached Ruan Ruan, and kissed her on the corner of her lips.

"Don't watch it." Jiang Yanzhan said, "Are you sleeping?"

Ruan Ruan blushed a little: "Yeah."

She felt that Jiang Yanzhan might be inviting her--

An Omega is inviting Alpha to sleep with him.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to use the word "temptation" to describe this incident.

Ruan Ruan opened the quilt and got in.

Jiang Yanzhan also turned off the phone, and after throwing it on the bedside table, he raised his hand to turn off the bedside lamp.

The room was suddenly dark.

I can only vaguely hear someone's breathing.

Very light and thin, like a subtle temptation.

Jiang Yanzhan lay down, and soon an arm was placed across his chest.

Ruan Ruan is holding him.

She is wearing a large T-shirt with all arms exposed. Close to each other's skin, can feel each other's body temperature, and soft, skin touch.

Jiang Yanzhan suddenly felt that he had not guessed wrong.

The last time he had not been marked for a long time, the pheromone was somewhat disordered.

This time the state is indeed much better than before.

After at least the last temporary marking, he slept soundly, almost unconscious.

But this time, he was very sober.

Therefore, he can clearly feel that Ruan Ruan's arms are hugging him, his breath is leaning against his ears, and the two people are sticking together, the atmosphere is warm and intricate.

Jiang Yanzhan leaned over uncontrollably, and slid into the quilt a little bit. With his head buried between Ruan Ruan's neck, his long arms stretched over and encircled Ruan Ruan's waist.

It must be because of pheromones.

It's because he has just been temporarily marked.

That's why I want to be close to her so and so.

Ruan Ruan's hand gently stroked his back, making him a little itchy.

I feel very satisfied again.

Jiang Yanzhan hugged Ruan Ruan tightly, and at the same time raised his head involuntarily and kissed her chin.

Ruan Ruan got too close to him.

He quickly felt that Ruan Ruan had changed.

This change is difficult to describe in a way that will not be locked.

It's just that a part of the soft candy becomes a hard candy.

Jiang Yanzhan was a little nervous, and at the same time he was a little unspeakable proud.

Intentionally or unconsciously, he lifted his leg to touch, and lifted his whole body up a bit, kissed the corners of the soft mouth of the pro-Ruan, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Want?

Jiang Yanzhan's voice and tone are like a boss who tempts a little girl.

The smugness in his tone made him sound more like a complimented kid trying to show off.

Ruan Ruan blinked.

She thinks Jiang Yanzhan is even more cute.

The place not under her control suddenly jumped because of this mood. Jiang Yanzhan was startled, and his whole body became tight.

Ruan Ruan chuckled, leaning over and kissing the tip of his nose.

"Don't make trouble," she said softly, "go to sleep. You will have business tomorrow."

A temporary mark can be done like this. Ruan Ruan is worried that Jiang Yanzhan will be unable to withstand anything more intense at this time.

She was thinking about marking a few times, adjusting his pheromone, and then what.

Jiang Yanzhan's face was already very hot.

He was glad that it was pitch black, Ruan Ruan couldn't see his face.

With his generous palm pressed against Ruan Ruan's back, he slowly asked, "Aren't you uncomfortable?"


Ruan Ruan suddenly raised his leg, and followed his actions and rubbed his side twice.

Jiang Yanzhan tightened his arms abruptly, biting his lower lip and let out a very light and sigh.

Ruan Ruan smiled and kissed the tooth marks he had bitten by himself, and rubbed his hands on him dishonestly: "If you don't mess around like this, I will be better."

Jiang Yanzhan: "..."

"Good boy." Ruan Ruan licked his lips. "We should sleep."

This made Jiang Yanzhan's Adam's apple roll and roll again.

He subconsciously licked his lower lip, not knowing if it was his illusion, the place where Ruan Ruan had just licked it became very sweet.

The sweetness that is not very greasy, it seems to be the sweetness of orange.

It smells like her pheromone.

Ruan Ruan retreated a bit, although he still hugged him, but he didn't cling so closely.

But the breath in the quilt was hot, and each other's body temperature rose.

Jiang Yanzhan couldn't sleep at all.


Woke up the next day, it was already seven or eight in the morning.

Although today's event is an evening party, Jiang Yanzhan himself does not have a real rest day. He has to rush to the company to work on weekends.

And because there are activities in the evening and the workload during the day is unwilling to reduce, the arrangements will be closer.

He has to finish the work ahead of time, then go to change clothes and do styling.

In order to catch up with this day's party.

Ruan Ruan was still sleeping when he got up in the morning.

Jiang Yanzhan gently pulled out his arm.

After falling asleep last night, it may be because of the heat that the two separated unconsciously.

But Jiang Yanzhan's arm has been under Ruan Ruan's arm, it's not that he can't pull it out, it's because he doesn't have this consciousness at all.

When I woke up, I was still holding Ruan Ruan's arm, like a doll.

Jiang Yanzhan moved very carefully, but when he pulled out he still touched Ruan Ruan's arm.

Ruan Ruan let out a "huh" and slowly opened his eyes.

It stands to reason that as soon as human beings wake up, they will have a bad haircut, sleepy eyes, and a little bit of eye shit...

Ruan Ruan still had such a stereotype in his head.

So when she raised her head and saw Mr. Jiang, who was almost unchanged and looked as unscientific as the TV series when she woke up, she inevitably had a look of surprise on her face.

"Morning." She said hello to Jiang Yanzhan with soft eyes.

Jiang Yanzhan smiled and said, "Morning."

He only laughed for 0.5 seconds, then immediately pressed the corners of his mouth.

Just woke up and was careless.

Nothing to laugh early in the morning.

Jiang Yanzhan maintained his domineering aura and was about to pull out his arm completely.

As a result, Ruan Ruan, who was half asleep and half awake, squinted his eyes, rolled over and hugged his arm before he could take it away, and mumbled to him: "What time is it."

Jiang Yanzhan glanced at the time: "...8:16."

Their company goes to work at nine o'clock.

But half of him will arrive at the company at 8:55.

It takes about 25 minutes to drive to the company from here.

So he must go out at half past eight.

"'s getting late." Ruan Ruan got up from the bed.

The hair she had curled before was loosened a lot, and the ends of her hair curled up on her white arms, and her messy hair revealed a lazy and cute feeling.

Ruan Ruan squinted his eyes and muttered: "Shall we get up... have breakfast together? Breakfast must be delicious..."

After all, breakfast is very important for humans.

Early to bed and early to get up is also to eat this important breakfast well.

Jiang Yanzhan: "..."

Ok. Eat breakfast.

President Jiang's strict time concept completely collapsed in Ruan Ruan's bewildered muttering.

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