Lom é hated and envied in her heart, but it was hard to show her face. She looked at the menu, but she couldn't see a word. Opposite, Ling Yan and Qi Yu had ordered the dishes.

"Luomei, what would you like to eat?" Qi Yu saw that luomei couldn't hear the restaurant manager call her, so he asked her about her, "isn't she uncomfortable?"

"No, I've been on the plane for a long time. I'm a little dizzy. It's all right." Lome glanced at the menu and said to the restaurant manager, "I'll have a steak with black pepper, medium rare."

"OK, please wait a moment." the restaurant manager finished the reception in person and stepped back with a smile.

"Does Miss Luo like salad? I ordered some fruit salad." Ling Yan asked when she saw that Luo Mei was dizzy.

"Yes." Lome nodded and thought of something, "Oh, I forgot. The prince of Dubai gave me a bottle of Mingying from 1992. I forgot to bring it when I got off the bus. I'll get it first."

"Go." Qi Yu nodded, indicating that she could pass.

Qi Yu likes to drink wine, especially red wine. Ling Yan knows it very well, so when she comes back, she has the cheek to buy his collection of Mingying with the prince of Dubai. The prince of Dubai gave her a bottle very gentlemanly. When she got off the plane, she couldn't wait to ask him to enjoy it together.

But I didn't expect that he would bring Ling Yan. Tonight, the illegitimate girl was lucky to drink such good red wine.

"What is Mingying?" Ling Yan asked before Lome went far.

Lome could not help but raise a proud arc around her mouth. How could such a little girl who didn't understand anything deserve her? Even the eagle doesn't know.

What's more ridiculous is that she can't even draw makeup. Look at that eyebrow. Is that called eyebrow drawing? It's just that my daughter stole her mother's eyebrow pencil and painted it on her eyebrows. It's ridiculous!

How can a person like her be Qi Yu's wife and stand beside him?

His side, it should be her!

Only a woman with her qualifications is qualified.

When he was in LOM é YY, Qi Yu's voice came from his ear. It was not as plain as in the past, but his exclusive indulgence when he spoke to Ling Yan tonight: "it's wine. Mingying winery is a winery in Napa Valley, California, USA. The Grapes in 1992 are particularly good, so the wine brewed with this year's grapes tastes very good."

"It's wine!" Ling Yan smiled foolishly. "I only know Lafite in 1982, earth." I found that after being with him, her vision was completely opened.

"Little fool!" Qi Yu reached out and rubbed her head. His eyes were spoiled. How could he mind that she didn't understand anything? If she didn't understand, he would slowly let her know.

Including, once, her and his story!

Lome looked back angrily. Before Qi Yu found that she turned and looked at them, she walked in the direction of her parking.

Why does he like such a silly, stupid and earthy girl?

Lome went to her car and held the roof to breathe until her jealousy calmed down. Then she took a delicate box out of the car.

This is a gift she gave him. Before getting off the plane, she thought they could enjoy it, but she didn't expect that there would be more eye-catching Lingyan.

What a disappointment!

Lome looked at the red wine in her hand, bit her teeth and vowed in her heart: "Ling Yan, I have endured for so many years and become his confidant for so many years. What are you? He will be my husband in the end."

After swearing, Lome carefully took the red wine in her hand and walked towards the restaurant.

"Look." when she got to her seat, Lome handed the box to Qi Yu. "I brought you a gift specially. Do you like it?"

"Good." Qi Yu happily picked his eyebrows, which showed that he was in a good mood.

"I knew you would like it. After knowing you for so long, how could I not understand your preference." Lome was very satisfied with Qi Yu's reaction and looked at Ling Yan, the earth girl, looking at the box in Qi Yu's hand.

Stupid, can you understand? This is English. She can teach some primary school students English. She thinks she can understand it? Don't overestimate yourself.


Then I remembered that last time in Hailan villa, they put the same mobile phone case on their mobile phone. This is not her mobile phone, so they handed it to Qi Yu, "it's your mobile phone."

Qi Yu quickly put down half of the red wine box, took her mobile phone, looked at the caller ID, his expression changed, and stood up, "I'll answer the phone!"

"Come back quickly, the steak is coming up." Ling Yan reminded him with a smile.

Qi Yu gestured to her with an OK gesture and reached out to touch her face. Then he put his mobile phone in his ear and went outside.

"He likes you very much." Lome took a sip of the juice and asked casually.

"I also like him very much." Ling Yan reached out and touched his face that he had touched just now, which was a little bad.

"Didn't you bring your cell phone? Or did he give you his cell phone?" Lome asked again. She was very curious. Qi Yu's cell phone seemed to contain many secrets. Even she couldn't touch it, but Ling Yan could put his cell phone in his bag.

"Oh, my cell phone has no power. He was afraid that I would be bored on the way, so he lent me his cell phone." Ling Yan also felt thirsty, so he took a sip of the juice in front of him and replied.

Lome nodded and stopped talking. It happened that her mobile phone rang. Lome took out the caller ID and the obvious advertising call, but she was very happy that the call came at this time. She smiled at Ling Yan with regret, "sit down for a while and I'll answer the call!"

Then he stood up and went outside.

It was windy at sunset bay at night. When Lome went outside, she pressed the advertising phone, stood on the reef and looked at the sea water beating the beach again and again, splashing white spray.

She took her mobile phone and looked around. She didn't see Qi Yu. She didn't know where she went. Lome didn't want to go back to face Ling Yan so early, so she took her mobile phone and logged in to the microblog. Only then did she find that Qi Yu updated the microblog again, sent a picture of Ling Yan and said, "I'm good at eyebrow drawing!"

Lome was stunned and looked carefully at the photos on her mobile phone. Ling Yan was bending his mouth and looking at the camera with anger and smile.

Lome knew that of course she was not looking at the camera, but Qi Yu who took pictures of her!

He painted her eyebrows tonight?

Only the husband can draw eyebrows for his wife. After all, when drawing eyebrows, the distance between them is so close, or face-to-face

Lome was jealous. Looking at the comments on the microblog, she felt as if she had been burned with fire.

In particular, some netizens ridiculed Qi Yu [the spring night is bitter and the day rises high. Since then, the king doesn't rise early. At this time, he gets up to draw eyebrows for his wife. I'm afraid Qi Shao's other skills are better...]

At the thought that she was sad in the presidential suite of the Tang Palace, he was in bed with Ling Yan

Lome was so angry that she smashed her mobile phone on the reef. The mobile phone screen broke instantly and rolled down into the sea. She was instantly submerged by the waves aroused by the reef.

What spring night is bitter and short, and the day rises high. From then on, the king will not be early. He can only be her. She has endured it for so many years. With Ling Yan, all her hopes will be lost.

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