"Ling Yan, this is Zhong Jin's child. Even if you marry Qi Yu, don't you love Zhong Jin? If something happens to this child, will you be happy to appear in front of Zhong Jin in the future? Do you mean to face him?"

Hearing that Qi Yu was leaving, Ling LAN quickly looked at Ling Yan and stimulated Ling Yan with words, hoping that she could see that her child was Zhong Jin and continue to stay.

If Ling Yan doesn't go, Qi Yu won't go. She can see Qi Yu more.

"Why am I embarrassed to face him when he shows up in front of me?" the implication is that she will never show up in front of Zhong Jin, but if Zhong Jin shows up in front of her, she hasn't done anything wrong and is afraid to face Zhong Jin?

Between her and Zhong Jin, he has always been sorry for her, okay?

"You!" Ling Lan was not stupid. She naturally heard the meaning of Ling Yan's words. She was half angry. But when she thought that Qi Yu was going to leave, she was reluctant to give up. Her eyes turned and thought of other ways, so she spoke to Ling Yan, "I shed so much blood. I must have an operation. My parents went to Nancheng to talk about business this morning. If you don't sign for me, the doctor won't operate on me!"

Ling Yan heard the speech and had to stop, "OK, I'll sign. You're satisfied!"

Don't you just want her to stay? On her tricks, only Zhong Jin will be seduced by her. Qi Yu is not that kind of person.

"Hum!" Ling Lan was really satisfied. She snorted arrogantly and let the nurse push herself away.

Ling LAN really needs an operation, otherwise the fetus will be lost.

"The child is really lucky." after Ling Yan signed, he went out of the hospital with Qi Yu. Ling LAN used the child to play a bitter meat trick for many times and wanted to frame her. The child was safe and sound. This time, he left so much blood. The doctor was very sure that the operation had a success rate of 90% and could save the child.

"It's a pity that there was such a mother!" Qi Yu felt sorry for the child, "but it's none of our business. Let's go home!"

Ling LAN made such a fuss that it was too late to see the film again. Qi Yu finally decided to take her home.

"OK, let's watch the movie another day!" Ling Yan nodded and walked towards his parking place with Qi Yu. Before he got to the car, he saw the young man who pushed down Ling LAN standing next to Qi Yu's car, waiting for others. When he saw Qi Yu and Ling Yan coming back, the young man laughed and trotted to them.

"Sister Ling!" the young man smiled and flattered!

"We know you?" Qi Yu immediately stretched out his hand and took Ling Yan into his arms. His eyes were like a knife and flew to the young man.

"I didn't know you before, but I don't know you now?" the young man felt uneasy for no reason and reached out to touch his nose in fear.

"What are you looking for me?" Ling Yan was curious. The young man quarreled with Ling LAN on the side of the road and tore together. As a man, he even pushed a pregnant woman. What hatred did he have with Ling LAN?

Ling Yan wondered why the young man came to her.

"Sister Ling, I know that Ling LAN robbed your husband. You must hate her very much!" the young man said with a smile. He wanted to step forward, but he noticed that the coldness in Qi Yu's eyes was deeper. He was so frightened that he didn't go forward, but stepped back two steps.

"What are you trying to say?" Ling Yan was very dissatisfied with the young man's behavior of actively looking for someone and deliberately selling off.

"Ling LAN robbed your husband. Now I have a chip to revenge her. I can sell it to you for five million at a one-time price!" the young man stretched out five fingers to Ling Yan and Qi Yu while talking.

"I don't have so much money and don't want to..." Ling Yan refused, hugged Qi Yu and walked towards his car.

"Sister Ling, don't be kidding. Your new husband's car has at least $50 million. Five million is just a fraction for you. Don't be so small. Don't you rich pay attention to a happy heart? It's not pleasant to buy $50 million to retaliate against Ling LAN and retaliate against her severely?"

The young man lobbied Ling LAN. At the same time, because Qi Yu and Ling LAN were close, he retreated step by step. It was not that he was not brave enough, but that Qi Yu's eyes were too terrible. If he didn't retreat, he always felt that he would die in Qi Yu's killing eyes the next second.

"I don't need it!" Ling Yan refused faintly. Ling LAN targeted her because she thought she would take everything from her when she went to the Ling family. Just ran out of the wedding that afternoon, Ling Yan really hated Ling LAN. She wanted to nest all the chips against her and uncover her hypocrisy in front of everyone.

But now she has Qi Yu and lives a happy life. There is no need to waste time hating someone who is not important to her.

Yes, Ling LAN is not important to her. That's why she will be sent to the hospital tonight. She just doesn't want to be confessed in front of Ling Qisheng in the future. Now Ling LAN has been sent to the operating room, and Qi Yu has paid the hospitalization fee for her. Ling Yan is well deserved to see Ling Qisheng again in the future.

"Sister Ling..." the young man saw that Ling Yan was going to go. He couldn't take care of Qi Yu's dangerous eyes and was about to come forward.

Qi Yu's eyes were cold. With only one turn, the young man who had just taken one step was scared to step back.

"Wife, get in the car!" Qi Yu opened the front passenger's door for Ling Yan and let her sit in. Without looking at the young man, he bypassed the front of the car, sat in the driver's seat and drove towards Lily Garden.

In the hospital, the young man stood in place and watched the sports car he couldn't afford to buy in his next life disappear. His body shivered, his fingers slowly grasped it, and yawned again and again

The next second, he quickly took out a small paper bag from his pocket, opened it, put it in front of his nose and couldn't wait to suck it up. After sucking it, he was refreshed immediately!

The young man took a look at the direction Qi Yu's car disappeared. The East was not bright and the West was bright. Ling Yan couldn't get big money there. Ling LAN still had the ability to get small money there. He smiled proudly and the young man walked towards the hospital.

At the gate of Lily Garden, Qi Yu pressed the gate of Lily Garden with the remote control. When he drove in, he was seeing Han Dong and Luo Mei walking under the street lamp.

Han Dong likes Lome. Qi Yu has known for a long time. He is not surprised to see them walking together tonight. On the contrary, he is very happy. The window period of Lome is too long. Han Dong is a good candidate.

"Qi Shao, madam, are you back?" Han Dong came forward and said hello to Qi Yu and Ling Yan.

"Qi Yu, Xiao Yan, come back so late. You must have a good time tonight!" Lome stood beside Han Dong and said with a smile.

Ling Yan thought of standing in Haitang International Building with Qi Yu tonight to see the sunset sinking and the lights on. He smiled and nodded, "yes, we had a good time today. I heard that sister Luo was hospitalized last night. Is she all right now?"

"Well, thank you for your concern!" Lome smiled and nodded at Ling Yan, as if the unhappiness that had happened between them had never happened at all.

"Well, it's getting late. We have to go back to bed. There's still a class tomorrow morning!" Qi Yu didn't talk to them more. After saying goodbye, he started the car and drove towards his villa!

Lome looked at Qi Yu's car getting farther and farther away from herself.

Qi Yu concentrates on driving and doesn't notice it, but Ling Yan accidentally sees the expression on Lome's face from the rearview mirror.

This Lome, one on the surface and one behind the back, isn't she tired?

"Husband, hug!" when Qi Yu parked the car and came to the co driver to help her open the door, Ling Yan stretched out his arms directly to him.

She didn't believe it. When Lome saw Qi Yu holding her in the door, she wouldn't spit blood!

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