Snow White's "Dwarf"

7 The First Encounter

From afar Sung Joon could see two figures, a man and a woman, who looked like doing something indecent in front of their mansion. A sarcastic sneer raised the corner of his luscious lips, thinking how low moraled some people are, he slowly sauntered forward to get past where the "dirty" couple are. He conspicuously let them know he's there by making his footsteps fall noisily.

"What the hell are they doing?! Are they serious! Really, here? Right in front of the Lee's mansion! Can't they hear me? Or are they too engrossed in their thing that they don't mind even if someone's here!"

All of a sudden the people's faces engaged in an amorous display of affection became clear to him.

He, Lee Sung Joon, the first son, Crown Prince if you may, of the House of Lee, the number one elite business powerhouse of Country S, saw his little sister smooching with a man in front of their mansion!!! Is he seeing things or is it that his sister went mad! He felt like the universe fell and crashed on his shoulders! He was (*1)"shooked"!

Snow, or Lee Nun Songi, the youngest and most doted upon daughter of the Lee's, is currently pinned on the wall by Jinha while "he" blew on the girl's eyes to get rid of the dust that went inside.

From afar you could say that they look , well a little ahh...compromised? Just a teeny, weeny bit, really. Only people with dung for brains would think that (according to our Jinha).

Jinha: Stop wriggling Snow or I won't get everything out...

Sung Joon: What the!@#$ What is "he" getting out!

Snow: Come on Jinha make it fast! I can't stand it any longer!

Sung Joon: * ~ * (*2) "Yah inom-a! Get your paws off my little sister!"

The two girls were startled, to put it mildly that is.

Jinha felt her jumper being pulled and the force carried her rapidly far away from Snow. She instinctively turn around in a fighting stance to defend herself. The person froze in just a second, not expecting her move, but this is all the time Jinha needs to annihilate the "offender". She quickly gave "it" a deadly combination of kicks.

Sung Joon felt the force of the incoming kick and successfully blocked it but he did not expect that it was a combo, another kick aimed at his lower body, with the intention of permanently taking his manhood away from him, was on its way!

He turned at the last minute sacrificing part of his left butt and thigh, in his calculation, it is better not to sit comfortably for a month than to not be able to procreate anymore. He felt the power of that kick and if it made contact to its intended destination the Lee line on his family's side will end!

" You dog! Fight like a goddamn man! Playing dirty tricks on me! I'll teach you not to play with my sister!" Sung Joon's face had murder written on it. If anybody less ferocious than Jinha could see this they would immediately cower in fear.

Snow who recovered from her initial shock was aghast at what is happening! Jinha, ever the warfreak that she is, looked like she was enjoying herself while her brother is ready to commit murder!!!

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