Chapter 8


What should we do now that we’re officially married?

“S-So now what?”

Joseph, who was oblivious to my flustered voice, sat down across the table.

“You’re still not used to Katan.”

I gulped, anticipating his next words.


His lips twitched as if he was reluctant to speak.

‘What do you wish to tell me?’

So, I mulled over the words he would say moments later nervously.

‘Do you wish to tell me to do ‘that’?’

As I assumed that, I noticed that Joseph’s attire was unusually thin.

Then as my gaze slowly reached his sluggish red lips, I hurriedly shook my head and said before he was able to finish his words.

“If you are thinking of fulfilling our duty on our first night as a married couple, please reconsider, Your Highness!”

“If there’s anything you desire from me, please let me know. I’ll consider it carefully.”

Our words nearly came out at the same time.

Damn it. I should’ve heard him out first before I spoke!!!

“…What did you just say?”

As he asked that question, I noticed that his clear, amethyst eyes were filled with bewilderment. For that reason, I wanted to bite my tongue.

Damn it, I misunderstood for nothing.

But, to be fair, I had a plausible reason as to why I misunderstood.

Before I went back in time, Joseph also visited my bedroom on our wedding night.

-‘I don’t want to be your wife. Get out!’

At that time, not only did I despise him, but I also humiliated him because I kicked him out of my bedroom on our wedding night.

‘It was a must for nobles to fulfill their duty on their first night, so Joseph had no other choice.’

But now, I don’t hate him anymore. Even so, I don’t want to fulfill our duty at the moment because I’m not yet ready. What’s more, I don’t want to have a child other than Yvonne.

‘Gosh, how embarrassing.’

To make matters worse, I embarrassed myself only because I was busy thinking about how to avoid our first night without hurting his feelings.

Having realized I embarrassed myself over nothing, I lowered my head and covered my flushed cheeks with my hands.

“…So that’s what you wanted to tell me. To ask me what I desire.”

“Yes. You must have been worried about spending the night with me.”

He tilted his head and stared at me, who couldn’t stop smiling due to embarrassment. There was no sign of contempt in his pristine eyes.

‘How can a human look so pure?’

I couldn’t stop admiring his appearance that was as pure as the color of snow.

‘No wonder George always feels inferior to him.’

George was always wary of my husband, Joseph, even though George didn’t love me. Now, I know the reason why.

‘They took swordsmanship classes together when they were young.’

Joseph was such an outstanding knight that he was called ‘The Empire’s First Sword’ among the military forces. Meanwhile, George may have been recognized by the Holy Council as the Holy Knight, but he hasn’t earned any of his fellow knights’ respect.

‘Geez, I really have a bad eye for men.’

Joseph, who wasn’t aware of my thoughts as I gazed at his muscular body, slowly opened his mouth.

“You may not believe me now, but I’m not a lewd man who would force you into unwanted intercourse.”

“…I know.”

I nodded at Joseph’s courteous words.

“You’re not that kind of person.”

My husband was the person who respected me the most before.

‘Even though he must’ve hated me as much as I hated him. No, he should’ve hated me more than I hated him, but his actions spoke otherwise.’

Although I wasn’t a pure blooded Cardinale, he must’ve heard that I was going to ruin Katan for my family’s sake. Considering that fact, there’s no way he would’ve liked me.

“You don’t know me.”

Joseph shook his head and chuckled at my resolute words. So, I slowly lifted up the corner of my lips and laughed along with him.

“You might not know this, but I have a good eye for people.”

I couldn’t deny Joseph’s words. He must’ve thought I was still hanging on to a man such as George.

“In any case, the purpose of your visit is to know what I desire, right?”

Our marriage wasn’t done out of love, rather, it was more of a deal. Cardinale intended to pressure Carlo’s position by taking Joseph as hostage, while Carlo planned to use Joseph to acquire information from Cardinale and the Holy Council.

‘If you want to strike a deal with someone, it is important to pick a reliable partner.’

Of course, Carlo was at disadvantage since Joseph was unfit to be a spy. In fact, in the past, he gained nothing from me.

“Yes. Please let me know if you have any requests.”

“I have none.”

How dare I desire anything from him when I’m the one who’s indebted to him?

“Well, now that we’re here, shall we discuss how we’re going to get along as a couple?”

How timely. And so, I took out the proposal I wrote earlier, and placed it on the table.

“This is what I’ve come up with.”

“…Is it a contract?”

“Yes. Of course, I won’t force you to adhere to the clauses you dislike. I just wrote those down as a precaution.”

Joseph began to read my proposal silently, but not long after, his face slowly hardened.

Because of his reaction, I got a little nervous, so I fiddled with my fingers.

‘Is there a clause he dislikes?’

To sum up the proposal’s contents roughly, we are to go on our separate paths and mind our own business. There’s no way he would hate it.

‘I even added a clause to show my willingness to not interfere with his love life.’

“Don’t engage in each other’s private lives.”

Joseph, who pointed at the exact clause, asked.

“…What do you mean by private lives?”

“It means that if Your Highness has a woman other than me, I won’t be jealous or be suspicious of you. After all, I’m only your wife in name.”

I wanted to support Joseph in his love life because what he felt towards who he loved was different from what I felt. My love for George was just a desire created by my false ambition of becoming an Empress.

“I see.”

Joseph nodded slowly.

“Are you serious about the clause—Both of us are expected to fulfill our duties and responsibilities as the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess?”

“Yes. Although I’m not the person you wanted as the Grand Duchess, I’m still your wife. So, I’m going to do my best for the prosperity of Katan until I no longer have that position.”

As proof, I explained how we could improve Katan’s soil. As I explained, I had my gaze on Joseph so that I could see his reaction to my idea.

‘You seem to have understood my point, but why do you look so unhappy?”

Based on his expression, he might’ve thought I was spouting too much nonsense, so I showed him the other side of the proposal to reassure him further.

“Read it carefully, and then let me know if there’s something you dislike.”

If he does as I say, he would clearly see that there’s no clause to his disadvantage.

“…It’s as if I’m reading a business plan.”

“Because Katan has a lot to improve on.”

Seeing as his face became crumpled as if he was offended by what I said, I hurriedly added.

“What I wanted to say was that Katan has a lot of potential for improvement. Were you offended by what I said earlier?”


Even when he shook his head in disagreement, his brows were still furrowed.

‘I didn’t mean to offend you, though.’

I didn’t want to hurt him anymore. So, I slowly opened my mouth and touched the back of his hand.

“…I know you don’t trust me enough to leave Katan to me.”

I went on with utmost sincerity to ease his doubt.

“I know you didn’t want to marry me.”

But I’m his wife now.

“So, I’m not going to ask you to trust me or leave Katan to me right away.”

I spoke slowly, wishing that even a little bit of my sincerity would reach him.

“However, please don’t blindly distrust me just because I’m a Cardinale.”


Joseph nodded slowly at the words I said with so much difficulty.

‘He’s a man who values faith, so he’ll consider it even if he doesn’t believe me.’

After I heaved a sigh of relief, I stood up and smiled.

“Thank you. Your Highness.”

I stood up to send him off, but he didn’t move an inch.

‘It must’ve been uncomfortable.’

The table and chairs in my bedroom were too small for his large body. I glanced at his nearly hunched body, and opened my mouth.

“Aren’t you tired?”


He muttered something else after, but I wasn’t able to hear what he said.

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But he only shook his head at my question.

“It’s nothing. I’ll read the proposal thoroughly, so you can rest now.”

As soon as he left my bedroom, I glanced at the chair he sat on. Perhaps he went to the garden before he came to my bedroom.

Seeing as he left a crimson summer rose on the chair. It was a rare flower in Katan, where even the summer breeze was cool.

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