So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1006 The King of Hell’s Tie

"At the moment before death, perhaps her body finally got rid of the restrictions of debilitating drugs, she perceived the entire house of horror through the mirror, and also discovered the USB flash drive hidden in the monitoring room - the last wills of the victims before her .

"Her ability, together with Xiao Yuning's, protected this evidence by some combination of circumstances, preventing you from discovering it... and not allowing the police to discover it either.

"But it doesn't matter. The video in the USB flash drive cannot directly accuse you. Even if the police got it at the time, they might not be able to trace you. But now, everything doesn't matter."

Meng Jue looked at him and said slowly, "It's too late."

Xue Yingshen's expression changed several times, especially when Meng Jue explained the origin of the USB flash drive and said that the video in the USB flash drive could not directly control him.

I don’t know if he was lucky or something, but he said coldly: "The story is told well. Are you talking about the tragic murder in Aolai City ten years ago? But at that time, the police had already found the murderer and closed the case. What are you talking about?" what are you doing?

"Moreover, everything depends on evidence. You are slandering me with such empty words and blaming me for things I haven't done...Who instigated you to do this?"

Meng Jue said calmly: "Don't deny it in a hurry."

He raised the brain in his hand: "Xie Dingtian, do you know him? This is his brain. There are still recordings of your calls and messages between you and him."

Xueying's deep eyes stirred up a storm, but he suppressed it in just a moment: "I don't know what you are talking about, who is Xie Dingtian? AI imitation technology is so advanced these days, how do you know that it is my voice in the recording? If this is your evidence, then we can check the IP address to see if it is me!"

Meng Jue flipped his wrist and took back Xie Dingtian's brain: "No matter how you quibble."

His palms turned into a pure and white jade color.

A dark Cambodian book was held between his fingers.

"It's all pointless anyway."

He slowly walked towards the snow shadow.

Xue Ying was deeply aware of the danger and immediately shouted sternly: "What do you want to do? Do you want to murder me?! Someone is coming! There is an assassin!"

Meng Jue looked at him coldly, until he roared until the veins in his neck popped out and his voice became hoarse, then he said in a disguised voice: "You should be very clear about the sound insulation effect of the silver screen gold house built with the people's money. Right, Snow Shadow Deep.”

Xue Ying was no longer as calm as before, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "You know who I am, and you still dare to do this to me. Aren't you afraid of being wanted?!"

Meng Jue ignored him and kept to himself: "The Xue family, whose ancestors can be traced back to the Tiandou Empire 20,000 years ago, was the royal family that could compete with Xingluo at that time. Later, changes occurred and Tiandou split. Became the royal family of the Dou Ling Empire. Later, the mainland was unified, times changed, and the Xue family declined until it withdrew from the stage of history."

Xue Yingshen had already sensed his murderous intention, and while trembling, he couldn't help but cursed and retorted: "Bullshit! It's obvious that the White Tiger Royal Family is afraid of us and suppresses us to this point! They are greedy and want to monopolize this world! This planet is obviously so big, But they don’t want to give us even half a cent.”

Meng Jue looked at him coldly: "There is no need to debate whether the king will be successful or the enemy will be defeated. The unification of the mainland is the general trend and inevitable. It's a pity that you still can't see the situation clearly. Instead of doing your best for the people of this world, you only think about the millions of people in the world. The power and status of people above others, treating people like lackeys, harming people, oppressing the weak, engaging in personal gain, malpractice, and contempt for the law.

"Xue Yingshen, aren't you afraid of retribution?"

Xue Yingshen laughed loudly: "Retribution, what retribution can I have? They are just untouchables. In the past, I could kill as many as I wanted!"

At this point, he said resentfully: "Those who killed a thousand swords in the Dai family preached that everyone is equal... It is not good to be a royal family, but they have to lower themselves to be compared with those untouchables. How can those people be worthy of us nobles?" Compare?

"So what if they all can cultivate? In the past, Titled Douluo didn't want to give us face, so who are they?

"That national master is also stupid. He doesn't keep the skills that everyone can practice in his own hands. He actually publishes them for everyone to learn. It's a waste of resources. Why do those untouchables get these!"

His face was full of meanness and viciousness at this moment.

Meng Jue's eyes were neither sad nor happy. He just listened quietly to his angry rebuke, and then said quietly: "So, you admit that you have done those things and that you killed the four victims ten years ago?"

Xueying smiled even more crazily: "What are you talking about? Did I say I did that? When did I say it? So what if I did it? Can you provide evidence?



"Or do you want to do justice for God? Which family hired you as a killer? Do you know that your identity and actions are illegal? You will go to jail and be shot before me!"

Meng Jue spoke softly and ignored his curses.

"Wrong answer."

His figure flashed in front of Xue Yingshen like a ghost. When he was still shocked, he reached out and pinched his chin, and with a slight force, his jaw was dislocated.

He looked at Xue Ying's panicked and nervous eyes and raised the dark book in his hand.

"I know there are many people like you."

Xue Yingshen screamed "woo woo", unable to speak a complete sentence, unable to close her mouth from ear to ear, and drooling.

Meng Jue looked at him deeply.

“You are parasitic on this country like disgusting maggots attached to bones, sludge that keeps breeding in dark corners, threatening the people’s stable and harmonious life.

"Your existence is a mistake. Maybe people's lives will not get better because of your disappearance, but the peace you whitewash is definitely not what the people need."

He brought the pitch-black book close to Xue Yingshen's mouth, and Xue Yingshen could already faintly smell the fishy-sweet scent.

"You are not the first, Xue Yingshen, but you are definitely not the last. Soon, more people will go down to accompany you."

Meng Jue stuffed the dark Cambodian book into Xue Yingshen's mouth. In an instant, the Cambodian book turned into liquid and flowed into his throat.

Meng Jue reattached his jaw and forced him to drink it all.

Then let him go, letting him scream and struggle on the floor like a dead dog.

"So, this is a message from the King of Hell from the Imperial Ministry of Defense,"

Meng Jue watched emotionlessly as all the blood vessels in his body turned black in just a few seconds. In the end, his eyes were split open and he died in unbearable pain.

"Just accept it first."

The snow shadow is so deep that it never closes its eyes.

But he deserves it.

Meng Jue quickly found the evidence of his crime from the computer, safe, secret compartment and other places in his study. Finally, he took a deep look at Xue Yingshen's body lying on the ground in a kneeling posture of repentance, then climbed out of the window and left. .

His mission ends here.

As for what kind of public opinion might be stirred up the next day, that wasn't something he should worry about.

See you tomorrow~

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