So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1015 The First Soul Skill

Time flies, and several months pass.

Today, Tang Wulin finally raised the fifth pot of bluesilver grass with vines growing out of it.

But he was still practicing and didn't notice it for the time being.

With the Blue Silver Emperor in his palm as the center, the Blue Silver Domain was released outwards, covering the five pots of Blue Silver Grass on the small balcony.

The blue silver grass that is more than a foot high is swaying, and the slender vines are gently swaying, as if dancing, with the long cuffs dancing.

The gleaming blue light spots lingered on the blue silver grass, and slowly gathered into small streams, heading towards Tang Wulin.

The Blue Silver Emperor in his hand grew taller and taller.

Then at a certain moment, those fine blue fluorescence gradually condensed into a yellow halo next to the slender and magnificent blue-gold vines.

The blue silver grass beats more cheerfully.

Joyful emotions washed over Tang Wulin's mind, causing him to open his eyes in confusion.

The little child looked at the hundred-year-old soul ring surrounding his martial soul in bewilderment, with a rather puzzled expression.

Until the vines of Blue Silver Grass gently wrapped around his fingers.

He suddenly realized: "Is it you?"

Then, the joy gradually became uncontrollable.

He almost jumped out of bed.

Because from now on, he is an official soul master!

Could this be the reason why his uncle asked him to raise Bluesilver Grass?

This is what the little uncle said..."disciple"?

Tang Wulin tried to inject soul power into the soul ring.

Just like bending his fingers, he naturally activated the soul skill of his first soul ring and also knew its name.

The Blue Silver Domain has expanded outward to the maximum extent it can reach now.

Then wherever his thoughts went, vines of the Blue Silver Emperor sprouted.

The first soul skill, Blue Silver Spreading!

The little child was so excited that he jumped up and down in the room, and then couldn't help but rush out of the room to share the good news with his parents.

The Golden Dragon King silently watched his running back, and then focused his probing eyes on the pots of blue silver grass.

The slender vines drooped down, as if they were shivering at the sight of him.

The Golden Dragon King noticed it, but did not look away.

Undoubtedly, the five pots of Blue Silver Grass have now evolved into century-old soul beasts.

But that soul ring...

After all, it was Blue Silver Grass's gift to Blue Silver Emperor.

Or is it the so-called..."borrowing ring"?

The Golden Dragon King couldn't guess.

He just knows.

This must have something to do with the Lord.

Although the national memorial ceremony has been over for a long time, the issue of the undead has not diminished in popularity.

But after all, it has not always occupied the top spot in the hot search list.

The public's attention to the soul beast smuggling case gradually decreased over time, and the matter was finally brought to an end after the official announcement of the Spirit Transferring Tower that most of the recovered soul beasts had been released into the wild. .

As for the Holy Spirit Sect, the culprit, there has been little movement since being wanted by the authorities. They are probably too scared to jump out of their skin at this time.

After all, now the entire Douluo Galaxy and the area within one light-year radius of the Douluo Sun are the stars and soil of the Star Luo Empire, and there is no second "country" left for them to escape.

Moreover, even if they wanted to escape to outer space, they would need at least one starship with sufficient resources to allow them to find another unowned and habitable planet.

Not to mention whether they have the coordinates of the planet, it is impossible to get a starship. It can be said that there is truly no way to get to the sky.

Naturally, they can only live peacefully in Douluo Star for the time being.

Xingluo City, Xingluo Zoo.

Some soul beasts that were involved in the soul beast smuggling case and were injured and no longer suitable for release into the wild after professional treatment were sent here to work after their injuries had basically recovered.

The Golden Tiger King is staying in a transport truck.

Compared to the time when it was pretending to be caught by smugglers, its current condition is much better. Not only are there no cramped and rusty iron cages, but you don't have to be crowded with those low-level soul beasts that have been buried for slaughter. There are also dedicated people to serve you when you eat, drink, and have sex, all of which are top-notch services.



Anyway, the queue for Guoyi was full, and the Golden Tiger King expressed his satisfaction.

It's just that the journey is a bit far, and it feels a little motion sick.

Fortunately, it's finally here.

Inside Xingluo Zoo, the staff who came to pick up the shipment opened the back compartment of the transport truck.

The Golden Tiger King was lying on the spot, and the sunlight outside the car shone in, causing it to narrow its eyes slightly.

Before I saw anyone, I heard a light and playful voice running into my ears.

"Come, let's see who is the new spirit beast friend who arrived today?"

The Golden Tiger King blinked and saw the beautiful woman with Zhi Nao's virtual projection screen in front of her and two strands of green highlights in her black hair.

Even wearing a zoo work uniform with wide layout and monotonous colors does not hide her beauty.

The moment he saw it, the Golden Tiger King clearly noticed the other person's eyes lighting up.

Then, the woman's voice suddenly rose in pitch.

"Pick up a cat, folks!"

Then he jumped in without any explanation, grabbed its two front paws, and dragged it out of the car.

“It wants to come home with me!

"You're so, you're so cute, you're so fat~"

Then he slapped its head and ears hard.

"Oh it makes people uncomfortable! He makes people uncomfortable~"

The Golden Tiger King was dragged out of the car by the woman helplessly.

No wonder Emperor Jin sent it out as an undercover agent and refused to let it go back, instead leaving it to the Xingluo Zoo.

It turns out that the emperor and empress are here.

Really, why didn’t I chase the escaped little wife and send it here to get rid of the Yingying Yanyan beside the empress?

Despise him!

After Funi pulled the Golden Tiger King out of the car, she picked up the back of its neck.

Smiling with crooked eyebrows: "Let's go, Daju, this will be your new home from now on."

It is hard to imagine that a beautiful woman who looks weak and frail can actually lift the upper body of a three-meter-long cat with one hand.

The eyes of the Golden Tiger King looked even more lifeless.

Netizens who watched the live broadcast were full of comments about [The director of the park is awesome! 】

Time flew by quickly.

The announcement of "ghost" did not seem to have any impact on people's lives in the first three months. Everyone should eat and sleep, those who should go to school should go to school, and those who should go to work should go to work.

Except for the time during the National Memorial Parade, no one has ever encountered a "ghost" in reality.

This is the so-called supernatural event.

It was not until half a year passed that the supernatural events seemed to accumulate to a certain threshold, and then erupted on a large scale overnight.

First, someone was at home. Every time in the middle of the night, abnormal footsteps could be heard upstairs.

Then, small-scale strange incidents such as strange crying sounds in the toilet, a bloody figure jumping from the roof, and a human body hanging from the ceiling of the dormitory gradually spread.

On a larger scale, a certain shopping mall building was urgently closed, the owners of a certain residential complex moved out collectively, etc.

Naturally, he was strong-willed at the beginning. Relying on his own cultivation and not being a weakling without the power to fight back, he directly chose to confront the supernatural incident.

Then his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and he called the police for help crying.

Later, accompanied by the police, strangely dressed people wearing navy blue uniforms and peaked caps quickly solved the incident and presented a set of exorcism, blessing, and house-keeping rituals that the parties involved could not understand.

After further investigation, the person involved knew that the strangely dressed man was an employee of "Ten Hearts Mysterious Technology Co., Ltd."

As more people had the same experience, this paranormal incident cleaning company, which was officially announced the day after the National Memorial Day, officially entered the public eye and quickly became famous.

People also remember the phone number which is almost as important as the police, emergency and fire alarm.

This funny thing about him being touched is a plot that the dog author wanted to write in the middle of the second part of the fight.

I once again spurn my shitty coding speed and enthusiasm for coding (lie down)

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