So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1017 Virtual Game

"Logging in"

"Equipped with thinking link"

"Build successfully! Security protocol is in effect"

"Loading Loading"

"Detecting the registration information of Zhinao has completed the real-name authentication!"

"Hello players! Welcome to "One World: Three Thousand Worlds"! "

After opening his eyes, he was surrounded by an endless dark space.

Only the gentle electronic sound echoed in the space.

Then the next second, a mirror appeared in front of her, reflecting her whole body.

"Your body data has been scanned. Do you want to create the character "Mu Jing"? "

She looked at herself in the mirror and saw that it was somewhat similar to reality. But perhaps in order to distinguish virtuality from reality, the character models in front of you are still more realistic and not exactly the same.

She thought for a moment, changed the character ID to "Gu Fangjing", and then saved the character data.

"Are you sure? It cannot be changed after submission."

She paused and said in an indifferent voice: "OK."

"The character "Gu Fangjing" was created successfully! Please wait a moment. The character is being reincarnated and reincarnated successfully! Happy gaming! "

As the gentle electronic sound fell, his eyes were slowly filled with a warm and continuous white light.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and a clear scene gradually emerged in his sight.

She looked around, like somewhere in the wild.

Every plant and tree is made very realistic, almost no different from reality, except that the light image has been adjusted with a layer of filters, unlike what can be seen in reality.

After Mu Jing observed the surrounding environment, she lowered her head to look at her hands, and then clenched her fists.

It doesn't seem to be much different from reality, her strength and physical fitness are still there.


Raising her hand, the seven-colored halo of light flowed in her palm, and she held the crooked branch.

She waved, finally coming to a conclusion.

It seems that his soul power is only at level ten, and his soul rings and soul bones are all gone.

This means that her cultivation has regressed to the time when she first awakened her martial spirit.

But the seven plum blossoms on the branches of Qixingmei are still there.

Mu Jing was thoughtful, then stretched out her hand, picked up a plum blossom from the branch with her fingertips, then flipped her wrist and shot it out.

With a flash of blue light, the plum blossoms flew far away, cutting through countless tree trunks.

I waved the branches again, but I didn't see the line of fire coming from the plum blossoms as I expected.

So she raised the branch again, like waving a baton, and the power of various elements around her suddenly surged towards her.

She stopped moving and took back her martial spirit, already having the answer in her heart.

Therefore, the soul skills and the innate ability to manipulate elements are still there, and the power seems to have not changed.

Opening his character panel again, looking at the empty energy bar, a look of understanding flashed across his face.

It seems that the release of soul skills still requires soul power, and although the fourth soul skill was just released casually, it still consumed all her meager tenth level soul power, so she was unable to release the plum blossoms like flowing fire later.

As for manipulating the elements, it is just a slight movement of the mind and does not consume soul power.

Thinking of this, she caused the elements around her to flow in. Sure enough, the empty energy bar was quickly filled up.

And, although the value displayed is a percentage, she is still so far behind that the upper limit of the energy bar is also increasing rapidly.

Is this considered practicing cultivation again?

Mu Jing studied the character panel. The character ID was followed by gender, and below were the health bar, energy bar, and sanity. There were three value bars in total, all displayed in percentages.

Mu Jing clicked on the question mark next to the green sanity bar and learned that the sanity bar was related to fright. If it was too low, she might be forced offline.

Continuing to read down, I saw the introduction of my fourth soul skill.



It must be the reason why it was used just now and it was recorded by the system?

That's a good idea.

Mu Jing's expression was a little subtle, but she quickly put those thoughts behind her and continued to look down.

Then there is the task panel, and now there is only one novice task on it.

"Awakening sentient beings: The sorrow of the powerless may be that they have never been able to compete. Destiny is like looking down at the ants, mocking the misfortune of all living beings.

“But no matter what happens, please save yourself unswervingly, over and over again!

"Mission goal: save yourself!"

Save yourself?

Mu Jing raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding the clear meaning of this novice task.

But the next second, the roar of a wild beast came from deep in the forest, and the answer was placed in front of her.

A ferocious white-fronted insect with an eye-catching look jumped out from the bushes, its sharp claws pointed directly at her fragile throat.

Mu Jing tapped her toes and avoided it lightly.

She stood high on the branch, looking at the tiger that kept pacing and roaring under the tree.

So, to survive this tiger attack?

It is not difficult for her, but for those players with weak cultivation, it may not be so.

Even though the tiger in front of him has no soul power fluctuations.

How does the system control the difficulty of this novice task?

The tiger was eager to climb up the tree, but Mu Jing had already flown down. The wood element caused the surrounding vines to grow, entangled the tiger's legs, and stabbed the tiger's eyes with sharp wooden thorns.

As soon as she landed lightly, the tiger was also entangled in the vines and fell to the ground, unable to get up for a long time. During the struggle, he was scratched by sharp wooden thorns.

The ground trembled slightly, it was clearly hard soil, but the next second it was like quicksand, slowly swallowing the tiger's huge body. In the end, only a big head was left outside that was wrapped by vines. It was paired with airplane ears and looked quite cute with its teeth bared.

Mu Jing untied the vines on its body, used elemental power to treat its injuries, and then gave it a brain-destroying blow.

The grinning tiger immediately shut up, and his eyes became clearer.

"I'll let you go in a moment."

Mu Jing said something, and then walked slowly outside the forest.

The breeze blew, blowing her breath away to prevent the tiger from catching up again.

When she was far away, she let go of the tiger.

It was at this time that she noticed a red dot appearing on the task panel. When she clicked on it, she was informed that the novice task had been completed.

So what then?

Just as Mu Jing was looking at the panel, she heard a mechanical electronic sound coming from her mind.

"Ding! An awakened character has been detected! Congratulations on being selected by the Lord God! The Huanyu system is successfully bound! System number 100000235 is at your service!"


Mu Jing raised her eyebrows, is this triggering the game plot?

The electronic voice claiming to be a system continued: "The Lord God is the god who governs three thousand worlds. After being selected by the Lord God, you will be responsible for maintaining the balance of each small world. You will accept the tasks issued by the Lord God's space and go to each small world to perform them."

It turns out that this is the background.

With the introduction of the system, Mu Jing also understood the background of the game.

So she said: "Then teleport to the main god space now."

"Received! Transmitting"

The electronic sound of the system paused for a moment, and then, the same white light that covered her field of vision appeared in front of Mu Jing's eyes again.

After a while, the white light dissipated, and she found herself in a place with a metallic, cold-toned sci-fi style.

"Welcome to the main god space!"

A gentle electronic voice said so.

Sounds like the one you heard when creating your character.

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