So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1042 Lost contact during heavy rain

[Actor Fu, why don’t you laugh? Is it because you don’t like to laugh by nature? 】

[As we all know, the law of conservation of smile means: the smile will not disappear, it will only be transferred to my face]

[Report to the Monkey King, this is my first time. I’m a little scared of society. Can I apply to sit on your lap during the summit (shy)]

[Can I sit next to Movie Emperor Fu and change my seat? I don’t mean anything else, I just want to experience what it’s like to be at the same table with a handsome guy]

[Can the summit be held at noon? Can't get up in the morning]

[Let’s open in the afternoon, we have lunch at noon]

[No, no, I can’t get up from a nap in the afternoon, so I’d better drive at night]

[I'm afraid of the dark at night and don't dare to walk alone at night. I hope Sister Monkey King or Mr. Fu can take me home]

[The world is not yet settled, are you and I both?]

[Seeing that everyone was almost crazy, I felt relieved (roaring) (turning into a monkey) (flying into the virgin forest) (swinging tree vines) (chuangfei passed by a monkey eating a banana) (picking off a durian) ( Kill the Monkey King) (Dominate the Monkey Group) (Dominate the World)]

[Sister Monkey King, is there Wuming here? I want to snatch your position as the Monkey King! 】

[I don’t understand what people think nowadays. They all regard themselves as monkeys. I'm different. I wish I was a cow cat. If others point at me, I'll defend myself (dog head).]

[Everyone finally became what they wanted (lighting up cigarettes)]

Xu Yue and Fu Jingting finally followed the people in the mountains and found a clean water source.

The two of them really didn't expect that this small island actually had a freshwater lake of considerable size.

The water of the lake is clean and clear, with a gem-like transparent green edge. Looking deeper, the lake water turns blue, indicating that the water depth may exceed five meters.

There are many kinds of seabirds floating scatteredly on the lake. Further on the shore, you can also see some animals living on the island drinking water.

Xu Yue glanced at this most pure and peaceful picture of nature, looked far away, and said: "You may encounter beasts coming to fetch water at any time by the lake, so it is not suitable as a camping location."

She squatted down and gently stirred the lake water with her fingertips: "It is unlikely that such a large lake is stagnant water. How about taking a circle and seeing if you can find the source?"

Fu Jingting had no objection: "I listen to you."

Xu Yue stood up: "Then let's go."

At the same time, a small beam of golden light emerged from her hand that was wet by the lake water. If you didn't look carefully, you might mistake it for sunlight refracted by water droplets.

She flicked her fingers, and when the water droplets on her hand splashed, the ray of light also shot out, flying towards the mountain forest behind the two of them, and soon disappeared.

Fu Jingting looked away, looked at Xu Yue who was already walking along the lake shore, followed him in two steps, and asked: "That was just now?"

Xu Yue said absently: "Oh, it's nothing. It's just a beacon. It can lead Xiaochen and the others to find it."

Fu Jingting glanced at the drone flying next to him and wondered if he was going to pretend?

[If I understand correctly, it means that the light will find Xu Dingliu and the others on its own, and then bring them here? ? 】

[Are you bragging? Does this sister know how far away they are from Xu Dingliu now? 】

[My family is real, I just came back from Xu Dingliu’s live broadcast room, and the light from my manager sister has found them (shocked face)]

[Is this really something that only a thirty-level monk can do? (The hand holding the cigarette is shaking slightly)]

[A fellow thirty-level monk tells you, I can’t do it anyway]

The two walked around half of the lake, and then saw a small waterfall.

The cliff with the waterfall falling down was about a hundred meters high, but it was nothing to the two of them.

Xu Yue was very relaxed. She came up in a few clicks without even using her hands, relying solely on the strength of her feet.

And Fu Jingting was only a little slower than her.

She looked meaningfully at Fu Jingting beside her and said, "Best actor Fu's skills don't look like they are only level 50."

Fu Jingting slightly curled his lips, with a handsome face and a charming smile that didn't pay for his life. There was nothing unusual about him: "It's nothing. It can't compare to Teacher Xu."

The two looked at each other and smiled, as if no one had noticed the tense atmosphere just now.

[What riddles are you two playing with us again? 】

[Is there anything that I, as a valued member, cannot listen to? 】

The waterfall was connected to a small stream about two meters wide. Xu Yue and Fu Jingting walked up the stream for a while, and finally found a cave nearby.

The cave is not too deep, there are no traces of animal life inside, and the ground and mountain walls are relatively dry.

So Xu Yue made a decision and decided to camp here.

Not long after, Xu Chen also led Yu Xingzhou and two children here.

After that, everyone got busy, picked up some hay and spread it in the innermost part of the cave, and then went to look for food nearby.

As a result, as soon as the sun set, the weather turned from cloudless sunshine to heavy rain.

Everyone was caught off guard and soaked in the rain, and ran back to the cave holding their heads.

Fu Jingting and Yu Xingzhou were busy wringing the rainwater from their children's clothes. When they looked up, Xu Yue and Xu Chen were back unscathed, and their bodies were still dry.

Xu Yue looked at the two drowned rats, Fu Mingxuan and Changchang, and laughed heartlessly.

Changchang's mouth dropped, but he still asked curiously: "Sister, why didn't you get wet?"

Xu Yue smiled and said: "Because my sister can use sunlight magic, the rainwater has been evaporated before it even fell on her."

She moved her hand, and a faint golden light lit up between her fingers. Then she used the light to pinch a shiny golden duck and handed it to Changchang.

Changchang held the sunny yellow duck in his arms with a face of surprise, feeling the sun-like warmth coming from the duck continuously, and even the rain on his body evaporated in just a few breaths.

She raised her head and looked at Xu Yue with starry eyes: "Sister, you are so awesome! Thank you!"

Xu Yue waved her hand: "You're welcome, this is a gift from the princess of the Kingdom of Light. Take it and play with it."

Fu Mingxuan, who was next to him, raised his hand with envy on his face: "Your Highness, Princess of the Kingdom of Light, can I have one too?"

Xu Yue pinched another golden little yellow chicken for him very grandly: "Take it, this is the reward you deserve as a believer in the Kingdom of Light!"

Fu Mingxuan raised the little yellow chicken in his hand and said loudly: "Long live Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Fu Jingting, whose hair was still dripping with water: ""

This wise guy is definitely not his nephew.

Xu Yue was quite pleased with it, and said happily: "Low-key, low-key."

However, under the sunshine of the little yellow ducks and little yellow chickens, the rainwater on Fu Jingting and Yu Xingzhou was slowly drying up.

Yu Xingzhou looked at the scene of heavy rain outside the cave, and said with some worry: "With such heavy rain, I'm afraid it will be difficult to go out to find food."

Then, several people finally discovered the two drones held in Xu Chen's arms.

Yu Xingzhou was stunned for a moment: "Xiao Xu, what is this?"

Xu Yue said "Oh" and said calmly: "The drones of the program team have stopped working for some reason. Now we have lost contact with the program team."

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