So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1045 It turns out to be stand-in literature

The heavy rain hit the green leaves in the forest, making a crisp and painful sound. Xu Yue felt something in her heart and looked back behind her.

Fu Jingting noticed her movements and said, "What's wrong?"

Xu Yue withdrew her gaze and said slowly, "It's nothing. Movie Emperor Fu, you'd better keep an eye on your little nephew when you go back."

Fu Jingting was stunned and asked casually and tentatively: "Teacher Xu, do you mean that my nephew may be in danger?"

With quick eyes and quick hands, Xu Yue caught an old hen that was left alone by the program crew.

Then he replied: "I didn't say that."

Fu Jingting thought: "Thank you, Teacher Xu, for reminding me."

He looked at Xu Yue's back in front of him. Even though he was only wearing ordinary white short-sleeved shirts and jeans, the body curves outlined by the clothes were graceful.

He suddenly said: "I wonder if I can ask Teacher Xu to do me a favor?"

Xu Yue held the chicken wings and looked back at him doubtfully: "What's the big deal? Can you tell me?"

Then suddenly, she seemed to think of something, and added anxiously and cautiously: "Let's talk about it first. If it's something related to the circle, don't mention it."

Fu Jingting looked at her anxious to clear up the relationship, and suddenly figured out what her misunderstanding might be.

Recalling what he learned about her from his second brother, he couldn't help but smile, the sound coming from his throat was low and sweet.

He blinked, his eyes were clear, he looked at Xu Yue and said, "Don't worry, Teacher Xu, it's about my nephew."

Xu Yue breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, you can tell me."

Fu Jingting curled his lips and said, "Can you please ask Teacher Xu to take the time to protect my nephew in the next few days?"

He watched Xu Yue look at him with a confused expression, and blocked her words before she could speak.

He pretended to be a little troubled and continued: "After all, you know, Teacher Xu, I am the most cultivated in our team, and I have to ensure the safety of everyone. In this case, my concentration will be impossible Leave it all to my nephew.”

Sure enough, after hearing his words, Xu Yue's face showed a complicated look that said shit was unpalatable but she had to swallow it.

He smiled inwardly, but still used his actor-level acting skills to portray the image of a good uncle who cared about his nephew, without any flaws.

"I'm worried that when my nephew is in danger, I won't have time to take care of him, so I want to ask you to help me take care of him."

Fu Jingting paused, looked at Xu Yue, and finally added: "Of course, I won't let Teacher Xu's efforts go in vain."

He showed a smile that said he was confident of winning, but seemed a little heartbroken for some reason: "I can pay, the price is negotiable."

Xu Yue's eyes suddenly lit up.

Although she always felt that this set was a bit familiar, but with a small amount of money right in front of her, she didn't think too much and immediately agreed happily.

"Hey, what did I think it was? It turns out it's just a trivial matter." Xu Yue patted her chest proudly, "Don't worry, Movie Emperor Fu. Keep it with me. I will definitely protect our little nephew." Be tight and make sure not a single hair falls out!”

Before Fu Jingting could feel his heart palpitate because of her words "our little nephew", he was disturbed to death by her next words.

"From now on, my little nephew is my half-brother! I can't live without his breath for a day!"

Fu Jingting: ""

That doesn't have to be the case, he doesn't want to be promoted just yet.

Later, Xu Chen also came back with two rabbits. The three of them estimated that they had almost collected the food and decided to return.

Around dinner time, they arrived at the cave again.

Fu Mingxuan rushed forward holding the sunshine chicken that had transformed from a golden phoenix: "Princess, princess, Jiujiu suddenly turned into a phoenix just now. Why?"

Changchang followed him and pursed his lips and said, "Sister, why won't my Gaga change? Are you partial to Brother Fu Mingxuan?"

Xu Yue had already thrown the ingredients she found to Xu Chen, and now she had her free hand to touch the heads of the two children, and said with a smile: "Do you think the gifts given by the Princess of the Kingdom of Light are only as simple as they look? They are But when you are in danger, I will transform into a majestic sun beast to protect you."

Fu Mingxuan had a look of surprise on his face and said in a longer voice: "Oh~ So it turns out that Jiu Jiu turned into a phoenix because he triggered the sunshine beast form?"

Then he asked doubtfully: "But princess, I have been playing with Changchang in the cave just now. Didn't I encounter any danger?"

Xu Yue smiled: "The Sunshine Beast can never go wrong."

Fu Mingxuan seemed to understand: "Okay, whatever the princess says is right."

Changchang raised her little hand and interjected: "Sister, sister, what about my Gaga? What does Gaga's sunshine beast form look like?"

Xu Yue smoothed down the stupid hair on her head: "I don't know, maybe it's a beautiful swan?"

Changchang: "Wow~"

Fu Mingxuan: "Wow!"

After dealing with the two children, Xu Yue raised her eyes and glanced lightly at Bai Sheng behind her.

Bai Sheng met her gaze, his body trembled, and then he quickly lowered his head.

Xu Yue made a "cut" sound and turned around to process the ingredients with Xu Chen.

Since it was still raining heavily outside, and the cave was a little far away from a small stream, they only processed fish that were easier to handle than chickens and rabbits, and prepared them for grilled fish.

But as soon as Xu Chen finished killing one and cleaned out the internal organs and fish bones, Xu Yue suddenly realized something and said, "Brother, you don't even know how to cook, so can you grill this fish?"

Xu Chen's hands froze, and then he said honestly: "No."

He even killed and handled the fish for the first time today, completely relying on intuition and instinct.

Although they have all lived for 20,000 years and up, the 10,000 years have been skipped, and the other 10,000 years have been in a small world where the flow of time is different from reality, and people from the Noumenon Sect have also taken care of their daily meals.

So I haven’t really learned how to cook.

Xu Yue's face suddenly filled with sorrow: "Brother, you know me. If you don't have enough food, you will go crazy easily. If you go crazy, someone will die easily."

Xu Chen: ""

It couldn't be him who died, right?

At this moment, a hand stretched out from Xu Yue's side, holding a skewer of fragrant grilled fish.

Fu Jingting looked at her: "Try it?"

Xu Yue was stunned for a moment: "Really give it to me? Then I'm not welcome."

Before she could say "You're welcome", the grilled fish was already in her hands.

Fu Jingting almost laughed angrily.

Xu Yue took a bite, and then gave Fu Jingting a thumbs up: "I can't tell that Movie Emperor Fu has such good cooking skills."

Fu Jingting smiled lightly: "Just suit Teacher Xu's appetite."

Then he noticed that someone was staring at him, and he turned his gaze to look at Xu Chen with a somewhat scrutinizing gaze.

Fu Jingting smiled at him, not seeing anything strange at all. He took another fish on hand and said while handling it: "Actually, grilling fish is very simple. Just clean out the internal organs, stuff the fish belly with ingredients, and you can start grilling."

Xu Chen glanced at him, then imitated his actions, began to handle the fish in his hands, and then grilled it on the fire.

Fu Jingting: "It's a pity that we don't have seasoning, otherwise it would be more delicious."

Xu Chen's eyes flashed, he flipped his wrist, took out a bottle of salt, and spread it evenly on the fish skin.

Then he did the same thing, sprinkled in chili pepper and other seasonings, and finally handed it to Xu Yue.

Xu Yue had already finished showing off the one given by Fu Jingting, took it without ceremony and took a bite, then gave her brother a thumbs up: "Not bad, although the fish meat is a bit mushy, the taste of the seasoning covers it up. First. You have this kind of skill for the first time, brother, I am optimistic about you!"

Xu Chen didn't say anything, but he picked up another fish and started handling it.

Fu Jingting: ""

After filling their stomachs with a simple dinner, everyone went to rest.

The heavy rain continued until late at night, and stopped around four or five in the morning.

Xu Yue, who was lying on the haystack and covered with Xu Chen's coat, also opened her eyes at this time and quietly sat up.

In the cave, two children hugged the Sunshine Chicken and Duck tightly to keep warm. The chicken and duck's luminous power was also adjusted to the lowest level, which was gentle and not dazzling, just like a night light.

Xu Yue paused, and after confirming that everyone else was asleep, she threw her coat on Xu Chen's face and slowly flew out.

She tapped her toes on the leaves at the top of the tree, and with each movement she flew more than ten meters away. Finally, she reached the top of the highest mountain on the island, hugged her knees and sat down, looking at the clear starry sky in the east.

Away from the city lights, the starry sky becomes particularly obvious, making the night uniquely beautiful.

The sky in the easternmost part is actually a little white, and Xu Yue is here to watch the sunrise.

She waited quietly, and after a while, she heard footsteps behind her.

She thought it was Xu Chen coming, but she didn't notice the familiar martial spirit aura.

Looking back, she saw a figure that surprised her.

"Actor Fu?"

Fu Jingting sat down next to her: "Mr. Xu got up really early." Then he looked at her and said, "Do you mind if I'm here?"

Xu Yue glanced at him, then withdrew her gaze: "Whatever."

After that, no one spoke anymore, they just sat there quietly, enjoying the cool breeze.

Finally, the sun appeared.

Xu Yue also opened her arms at this time and embraced the first ray of sunshine that appeared on the horizon.

She squinted her eyes slightly, and a pale golden halo appeared on her body, which seemed to echo the orange rays of the sun on the horizon.

Fu Jingting turned his head and looked at her. The other person's face was coated with a beautiful orange-gold color and seemed to become more thrilling.

He couldn't help but slow down his breathing, as if he was afraid of disturbing the beautiful scenery in front of him.

It wasn't until Xu Yue opened her eyes that he said: "Mr. Xu came here alone early in the morning just to watch the sunrise?"

Hearing his voice, Xu Yue glanced at him, and then froze.

Fu Jingting's appearance is needless to say, it can even be called a beauty in the entertainment industry.

However, Xu Yue has seen many handsome guys, and she didn't feel any different from him in the past.

But now, half of the other person's silhouette is bathed in the rising orange rays of the morning sun, and half is hidden in the shadows.

In addition, he raised his head slightly and turned to look at her from this angle.

Maybe it's a coincidence woven out of countless accidents.

Apart from being extremely handsome, this face had never been anything special before.

It actually made her feel a little familiar.

Then because of the self-association of memory.

The more they look, the more they look like each other.

Like the one she has always kept in the deepest part of her heart, the blue light that saved her from fire and water in the dark dungeon.

The one she didn't even dare to speak out loud about.

——Tang Liu.

Excuse me, why can’t I avoid grilled fish? (complaint) (dog head)


Substitute literature may be late, but it’s here hehe

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