So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1073 Real machine demonstration PV released

The time comes to the end of November.

At the end of November, netizens who were surfing in real time discovered the official account of "One World: Three Thousand Worlds" and posted a video again.

It is the long-awaited PV of the actual game demo.

The netizens who squatted down immediately rushed in eagerly.

At the beginning of the video, the logos of the game developer, Deep Space Technology, and the main logo of "One World: Three Thousand Worlds" flashed in sequence, and the screen suddenly brightened.

There are birds soaring in the blue sky, passing by lush jungles and towering mountains.

Passing through the lingering clouds and fog, and blocking the scorching sun high in the sky, leaving behind the fine light and shadow of Tyndall.

Then suddenly, a monster roared, breaking the beautiful and harmonious scene.

A hand that was twisted out of shape and made of an unknown material crossed the screen and hit the ground hard, kicking up a cloud of dust and gravel, overturning the surrounding trees and breaking them in half.

Youdao's figure flashed past, nimbly dodged away from the giant black hand, and jumped more than ten meters away.

At this time, the camera zoomed out, and the true face of the giant hand appeared completely in the picture.

It was a dark and twisted monster that looked human but not human. It was huge and comparable to the hills on both sides.

It has no facial features, only a huge bloodshot eye growing on its belly.

Under the eyes is a bloody mouth with countless teeth.

It is a terrifying, disgusting, and creepy appearance.

The monster just missed with one blow, and now it roared again. Dark tentacles sprouted from its body and stabbed at the figure just now.

Each tentacle was extremely huge, piercing the ground and raising thick smoke and dust, causing the earth to tremble.

And that figure just shuttled lightly between the tentacles, seemingly unaffected.

But the monster spawned too many tentacles, and soon all his escape routes were blocked, and then the big hand hammered him in the head.

Just when the netizens who were watching with rapt attention couldn't help but hold their breath, the camera suddenly showed a close-up of the man's face.

The man's face is invisible because he wears a metal white tiger mask.

He raised his head, as if looking at the incoming fist of the monster above him.

The next second the camera switched to behind him, looking up with him.

What he saw was the monster's fist, which was getting closer and closer, coming like a blanket covering the sky.

The man stepped back, twisted his waist, and then punched brazenly.

At that moment, a strong golden light erupted from his body, and the fist was fierce, shining with bright golden light, and he boldly connected with the monster's giant hand like the sun.


The monster's big hand was shattered into slag, turning into countless black energy and flying away!

At this time, the camera gave a close-up of the person's front, and the picture was frozen for a moment, with gray-white text appearing.

"Number One on the List, Evil-Eyed Devil Tiger"

The frozen scene continued to play, with the monster as huge as a mountain roaring in pain, staggering and falling.

But the next moment, the black air flow surged, and its lost giant hand quickly grew back. The sound of flesh and blood squirming made the netizens watching feel numb.

The monster roared again, this time out of anger.

Rich black energy suddenly erupted from its body, and the flowers, plants and trees that came into contact with the black energy quickly withered, leaving only bare trunks.

The monster roared and charged towards the Evil-Eyed Demon Tiger again. Wherever it passed, no vegetation grew.

But at this moment, a sacred platinum light fell from the sky, covering the monster's huge body.

The black energy was like fire meeting water, annihilating and disappearing in an instant.

The camera quickly moved up until it came to a graceful woman in the sky.

She wore a pure white faceless mask with only the outline of her facial features, and on her back were several pairs of dove-like white-gold wings that fluttered gently, carrying her floating in the air.

The picture also freezes for a moment at this moment, and the large characters of Platinum appear on the screen.

"Second on the list, the singer of the Kingdom of God"

Continuing to play, the chanter of the Kingdom of God raised the platinum-gold rapier that appeared in his hand at an unknown moment. Then, the camera switched, and the monster's body shrouded in white light was ignited with platinum-gold fire.


Someone's chanting came from high in the sky.

The camera switched to show a woman wearing a sun mask.

The sun above his head suddenly seemed to be countless times brighter, and the platinum flames on the monster burned even more intensely.

Its screams and roars were endless.

The picture also freezes on the side face of the woman in the sun mask, with large golden characters appearing.

"Sixth on the list, Ye Guangyaojie"

The black energy gushing from the monster was completely melted by the holy fire and the rays of the sun, and even its figure seemed to have shrunk a lot in the holy light.

At this time, plum trees suddenly appeared out of thin air.

The plum blossoms are rustling, and it seems that you can smell the charming fragrance.

The powerful wood element burst out, instantly restoring life to the land that had been ruined by the black energy.

The camera turned to the ground, where a woman holding a dead branch and wearing a flower mask was seen.

This sudden Merlin should have been created by her.

And the characters displayed in her scene are exactly the same color as plum blossoms——

"Fourth on the list, Qijue Hanmei"

"It can't be delayed any longer."

A female voice sounded like an oriole out of the valley.

Then, a graceful person fell into the frame of the camera. His moving figure took two steps towards the direction of the camera. It made people's breathing and heartbeat tremble.

What appears in the close-up is rose gold text:

"Fifth on the list, Messenger of Destiny"

And what she was wearing was actually a lynx mask.

Immediately afterwards, another figure rose directly from the shadows on the ground.

His cold voice came to my ears: "The weakness has been found. Let's get started."

The tall man's face was directly obscured by a dark shadow, and the close-up also showed dark text: "Seventh on the list, Abyss Vision."

Suddenly, the tall figure of the evil-eyed demon tiger flashed around several people, and his deep voice was heard: "Then who has higher attack power and will be the main attacker?"

"Let me do it."

Qingyue's male voice came from above the heads of several people.

The camera followed everyone's gaze upwards, and a figure wearing a bamboo hat, fluttering clothes, and wielding a sword came into view.

The frozen picture shows words as red as maple leaves:

"Third on the list, White Emperor Sword Immortal"

I heard the evil-eyed demon tiger laugh twice: "Then what are you waiting for?"

The next second, his figure disappeared out of thin air. When the camera zoomed out, it was discovered that he had appeared on top of the monster in an instant. Then, with his legs glowing golden, he actually trampled the monster's huge body down.

Then, the sky dimmed, and a huge white tiger head mark appeared on the monster.

The evil-eyed demon tiger himself also raised his head at this time.

The camera lengthened and gave him a close-up from the side. Following the dark golden light, there were six large gray-white characters with flying dragons and phoenixes:

"The Devil Tiger Breaks the Golden Flash"

There was only a crisp sound of "clang", and the tiger head mark was cut off by the shocking golden light and fell into two pieces.

And the huge body of the monster that was connected to it was also broken into two halves!

Cut again!

A ghostly figure appeared silently next to the monster's severed body. In an instant, darkness as black as ink swept over the monster's body.

"Should be broken like a shadow——"

Along with his faint chanting, dark introductory text appeared:

"Abyss Cursed Soul Order"

Cut again, and the scene switches to the messenger of destiny.

Her figure flew up, and then she waved her hand and sprinkled a dreamlike rose gold starlight.

"Great Prajna Zhaoming Starry Sky"

The monster's body suddenly stood still in the golden starlight, unable to move.

The screen then cuts to the Divine Kingdom Chanter and Ye Guangyao Realm in the air.

Just listen to the two women chanting one after another:

"I praise your bravery and give you the courage to move forward!"

"The Power of Angel's Praise"

"I wish Guang Yong will accompany you and help you break through all evil delusions!"

"Ye Guang Prayer"

The camera continues to turn to Qi Jue Hanmei.

She didn't say much, just lightly held the dead branches in her hands, as if conducting a concert.

"It fell into mud and became dust, but only the fragrance remains the same."

Platinum gold, brilliant gold, and seven colors, a total of three rays of light fell on the last White Emperor Sword Immortal.

I saw his figure flying quickly into the sky, and then the sword was pointed at his chest.

The camera quickly zoomed out from a close-up of him.

It appeared that the snow-white thousand-meter giant sword above his head was slowly piercing the sky!

"One sword lights up the fourteen states"

See you tomorrow~

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