So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1090 It’s winter vacation

The arrival of a new year also means that it is almost the end of the semester and students are going on winter vacation.

With the end of the final exam, Tang Wulin has officially passed the first semester of his junior high school career and is preparing to go home for the holidays.

Tang Wulin and his roommate Xie Xie went to the Haixin City train station and said goodbye inside the station.

Xie Xie boarded the train to Donghai City, and Tang Wulin also boarded the train back to Aolai City a moment later.

It has been four months since I went home. The little boy is looking forward to seeing his parents again, even though he makes video calls with Tang Ziran and Lang Yue every week at school.

Seeing his excitement but not showing it, the Golden Dragon King also swung his tail in excitement.

But he still had the habit of telling Tang Wulin first: "Look at your worthless look. You are so grown up and can't live without your parents. Are you ashamed?"

Tang Wulin had already figured out what kind of character the Golden Dragon King was, so he just said with a smile: "That's because no matter what I want to do, you will be with me. You are my strength, so it doesn't matter even if I have no future. "

No matter what the Golden Dragon King says, just praise him vigorously and that's it!

Sure enough, the Golden Dragon King immediately started to squirm: "I don't."

Tang Wulin smiled and said nothing, leaving the Golden Dragon King to mutter in a low voice.

In just a few moments, the Golden Dragon King had already thought about what to do if Tang Wulin really couldn't be independent in the future.

If you can't, then you can't. At worst, he can just support him.

So does he have to find a job?

What kind of job is more suitable?

Considering that this kid is still growing, he must not miss out on food. Taking the most common Dilong Jin into account, what is the approximate price of ingredients that can enhance his physical fitness?

You should also think carefully about where you live. It is best to be close to the school, in a good location, and with comprehensive surrounding facilities.

The area should not be too small, lest Tang Wulin would feel uncomfortable living there.

There are also clothes, tuition fees, and travel methods.

The more the Golden Dragon King thought about it, the more worried he became. He felt something called "pressure" suddenly coming to his head.

It seems that he has to find a job with a very good salary to raise the cub well!


Why did he raise Tang Wulin? ? !

Tang Wulin has nothing to do with him, so it has nothing to do with him!

The Golden Dragon King has fried hair, or should I say "fried scales"?

In short, he is now "humiliated and angry."

The train started soon. During the journey, Tang Wulin received a call from Lang Yue, asking him if he had boarded the train, when he would arrive home, and if he wanted them to pick him up.

"No mom, I can do it myself."

"Okay, baby, please be careful on the road and avoid vehicles, okay? Dad and I will be waiting for you at home."

"I know, Mom."

Arriving in Aolai City, Tang Wulin dragged his suitcase into the subway station. After taking the corresponding line to the destination station, he came to the ground and prepared to transfer to the bus that could reach his home.

There is still a long distance from the subway station to the bus station, and you have to pass through several intersections.

But Tang Wulin didn't expect that among the people coming and going on the street, there were still people who wanted to do harm to him.

Don't ask him how he knew, it was because the Golden Dragon King, which was hanging softly around his neck, suddenly raised his head and stared in a certain direction behind him.

If he hadn't sensed the possible danger, he wouldn't have done this.

Tang Wulin kept moving forward and tried to get closer to a crowded place.

"Lilie, who is behind you?"

The Golden Dragon King suddenly softened his neck and said lazily in his mind: "It's okay, don't worry."

"Ah? Okay," Tang Wulin was a little confused, but didn't ask any more questions, "Then shall I continue walking?"

Golden Dragon King: "Well, you go on to the bus stop. I'll go take a look and come back to you later. Be careful when crossing the road!"

Tang Wulin: "I know, Lie Lie, you are just like my mother sometimes."

The Golden Dragon King choked and said angrily: "I don't care about you!"

Tang Wulin laughed: "I'm joking with you, Lie Lie, please be careful."

The Golden Dragon King got down from his neck and floated in the air, grunting: "I'm not a weakling like you. I have to make others watch out for me."

Tang Wulin said naturally: "But I care about you, Lielie."

Another straight shot made the Golden Dragon King's heart beat wildly.

"Just like you and your mother would tell me to be careful when crossing the street, I also hope that you will be careful when doing things that I think are dangerous."

Tang Wulin smiled so hard that his eyebrows were crescent, and his beautiful eyes were bright and serious.

It is the innocence and enthusiasm unique to young people, the innocence and purity without any distracting thoughts.

"Go ahead, Lie Lie. But come back soon. I'm waiting to go home with you."

The young man waved his hand, picked up his suitcase and continued walking forward.

The Golden Dragon King floated on the spot, staring at his back for a long time.

Then I remembered what the young boy said just now, and suddenly murmured unconsciously:

"But why put me and my mother together? I don't want to just"

Then he suddenly reacted and immediately said: "Bah, bah, bah, mom! What am I thinking!"

Then he got angry and got into the silver space crack and disappeared.

When he came out again, he regained his composure.

Then he looked at the silver-haired woman holding the shackles of the colorful elements in the wilderness.

The blood-red dragon eyes moved lightly and fell on the strange man who was restrained by shackles and half kneeling on the ground.

"Here we come." Gu Yuena said calmly.

The Golden Dragon King looked at the strange man, not hiding the bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

After a moment, he said: "Who is this person?"

Gu Yuena: "I don't know. He should be just an ordinary person, but he was made into a puppet and controlled."

"Then who's controlling him?"

"The Holy Spirit taught me. I've been checking recently, but I still don't know who it is." Gu Yuena looked at the half-kneeling man in front of her and said, "The control method is also a bit unfamiliar. I have to take him back to see him. Tang Liu."

The Golden Dragon King was suddenly jealous: "Why can you call the Lord by his first name? Could it be that you can't detect the top dragon aura in the Lord?"

"Oh?" Gu Yuena became interested, "Really? I really don't know."

Either that guy deliberately hid his aura in front of her, or

"Maybe it's because I'm closer to a human now." She said calmly, "Using the Silver Dragon King's ability is just like a human using a martial spirit, so I didn't notice it."

Anyway, since the awakening of the monarch's heart, she has gradually begun to become different.

Becoming something more transcendent.

Between dragons and humans, yet higher than either.

She suddenly looked at the Golden Dragon King seriously: "We just have different ways. Don't mind it and continue walking along your own way." "

Although she couldn't detect the real dragon aura on Tang Liu's body, she could clearly see the current state of her old friend.

Maybe one day in the future, the Golden Dragon King can become a higher-ranking and pure "dragon" than their original dragon god.

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