So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1100 Is it possible to make a lot of money using the speed of light to deliver food?

At first glance, these young people were students from nearby universities, and Xu Yue was looking for them.

She smiled and said, "Okay. How about 30 credits for each person to play with us for an hour? Can you accept it?"

"Okay, okay! Beautiful sister, you are so skilled and good-looking, so the price is more than reasonable!"

The young man agreed without hesitation.

Xu Yue: "That's cool! But I'm filming a show and I don't have any money. Can one of you renew my phone for me?"

A young man patted his chest: "Of course, it's a small thing, just treat it like I'm treating you, sister."

"Thank you! Come on, everyone who wants to join us can come and become friends. I promise to help you get high points!"

The young people excitedly sent out four people to form a team with Xu Yue, and continued to play the game until six o'clock. Xu Yue easily earned 600+.

"Okay, okay, that's it for today. We have to go. Let's play together again when we have time."

Seeing that the time was almost up, Xu Yue went offline and said goodbye to several young people.

"Okay, sister, walk slowly and let's have some fun together another day!"

The young people all waved to her with bright faces.

This afternoon's game was the most enjoyable they had played in so many years.

Xu Yue plays games like a cow, but she is not just a person who directly leads him away.

Occasionally giving a few words of command, they can actually perform god-level operations that they would never dare to think of.

The young people didn't know what Xu Yue did, but that didn't stop them from admiring Xu Yue.

But after Xu Yue and others left, a young man suddenly recalled something: "Wait a minute, did the beautiful sister say that she is filming a show? Is she a star in the entertainment industry? Is it possible to be so good-looking? ”

Then, the young man who renewed Xu Yue's phone jumped up excitedly: "Don't you know, she is Sister Xu! I have recognized her a long time ago!"

"Sister Xu? Which Sister Xu?"

The young man started to take Amway aggressively.

On the other side, Xu Yue and others had contacted each other through mobile phones and found a place to meet.

Fu Jingting came back first with several bags of packed lunches.

"Here, they were all given by the boss at the place where I worked today."

He first took a portion and gave it to Xu Yue, and then handed it to others in turn.

"Thank you." Xu Yue took it and asked curiously, "How much did you earn today, Movie Emperor Fu?"

Fu Jingting said: "It's not much, just three hundred. The boss gave me a little. If it's just that, it might not be enough to find a place to live."

Fu Mingxuan immediately raised his hand: "Uncle, we made more than 600 today!"

"Oh?" Fu Jingting looked at Xu Yue in surprise, "Really?"

Xu Yue looked at him with a smile and nodded.

Yu Xingzhou smiled and said, "Xiaoyue is amazing. In one afternoon, I played games with others and easily earned 600 yuan. We didn't do anything, we just watched from the side, lying so comfortable."

Fu Jingting curled his lips: "Awesome, Teacher Xu."

Xu Yue: "Hey, low-key, low-key, just basic!"

Not long after, Xu Chen also came back, and he also brought back some food.

Xu Yue took the initiative to take the things in his hands, and then started to see what was there.

"You're back. How much did you earn today?"

Xu Chen watched Xu Yue take what she wanted to eat, then return to the plastic bag in her hand, and began to distribute things to everyone by herself.

At the same time, he casually replied: "Nine hundred."

Xu Yue almost squirted out the water in her mouth.

After finally swallowing it, she widened her eyes: "Young master?!"

She wiped her mouth and looked at Xu Chen in shock: "What did you do, steal money? How come you earn more than me?!"

Xu Chen glanced at her and said calmly: "No, I just delivered food. Three credits for one order, three hundred orders delivered."

Fu Jingting: "?"

Netizen: [? Take less? You mean seizing the young master? ! 】

[You delivered three hundred takeout orders in one afternoon? ! 】

But Xu Yue slapped her palm without any surprise: "Damn, that's right! Why didn't I think of that!"

She looked at Xu Chen with a dumbfounded look on her face: "Grandma, you got this money after all. I feel so bad."

Xu Chen handed her a roasted starch sausage covered in chili powder and successfully blocked her mouth.

Changchang was shocked: "Brother Xu Chen, how did you do it? A delivery person can only deliver fifty orders a day, right? I remember we passed the math test!"

Xu Chen: "My martial spirit is a little faster, so."

Changchang Brain’s CPU burned out: “How fast is that?”

Yu Xingzhou took a bottle of ice water to cool her down and comforted her: "It's okay, Changchang. It doesn't matter if you can't think of it. After all, you've only just learned how to solve equations. This problem is still beyond the scope for you. Not to mention your brother Xu. Just like your princess sister, it cannot be explained by normal theories. "

Xu Chen: ""

In fact, it is possible.

In short, with Xu Chen's strong participation of 900 yuan, the financial situation of the six of them can be said to be relatively comfortable.

I found a hotel nearby and opened three double rooms, which only cost about 400 yuan.

Xu Chen and Yu Xingzhou lived together, and Changchang went to live with Xu Yue, which made Fu Mingxuan jealous.

This episode is not like the first season. Guests can turn off the camera when going to bed at night and turn it on again the next morning.

Several people first discussed the arrangements for tomorrow together, and then went to rest separately.

Changchang left with Xu Yue, and the smile on his face never diminished. He didn't take his old father seriously at all, which made Yu Xingzhou feel very complicated inside.

After taking a bath, Yu Xingzhou looked at Xu Chen who was sitting cross-legged on the bed and asked curiously: "Xiao Chen, don't you want to sleep?"

Xu Chen opened his eyes and replied: "I am more used to meditating and practicing at night."

Yu Xingzhou sighed: "You are really self-disciplined. No wonder your cultivation level is so high."

Xu Chen: "I am only level 38, which is not high."

Yu Xingzhou said happily: "I know, it's level 38, haha, don't worry, I know."

Xu Chen: ""

On the other side, Fu Jingting and his nephew Fu Mingxuan.

Fu Mingxuan: "Uncle, can I sleep with you?"

Fu Jingting: "No, Mingxuan, you are already a 12-year-old child."

Fu Mingxuan: "Jiujiu, I just envy Changchang to be able to share a room with the princess, and maybe even sleep with the princess.

"I also want to sleep with the princess, so I want to let you, uncle, take my place."

Fu Jingting: "Mingxuan, come here."

Fu Mingxuan was surprised: "Jiujiu, do you agree?"


Two seconds later, Fu Mingxuan covered his butt and turned into poached egg eyes: "Jiujiu, why do you hit someone when you disagree with me?"

Fu Jingting smiled: "If you bring it up again, I'll beat you up."

He still wants to sleep with Xu Yue!

This brat wants to be beautiful!

Fu Mingxuan: QAQ

Jiujiu is the big bad guy!

On the other side, Changchang was really sleeping in Xu Yue's arms, sleeping very soundly.

Princess sister’s embrace is so warm!

The state seems to be gradually returning, not much, but enough (dog head)


Not bad, continue tomorrow

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