So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1103 Shock! Sister Xu took actor Fu and eloped!

A few minutes later, Li Yue had finished her playing and received applause from most of the tourists present.

She successfully received a hundred credit points award from the host, and then walked back with a blushing face.

Li Yong smiled and said: "Why don't Teacher Xu accept these 100 credits? After all, we are a team now, and it is better to manage the funds together."

Xu Yue waved her hand and refused: "You can just keep it yourself. We all make our own money, we just act together."

Li Yong immediately changed his tune and said, "Okay, then we'll keep it for ourselves."

Xu Yue smiled: "It's the money you earned through your own hard work. This is what it should be."

Li Yong took the opportunity to flatter him: "Mr. Xu is just reasonable, haha."

Xu Yue didn't answer any more, just smiled and turned to Li Yue who was standing next to him, and said: "Miss Li's piano playing is really superb. I wonder what the song you played just now was called? It sounded very good, unlike what I used to do." The ones I listen to always make me sleepy.”

Li Yue smiled shyly: "It's called "Give Me", and it's a piano song I wrote myself. It expresses secret love, and in the end it's a sweet two-way relationship."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Fu Jingting, who looked calm next to Xu Yue, and then quickly looked away, her face seemed to turn redder.

Xu Yue took everything in her eyes, and suddenly had a plan in mind.

The opportunity seems to have come.

She said in surprise: "Really? It turns out that Miss Li wrote the music herself. Miss Li is so talented!"

Li Yue looked even more embarrassed: "Thank you, Teacher Xu, for the compliment."

Netizens didn’t understand either.

[It’s strange, although my sister Xu is praising people, there is something wrong with the way she praises people]

[Yes, it feels very formal, so formal that it doesn’t look like her]

[According to my sister Xu’s style, shouldn’t I just say “awesome” and add a thumbs up? 】

[In front of you, you know Xu Yue]

[When something goes wrong, there must be a demon! Sister Xu, did you eat something before us again? 】

[But the song expresses secret love and two-way love. Is this sister’s meaning clear? Does she like Movie Emperor Fu? 】

[Didn’t she say that she is a fan of Actor Fu? It should be normal for fans to like the main character, right? 】

Xu Yue smiled and said: "But I feel like I have heard this piece of music somewhere before. It seems a bit familiar."

Li Yue's expression remained unchanged: "Maybe Teacher Xu has seen it on the short video. I have an account on D station, and I made a video of this song and posted it."

[Yes, I’ve heard of it before. Because the melody and ear-catching lyrics aren’t too long, I remember this song. And Li Yue is indeed a D-station up, there is no problem with this]

[So it shouldn’t be plagiarism? 】

Xu Yue: "That's right, no wonder. I also like to browse D site, so I must have browsed your videos sometime. But"

She immediately looked thoughtful.

"But I remember that the piece I heard at that time did not seem to be played as briskly as Miss Li."

Li Yue asked curiously: "Teacher Xu, what you heard must have been played by someone else. What was the version you heard about?"

Xu Yue raised her head, looked into her eyes, and smiled: "I can't remember exactly, but when I heard this piece of music, I felt a little sad and gentle, like crying."

Li Yue looked stiff for a moment: "Really?"

Xu Yue withdrew her gaze and said calmly: "Anyway, I play in two different styles with Miss Li."

The bet was right.

Then next

Xu Yue's eyes flashed.

Then he smiled and said: "Let's keep walking. What if we encounter this kind of activity again? I hope there will be something I'm good at, such as free tastings, hehe."

The barrage said: [Eat, eat, eat, you will know how to eat in one day! Do you know you have a love rival? ! 】

An old fan of Xu Yue said: [Maybe she really doesn’t know]

Fans of Actor Fu blew out smoke rings sadly: [Although, Actor Fu has not made people realize that he is chasing others]

The group moved on.

But when she walked to a mountain road with relatively few tourists, Xu Yue suddenly stood up on her tiptoes and moved her mouth to Fu Jingting's ear, as if she was whispering something to him.

Fans in the live broadcast room were confused, but they still took screenshots very consciously and quickly.

But then, something happened that made fans even more confused.

Because Xu Yue directly took Fu Jingting's hand and headed into the forest nearby, not even the drone followed, as if he was frozen in place.

So netizens could only look at the two figures holding hands in confusion and quickly disappeared from the camera.

【what happened? Did you two elope? ! 】

[Although I like to hear it, is it too fast? ? 】

[It’s so sudden, I feel as helpless as if my nemesis suddenly got my brother’s marriage certificate and the official announcement]

[Why is the lens so fat? Follow us quickly! 】

Not only Li Yong and Li Yue, but also Yu Xingzhou, Chang Chang, and Fu Mingxuan were all confused by the sudden departure of Xu Yue and Fu Jingting.

Fu Mingxuan and Changchang wanted to follow, but Xu Chen calmly stopped them.

Li Yong looked at Xu Chen doubtfully and asked, "Who are Teacher Xu and Best Actor Fu?"

Xu Chen's face was expressionless, but the corner of his mouth seemed to twitch slightly.

For no reason, it was just because this was the first time he had to do something against his conscience, and it was Xu Yue's request.

Although he was extremely reluctant in his heart, he still followed Xu Yue's words and made his words quite ambiguous.

"Oh, it's normal. The two of them are like this all the time, and they sneak out from time to time."

Xu Chen has never found it so difficult to speak.

Kind of reminds me of Shark Man.

When can we kill that shameless guy Fu Jingting?

Director Li was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to understand something, and the expression on his face became a bit lewd.

"Oh, I didn't expect it. It turns out that Teacher Xu and Best Actor Fu have already"

He didn't finish his words, he just smiled.

Xu Chen said "hmm" in a nasal tone, and the expression on his face looked even colder. It seems that a trace of evil spirit is gradually spreading.

Yu Xingzhou looked at him with a question mark on his head.

No, what are you talking about?

Why didn't he know that Xu Yue and Fu Jingting were together? when? Did he travel through time and miss some key plot?

The mood of netizens in the live broadcast room was as complicated as his.

【normal? Tell me what's normal? 】

[The two of them sneak out from time to time? I do not know how? 】

[It’s over, Brother Chen may have been stimulated by something, and suddenly started talking nonsense]

[But how to explain that Teacher Xu ran away with Movie Emperor Fu? 】

[I'm so confused right now, so did my cp secretly come true when I didn't know it? But why can't I be happy at all? 】

[Stop guessing, stop guessing, get out quickly, Sister Xu is starting a live broadcast! 】

【Um? What? Why did she start a live broadcast? 】

【wrong! How did she start a live broadcast? Why is she doing a live broadcast? 】

Li Yong and Li Yue collapsed in the house.

Then I met Gu Yuena and Tang Wulin by chance, a few people gathered together, and Ye Lingling posted an article. The first issue was over, and it went directly to the second issue of Long Bing and her father Dark Hummingbird.


The status is still there, keep it up!

Maybe we can get some more hehe.

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