So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1123 Xingluo Zoo

Xue Min replied calmly: "Sihuan, Sihuan Soul Sect."

Unexpectedly, when Xu Yue heard her answer, she burst into laughter.

Xue Min suddenly blushed: "Sister Xu, I, I know that this cultivation level is too weak in Shrek, I, I will work hard!"

Xu Yue smiled and waved her hands: "No, it's just that I haven't heard this way of introducing one's cultivation for a long time, and it's surprising.

"But I didn't expect that Shrek Academy is still following this tradition today? Today's soul masters usually just introduce what level of monk they are."

Xue Min was a little confused: "Shrek... Academy?"

Xu Yue's face didn't change, and she changed her words calmly: "Prince Shrek. It was a slip of the tongue, hehe."

No one would care about her small slip of the tongue, and no one else would think of something more distant.

Xu Yue took Xue Min to the school doctor's office.

At this moment, there is only one middle-aged male doctor in the school doctor's office who is wearing a white coat and silver-rimmed glasses and looks very elegant.

Although the glasses diluted his eyebrows, Xu Yue could still see at a glance that his facial lines were chiselled under the glasses and could be called handsome.

Even because of his age, that face also highlights a slightly sexy mature charm.

Xu Yue glanced at the work badge pinned to his chest.

Surnamed Long.

Seeing the three of them walking in, the school doctor immediately stood up from his desk.

"What's wrong with you, classmate?"

Xu Yue directly took over the conversation: "Hello, this classmate suddenly felt uncomfortable in his stomach. The attack seemed to be quite serious just now, but it seems to be better now. Could you please help to check it out."

The doctor led them to the infirmary and asked Xue Min to sit on the chair next to them.

The next step is a consultation and examination, using a detector to determine Xue Min's current condition.

The results came out quickly. The doctor took a look and said: "There is nothing abnormal. It may just be a bad stomach. Go back and have a rest and practice a little bit. If you are still not worried, I can prescribe some medicine for you. Of course, if If symptoms appear again later, it is recommended to go to the hospital for a detailed examination."

Xue Min nodded and whispered: "I understand. Thank you, Teacher Long."

The doctor smiled slightly: "You're welcome. You kids, don't just rely on your own cultivation and just eat milk tea and fried chicken every day. Pay more attention to your normal diet."

Xue Min blushed and said, "I remember."

Then he quickly got up and pulled Xu Yue and Gu Qingqiu towards the infirmary.

The doctor was still smiling from behind: "Go slowly, classmate, I hope I don't have to see you in the infirmary again."

After walking out, Gu Qingqiu was still wondering: "Classmate Xue, do you really not need to buy some medicine to go back? You seemed to be really uncomfortable just now."

Xue Min shook his head: "I'm really fine. Queen Gu, thank you for your concern."

Xu Yue's focus is completely different from the two of them: "Classmate Xue, is that doctor just now still your teacher?"

Xue Min nodded and said: "Yes, Sister Xu. Teacher Long is a very famous professor at our Shrek Medical College. It must be that he happened to be on duty in the infirmary today, otherwise it would be difficult to meet him on campus.

"Teacher Long is particularly good at medicine. He has published many academic journal articles and has several patents. It is also rumored in our circle that the medicine prescribed by Teacher Long seems to be effective faster than usual, and the medicine almost cures the disease. .”

Gu Qingqiu was surprised: "Is he so powerful? Then why haven't I heard his name before when I was studying?"

Then he sighed: "Shrek is indeed Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon."

Xue Min pursed her lips and smiled: "Maybe it's because Teacher Long was hired by the school in recent years, so you don't know about it, Queen Gu."

Xu Yue looked thoughtful: "In recent years"

She pondered for a moment, and then asked, "Has Mr. Xue seen a doctor at Teacher Long before?"

Xue Min: "Well, when I was practicing mimicry before, I accidentally caught a cold. Teacher Long gave me medicine."

"Cold?" Gu Qingqiu asked doubtfully, "Are you an ice-attribute martial spirit? Is the place where you practice mimicry a place with a particularly low temperature?"

Xue Min shook his head: "No." Then he looked at the two of them carefully and said, "Actually, I am a student of the Yin and Ming Dynasty. In order to pass the final exam last time, I temporarily found a very cold haunted house and went in to practice for a while. "

Gu Qingqiu was stunned: "That's it."

Then, she suddenly jumped away and exclaimed: "Oh, that's not good! Yueyue and I are both light attributes. You were uncomfortable just now. Could it be because our attributes are incompatible and we collided with each other? What’s your reason?”

Xu Yue was also startled for a moment, and some of the doubts in her eyes seemed to disappear.

is that so?

She and Gu Qingqiu sent Xue Min back to the dormitory and refused in every possible way before finally giving up Xue Min's idea of ​​inviting them to dinner.

After saying goodbye, the two found several other people who had dispersed and reunited with them.

Xu Chen, Fu Jingting, and Yu Xingzhou all took the children to earn some credits. Although it's not much, it's enough for a few people to have a temporary lunch.

The place they came to was naturally the cheapest and most affordable restaurant.

After the meal, a few people went out to Xingluo City to choose scenic spots to complete today's check-in task.

On the way, Xu Yue and Xu Chen deliberately walked at the end of the team and communicated quietly in the spiritual channel.

Xu Yue: Brother, do you remember the name of Wu Zhangkong’s girlfriend’s father?

Xu Chen: Long Bing? Dark Hummingbird? It's unclear, it seems that it was never mentioned in the "original work".

Xu Yue: Really?

Xu Chen: What’s wrong?

Xu Yue: It’s okay. You said Dark Hummingbird shouldn’t be bold enough to go undercover at Shrek Academy himself, right? Even though Yun Ming is currently stationed at the Supervision Bureau on the other side of Xingluo City, there is still Long Yeyue in the school!

Xu Chen: Since Wu Zhangkong is still in Shrek, maybe Long Bing is still there too. As long as we confirm whether Long Bing is still in Shrek and find out whether she is still carrying out Dark Hummingbird's undercover request as originally, we should be able to find Dark Hummingbird.

Xu Yue: I mean, let’s see if there is a chance to meet Wu Zhangkong later and ask him.

Xu Chen: So who is your current suspect?

Xu Yue: Not sure. Do you think the name Long Yuyan could be the Dark Hummingbird himself?

Xu Chen: Maybe Long Yeyue will be more like him.

Xu Yue: It’s rare to hear you complain once.

The siblings exchanged information with each other, chatting in their minds.

Finally, everyone arrived at the destination of their trip, Xingluo Zoo.

However, Xingluo Zoo also charges tickets, and everyone does not have many remaining credits to support the ticket fees.

But this does not trouble Xu Yue.


Kakakakakakkakkakkakkakkākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākākā (bald)

I didn’t even have time to write the text, so I rushed to publish it before midnight. I’ll come back after the update. Who understands my embarrassment (shame)

Can't dove, can't dove, can't dove (hypnotize yourself)

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