So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1160: Mu Jing in the form of a social animal

"Today I want to take you to...?" The filming of the second episode of the second season was successfully completed.

The guests said goodbye to each other and went back to their homes.

When Luo Siming regained consciousness, he was already in the agent's car, heading to the airport.

In other words, there were few opportunities to interact with Xu Yue in this episode, and now he missed the last opportunity to interact with Xu Yue alone in a short period of time because of the special drink of the program group.

He couldn't help but curse inwardly.

He reached out and stroked the talisman paper in his pocket, and he slowly calmed down.

He could only wait until next month.

By then, even if he had to force her to drink the talisman water, he would force her to drink it.


The agent's voice woke him up from his thoughts.

He raised his head suddenly, and the cruelty in his expression didn't have time to completely fade away.

But the agent just glanced at him lightly through the rearview mirror, without any reaction.

Luo Siming was shocked and quickly regained his normal look and called out, "Brother Li."

His agent didn't react much, just said, "Luo Siming, you should know that since you made several stupid moves on and off the show, your popularity has dropped significantly. Compared with the past, your number of fans is also declining, and the trend of losing fans is slowly increasing."

Luo Siming looked a little ugly and lowered his head, "I will try my best to restore my reputation and fans."

The agent didn't make any statement about his self-reflection, but just said, "Your decline has been evident since you went against the brother and sister. Have I ever warned you not to provoke the brother and sister?"

Luo Siming and Xu Chen are rivals, so as their respective agents, Brother Li has also dealt with Xu Yue a lot.

The entertainment industry, with all kinds of dramas and endorsements, these resources are like a cake. Even if there are constant additions, the cake is only so big, and there are a lot of people waiting to share the cake.

Whoever gets more, the other person will get less.

Brother Li also couldn't understand why an unknown girl could take away the good resources he prepared for Luo Siming from him many times before, and step by step promoted a nobody to the current top position.

Even if the other party had the support of the big tree of Xinghe Entertainment, it shouldn't be so easy.

Even in the early days, because the resources were frequently intercepted, he used unpresentable means to try to destroy the star journey of the siblings.

However, in the end, not only did he fail to make any splash, he was even threatened by the little girl.

Since then, for a long time, although he was aggrieved, he had to bear it. But he couldn't help but maliciously speculate whether the young and beautiful girl had any improper relationship with the boss of Xinghe Entertainment.

After all, it is said that the person of Xinghe Entertainment is suspected to be a native of the giant Fu family.

With the Fu Group's endorsement, it's not surprising that they can easily take away resources and make a nobody famous.

Until last time, their company used rumors to discredit Xu Yue, but Xu Yue fought a beautiful comeback.

He had to admit that the young girl actually had such a terrifying network of connections.

Until now.

It turned out that the young girl had connections with the official.

He glanced at Luo Siming, who was lowering his head, through the rearview mirror again and continued.

"It's okay for you to go against the brother and sister, but you have to go against them blatantly. It's okay for you to go against them blatantly, but you have to tear your face with them for a woman like Bai Sheng."

Luo Siming's face flushed.

Brother Li said lightly: "Find an opportunity to sincerely apologize to them, otherwise. Maybe you don't have to mix in this circle. Since the last time, how fast our company has declined, I think you also know."

"I know."

Luo Siming responded in a low voice.

With his head lowered, his face was full of resentment.

When he was still very popular, his agent would never dare to talk to him like this.

He was a mean person who was used to looking at people and threatened him now that he had only encountered a temporary setback in his career. He wanted to kick him away.

Wait until he uses the talisman given by the master to take down Xu Yue.

It was just another ordinary working day.

Mu Jing sat at her workstation, staring at the wall clock in a trance, waiting for the moment when the minute hand pointed to "12" and the hour hand was facing "5".

However, it would be better if the person next to her didn't keep staring at her.

Soon, the diligent second hand ran the last leg, pushing the hour hand and minute hand to point to the two numbers respectively.

Without saying a word, she took off her work card, picked up the small shoulder bag she had packed long ago, and stood up to leave.

However, at this moment, the colleague next to her, who had originally looked disdainful, suddenly brightened his eyes for some reason.

The hand that was secretly watching the video stopped immediately, moved to the keyboard, and pretended to press a few times.

She looked up again, as if she had just seen the person who walked into the office at this moment.

Her voice became delicate: "Boss Wang, why are you here?"

She stood up from her seat: "Are you here to inspect our work? Oh, don't worry, the planning case you gave us yesterday will be completed for you today. I am not like some people who leave work on time every day. I wish I could work in the company 24 hours a day."

Mu Jing, who was about to walk to the door: "."

Her colleague glanced at her with contempt in his eyes.

Boss Wang was so embarrassed that he stood there: "Uh, Comrade Xu Youyou, hard work is a good thing, but you still need to pay more attention to your health and rest when you need to."

Xu Youyou said innocently: "Don't worry, Boss Wang, I will definitely treat the company as my home, and the interests of our company are the most important."

Boss Wang: ". Okay."

Mu Jing pretended not to hear or see anything, and walked around Boss Wang.

Boss Wang immediately turned back to Erkang's hand: "Hey, hey, hey, Mu Jing, wait a minute!"

Mu Jing kept walking, so Boss Wang had to chase her out.

The two disappeared in an instant.

Xu Youyou: "."

She stamped her feet and sat down angrily.

"Really, we are all workers, why does she have to go to get off work on time every day! I don't know what she is pretending."

Xu Youyou complained unsatisfiedly without concealing her voice.

Thinking about what she had just said in front of Boss Wang, it seemed like she had said it in vain, and she was furious.

With her eyes rolled up, she said in a malicious voice: "It seems that she has a good relationship with Mr. Wang, and her salary is much higher than ours."

Then she covered her mouth with a surprised look: "Ah, Mu Jing, she doesn't have a secret relationship with Mr. Wang!"

She made this noise as if she was afraid that other people who stayed here to work overtime could not hear it.

As a result, Xu Youyou waited for a long time, but did not hear anyone agreeing.

Looking carefully, she found that everyone around was looking at her with an expression that was hard to describe.

Xu Youyou blushed and said with her neck stiff: "Why, she dared to do it but dared not let people say it!"

Other colleagues said speechlessly: "Xu Youyou, don't you know that spreading rumors is illegal?"

"You just say it without thinking, do you think this job is too easy and want to eat the government's food?"

"Sister Jing goes to get off work and gets a higher salary than us, that's because she has the ability."

"That's right!"

Although it's not the first time, it's still difficult for Xu Youyou to hold back every time she is collectively denounced by this group of people.

She was so angry: "You guys!"

In the end, she couldn't say anything to refute, so she could only carry her bag in anger, high heels stomping loudly, and leave the office.

What's so good about that woman Mu Jing!

Why do these people admire her so much!

The others rolled their eyes at the same time.

In the end, she still left work on time.

God of gold!

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