So I went to Douluo

Chapter 119 Preparing to compete

"Xiao Liu, now I need your soul ring. What soul beast are you going to choose?" Liu Erlong said.

Zhu Zhuqing, Ning Rongrong and Tang San all went to absorb the soul rings, and now the only one who needed the soul rings was Tang Liu.

"I think you can consider that purifying python. Its cultivation level is around 20,000 years old, and it should be able to provide you with a purifying soul skill." The master pointed at a white python outside the poison formation. said.

Tang Liu couldn't help but glance at the master, because his original idea was to add a purifying soul skill to his fourth soul ring.

So he nodded and said: "Okay, let's take the clean python." Anyway, he just borrowed the ring from Xiao Forney, and the clean python was only used for cover.

After confirming his choice, Liu Erlong threw out his flying divine claw, accurately hit the net python outside the poison array, and then pulled it in.

Tang Liu accurately marked the Jing Python with the Hao Lan mark when it landed, making it unconscious, and then dragged it towards the Ice and Fire Eyes.

The four teachers, Master, Liu Erlong, Flanders, and Zhao Wuji, as well as Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun and Xiao Wu who had not absorbed the soul ring, watched him slowly walk away.

Because the Man-Faced Demon Spider chose Tang Liu as its target, Xiao Wu was not attacked like in the original work, and therefore did not recognize Liu Erlong as her godmother.

But it's not a big deal, so it doesn't have much impact.

Tang Liu walked all the way to Dugu Bo's cave, and did not choose to go to the Ice and Fire Eye immediately, lest Tang San saw the process of borrowing the ring.

After teleporting the pure python away first and removing the Hao Lan mark from its body, Tang Liu released Little Funi and was about to start borrowing the ring.

In the same process, when a complete black soul ring appeared in front of him, the borrowing of the ring was successful.

And this soul ring also comes with the purification soul skills he wants, and its lifespan is the maximum number of years he can currently absorb, which is twenty-nine thousand years.

After obtaining the spirit ring, Tang Liu took Little Funi and teleported into the Ice and Fire Eyes. Then he immediately sat down cross-legged and began to absorb the spirit ring non-stop.

Since Tang San had already picked all the medicinal materials, and what grew now were some young shoots that had not yet developed medicinal power, so Tang Liu was not afraid of little Funi spoiling them.

Di Shuang and Di Yan, who were residing in the soul bones attached to the dragon wings, also came out and watched Tang Liu absorb the soul rings curiously.

After all, "borrowing rings" is also a very novel thing for them.

Yes, that’s right, now it’s time to count the number of words again.

"Host: Tang Liu (male)


Soul power: 52

Martial Spirit One: Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor

Soul Ring Four: Soul Skill, Breath of Void Spirit [Place the Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor anywhere within a range of 200 meters (can be improved) with you as the center, and then the Void Spirit Blue Silver Emperor will be released with the center as the center. The ethereal breath has an effective range of two hundred meters (can be upgraded). Wherever the ethereal breath passes, it will purify all negative effects and at the same time, within the next five (can be upgraded) seconds, within this range You cannot release any soul skills with attack effects (only effective on the enemy you identify). This effect is ineffective against opponents whose soul power far exceeds yours. 】

Wuhun 3: Hao Lan Spell

Soul Ring Five: Soul Skill, Hao Lan·No Phase [You can use the soul skill of Hao Lan Spell when you are not releasing Hao Lan Spell. Although the effect of this soul skill will be reduced by 50%, the soul power consumption will also be Down fifty percent. 】

Soul bone configuration: Demonic eye with soul bone attached to the left eye (soul skill details +), Ice and Fire Dragon King wings with soul bone attached to the outside (soul skill details +)

The current body strength can withstand the life of the soul ring: 31,000 years.

Comprehensive review: You are a hot chicken host who insults tradition. If you don’t scold you, you are already maintaining your last bit of dignity as a host. You still want a comprehensive review? ! "

Tang Liu: "..."

It took Tang Liu half an hour to absorb the spirit ring, and then he stayed in the Ice and Fire Eye until Tang San finished absorbing the spirit ring. Then the two brothers left the Ice and Fire Eye together and joined Shrek's group.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ning Rongrong had already completed absorbing the soul rings, and were now waiting for Tang San and Tang Liu to come back so they could return to the academy.

Of course, Tang San and Tang Liu were inevitably asked about the effects of the new soul skills by curious people, so they reluctantly demonstrated it, and then everyone was shocked again.

Tang Liu: "Really, why are you so easily shocked every day? Relax, these are just small scenes, okay?"

Everyone: "..."

Although what he said makes sense, why do I still want to beat him up?

After a brief rest, the group of people accelerated towards the outside of the Sunset Forest, preparing to rush back to the academy as soon as possible to make final preparations. After all, the Continent-wide Senior Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition was about to begin.

After returning to the academy, the master began to explain the rules of the Continental Senior Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition to the Shrek Seven Monsters, plus non-staff member Tang Liu, and four people from the reserve team, and then let everyone get used to it briefly. After a while, the time for the competition has arrived.

Led by four teachers from the academy, the students arrived at the competition venue in Tiandou City and were forced to put on ugly green uniforms with reserved advertising space.

Then he was sternly rejected by Tang Liu.

And he also offered a reason that even Flanders couldn't refuse.

"My dad wants me to wear my new clothes." Do you dare not to do so? Want to get hammered?

Flanders: "...Okay."

So Tang Liu became a breath of fresh air among the Shrek students who were all green, and he was still the kind who looked endlessly good-looking.

Tang Liu was calm and surrounded by shit green, his expression was elegant and dignified, and he remained unmoved even when faced with the jealous looks of his friends.

Tang Liu: I want to be beautiful alone, and you scum can only serve as foils.

Everyone (turned into lemons): Middle finger!

As a result, the citizens of Tiandou City unexpectedly had a unified view on this unfamiliar Shrek Academy.

"Look, look, that team over there dressed in shit green, which college is that? I feel like I've never seen it before."

"Oh, that's Lanba Academy, which has been renamed Shrek Academy."

"It turns out to be Shi Lake Academy. No wonder he's dressed in shit green."

"...You know which history I'm talking about, right?"

"I know, it's just that shit."


"But let me tell you something, the student in the Shrek Academy team wearing the blue and black uniform is quite good-looking."

"Well, especially with all the shit surrounding you."

"...What you said makes sense."

"I guess this academy isn't particularly strong. The strongest one is probably that good-looking student. Otherwise, why is he the only one in the entire academy who dresses more like he's here for a competition?"

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