So I went to Douluo

Chapter 13 Muddle through

The smile on Su Yuntao's face became a little brighter, "I came here mainly because I wanted to find you and ask about your brother. We went to Notting College to find him, and the principal said that you two are here to get the soul ring. ”

His words revealed an important piece of information to Grandmaster and Tang San: Wuhun Palace knew that Tang San and Tang Liu had both signed up at Notting Academy.

So, in a flash of thought, Tang San came up with an explanation based on the current situation.

The master watched quietly from the side, wondering what kind of explanation Tang San was going to use to hide it, so that he could follow his thoughts closely.

"Uncle, do you want to know the news about my brother?" Tang San asked aloud.

"Yes, yes, that's the little brother with blue hair. Isn't he with you?" Su Yuntao said, pretending to be curious.

Tang San shook his head, "No. My brother was originally going to come with us to get the spirit ring, but on the way here yesterday morning, we met my father and took my brother away."

The expression on Su Yuntao's face froze, "Why did your father take your brother away? Doesn't your father know that Noting College has started school?"

"Speaking of this, yesterday Tang San and Tang Liu's fathers asked me to handle the withdrawal procedures for Tang Liu." The master spoke at this time.

Su Yuntao frowned slightly after hearing the master's words. The previous master's words not only told him that Tang Liu would not continue to study at Notting Academy, but also confirmed that Tang San's words were true.

"My brother has been in poor health since he was a child and has been suffering from hidden diseases. Yesterday, my father came to us and said that he had found a doctor who could cure my brother and wanted to take him to see a doctor." Tang San said.

"So, your father took your brother to see a doctor?" Su Yuntao's frown deepened, "What kind of disease requires you to go through the withdrawal procedures? Does that mean they won't be able to come back in a short time?"

Tang San nodded.

The master also took over the words at this time, "Their father told me that he was going to take Tang Liu to live temporarily where the doctor was, and at the same time let Tang Liu go to school there. He didn't tell me the specific place. Mistress, did your father tell you?"

Tang San shook his head, "Dad said that they might not come back after they leave. After my first semester vacation, he will pick me up and have a look, and then come back to school."

"Sorry, little brother, can I ask what disease your brother is suffering from?" Su Yuntao asked again.

This time, the master said before Tang San could, "I'm also a little curious. Xiao San, your brother shouldn't have any physical defects, right? Otherwise, he wouldn't have been born with full soul power."

After being reminded by the master, Tang San temporarily changed his words, nodded and said: "Yes. My brother has been weak since he was a child. Although he was cured later, he was left with a hidden disease, which caused him... some mental problems. ." At the end of his speech, Tang San showed an unspeakable expression.

"Can you tell me more specifically?" Su Yuntao continued to ask, but then he saw Tang San's somewhat ugly look, and immediately realized that his question was a bit excessive, "Sorry, if it's not convenient to say it, forget it."

Only then did Tang San look better, shook his head, and sighed: "It doesn't matter what I really want to say. It's just that my brother will be in a daze from time to time, and it's hard to concentrate. And sometimes he will be in a daze for more than half an hour, and his mental state will be worse after that. It’s so hazy, and in severe cases, it can cause coma…”

After saying this, Su Yuntao understood. There is something wrong with the relationship!

Thinking back carefully, when Tang Liu awakened his martial spirit, he seemed to have been in a daze!

"Okay, I'll bother you two. But, little brother Tang San, if there is any news about your brother, please come to Wuhun Hall and tell me!" Su Yuntao said, preparing to let Tang San and the master leave.

"If there is nothing else, we will leave first." The master nodded and said.

"Goodbye, uncle." Tang San waved to Su Yuntao, and then left with the master.

After watching the master and Tang San get on a carriage, Su Yuntao immediately ordered the people around him: "You guys should immediately go into the Soul Hunting Forest in groups and have a look. You don't need to go too deep, just look for them in the outer areas nearby." Once you search, any suspicious characters you encounter will be brought back to Wuhun Hall."


After watching his men enter the forest, Su Yuntao also found a carriage and prepared to return to Notting City.

On the one hand, it is natural to report the situation here to Master Mathieu Nuo of Wuhun Palace.

On the other hand, I also wanted to follow Grandmaster and Tang San to see the situation.

Even though he had basically accepted Tang San's words in his heart

"Teacher, Su Yuntao is following you."

Among the carriages in front, Tang San, who quietly made a hole in the back of the carriage with his pocket knife, retracted his gaze through the small hole and said to the master beside him.

"Well, now let's see if Xiaoliu can escape." The master's expression was still solemn.

In the Soul Hunting Forest, after seeing the master and Tang San successfully deceive everyone in the Spirit Hall, Tang Liu quickly climbed down the tree and ran towards the depths of the forest.

Of course, his steps were light and left no footprints on the ground. He also dealt with the marks he made on the tree. Similarly, he also took care of the traces he made when he was with Master Tang San, minimizing the possibility of being discovered.

Naturally, it is difficult for him to take care of every aspect as his actual age is no more than 22 years old. Fortunately, he has a system that can do nothing but give suggestions, but he is still quite careful.

"The people in Wuhun Palace have believed what Tang Sanhe said, and they won't go too far into the forest if they come in to search. It is recommended that the host enters the forest for one thousand meters and then moves one thousand meters to the east to avoid Wuhun Palace's attacks. People are chasing people. In order to speed up the travel and reduce the traces left, it is recommended that the host uses the 'Void Spirit Control'."

After receiving the system's prompt, Tang Liu naturally followed the instructions, released his martial spirit, and at the same time used his first soul skill on himself.

The ethereal Blue Silver Emperor in the palm of his left hand instantly rolled back and wrapped around his left arm. Then Tang Liu was no longer disturbed by the terrain and penetrated directly in a straight line.

At the same time, the people from Wuhun Palace also entered the Soul Hunting Forest.

Although it was basically certain that no one would be found inside, they still followed the principle of doing their duty more or less so that they could return to work, so they started a search that was barely serious, but it was a search with the entrance as the center, deep into The forest was a fan-shaped area with a radius of 500 meters, and then the team gathered and left.

After receiving the "safety" prompt from the system, Tang Liu breathed a sigh of relief and rested against a tree.

"Now just wait for three hours to pass and teleport."

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