So I went to Douluo

Chapter 15 The third martial spirit is indeed a BUG

But the moment Tang Liu saw the mandala snake moving, he decisively launched the teleportation, disappeared in the blue-black light again, and appeared in another blue-black light.

"The consumption of innate first-level soul equivalent to no consumption!"

Feeling that the soul power in his body was only slightly reduced, the shock in Tang Liu's heart became more intense, and what followed was ecstasy.

"Am I going to be invincible? With this transmission speed and soul power consumption, it will be difficult for me to be hit by other people's soul skills in the future!" Tang Liu thought happily in his heart, and then his eyes changed when he looked at the Mandala Snake. .

"Brother Snake, why don't you come and test it with me!"

Looking at the mandala snake charging towards him, Tang Liu disappeared into a blue-black light again.

Since he has left marks on the surrounding trees, and the trees here are very dense, in theory, he can appear anywhere in this area at any time.

So, next, blue-black light flashed around the mandala snake in the woods, and Tang Liu's figure was almost invisible.

Because the speed of the Mandala Snake was also very fast, almost every time Tang Liu had just teleported once, he had to start the next one immediately, which resulted in the scene of continuous flashes of light.

About five minutes later, Tang Liu teleported and distanced himself from the Mandala Snake.

In the past few minutes, he has become familiar with the teleportation operation, so he no longer activates the control of the ethereal spirit. He can avoid the attack of the mandala snake by teleportation alone.

"It can't go on like this. We can't touch it at all."

After another teleportation, Tang Liu once again distanced himself from the rushing Mandala Snake and murmured.

It was not that he had not thought about walking a little farther first, luring the mandala snake there and then teleporting back, but he was told by the system that "mandala snakes have a sensitive sense of smell. Unless the host moves more than one thousand meters, the mandala snake will still remain." It can be retrieved. In addition, if the host's current teleportation exceeds one thousand meters, it will consume 90% of the maximum soul power, and then the host will enter a period of weakness." This paragraph was rejected.

"It is recommended that the host activates the control of the ethereal spirit and allows the mandala snake to pass through the body, and try to use Haolan·Mark."

The system's words made Tang Liu stunned for a moment, and he almost missed the mandala snake's attack.

"What do you mean, you want me to mark the mandala snake when it passes through it?"


Tang Liu's eyes lit up.

Yes, the prerequisite for marking is skin contact, but if the Datura snake penetrates itself, wouldn't it be considered "skin contact"?

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?!" Tang Liu began to complain about the system.

"The host didn't ask. In addition, it's best for the host to try these techniques on his own." the system replied.

Tang Liu: "..."

But the system made sense, so he stopped arguing with the system.

At the moment, he took advantage of the gap before the Mandala Snake rushed over, and immediately added a Void Spirit Control for himself, and then stood there waiting for the Mandala Snake to come over.

"Come here, Brother Snake, let me give you a mark!"

He waved his hand towards the mandala snake opposite and shouted loudly.

The second the Datura Snake heard his shout, it rushed towards him. Tang Liu, who had already switched to the third spirit and was ready, kept trying to release the first spirit skill.

Then, at the moment when the mandala snake passed through his body, the first circle of blue-black soul ring light flashed quietly.

Marking successful!

However, due to the undetectable nature of Hao Lan's mark, the mandala snake did not move at all. After passing through Tang Liu's body, it coiled up again and stared at Tang Liu unmoved.

"Now, please let the host choose whether to send the Datura Snake away." The system's voice sounded again.

"Wait a moment, I want to get familiar with the power of the familiar mark first." Tang Liu said in his heart, and at the same time walked to a tree and sat down cross-legged.

During this period, the mandala snake naturally attacked him again because of his actions. But because of the control of the virtual spirit, Tang Liu was immune to injury.

Previously, the system's words reminded him that it was best to familiarize himself with the effectiveness of soul skills and the techniques for using them.

In addition, the system's description of his Hao Lan mark showed that he could "do many unexpected things through the mark." He was also curious about what these so-called "unexpected things" were.

And now, there is a marked mandala snake, and hundreds of marked trees for him to do experiments. In addition, now he only needs to supplement himself with a relatively safe ethereal control from time to time. status, so why not test the effectiveness of the mark now?

Tang Liu closed his eyes, and then his martial soul switched to Hao Lan's spell, silently sensing the power of Hao Lan's mark. Of course, he did not forget to ask the system to remind him when the Void Spirit Control was about to expire.

After his mind was immersed, with a thought, Tang Liu felt a slight dizziness in his mind, and at the same time, a feeling of separation and flying followed closely.

It was a bit like sitting on an airplane and watching the scenery below gradually shrink. Tang Liu found that dozens of blue-black football-sized light groups appeared around his dark field of vision. As his field of vision rose, these blue-black lights appeared. The group gradually became smaller and smaller, and finally became like stars scattered in the night sky.

Tang Liu found that he seemed to have a "vision" at this time again. This "vision" was the dark sky and the blue-black stars scattered in the sky that he was seeing now. And he clearly has his eyes closed now.

Turning his eyes slightly, Tang Liu saw that in the distance among the dense starlight, there were two stars moving closely together slowly, at an almost undetectable speed.

That should be the third brother and the master.

He thought so.

Then, he noticed that his gaze, or rather his consciousness, was rapidly approaching the two lonely stars. In his eyes, the two stars gradually grew larger and the light became dazzling.

Then, when his consciousness fell on the two stars, the surroundings suddenly brightened and light returned.

The surrounding space looks like the interior of a horse-drawn carriage.

On the seat, a middle-aged man sat next to a six-year-old boy.

Their expressions looked a little solemn and slightly worried.

They are naturally Grandmaster and Tang San.

"Is this the field of view from which the mark is obtained?"

At this time, Tang Liu was watching Tang San and the master from a god's perspective.

Because of the obstruction of the carriage, he could only see what was inside the carriage.

However, if he is willing, the angle of view can be raised a little further, so that he can see the situation within fifty meters around him.

Therefore, he also noticed the carriage behind Tang San and Grandmaster.

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