So I went to Douluo

Chapter 157 Xiao Wu breaks through early

The Balak Kingdom is not very strong, so it cannot cause any trouble to Shrek.

However, before their Shrek Academy played today's match, they first watched the match between the two academy teams.

The first team was the familiar team, Blazing Fire Academy. They ended the game with only Huo Wushuang and Huo Wu.

Although the team called the Alien Beast Academy was unfamiliar to them, there was an acquaintance of the Shrek Seven Monsters in it.

That is Meng Yiran.

After defeating the three people from the other academy, she also discovered Tang San, so she stretched out her slender green fingers and shot him.

Tang Liu immediately poked his elder brother's waist with his elbow and winked and said, "Brother, you are so lucky."

Oscar next to him had the same expression as him and nodded in agreement.

Tang San didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Okay, maybe she still holds grudges about the Star Dou Forest. After all, we robbed her of two soul rings in a row. Xiao Ao, don't laugh, you are also a part of this."

Oscar chuckled and said, "It's okay. After all, the girl's attention is on you, so of course I'm safe."

Tang San shook his head helplessly, "Okay, I'm going to prepare for the competition."

Tang Liu immediately pushed him and said with a smile: "Go quickly, maybe you can meet Huo Wu or Meng Yiran or something when you go down."

Xiao Wu, who had been silent until now, suddenly coughed lightly, then looked at Tang Liu with a smile, the scorpion braid on the back of his head swaying slightly, as if the next moment he would wrap around someone's neck and hang him up to strangle him.

Tang Liu: "Then one of them will give them a big mouth and tell them that you already have a master."

Tang San:"……"

Xiao Wu: "..."

other people:"……"

Ning Rongrong couldn't help but said: "Xiao Liu, you won't be able to get a girlfriend like this."

Tang Liu was super open-minded, "It's okay, I can go and bend the man." After all, he had such a handsome face, it was not impossible for both men and women to kill him.

Xiao Wu: "???"

Ning Rongrong: "???"

Zhu Zhuqing: "???"

Jiangzhu's eyes lit up.

Tang San gave him a slap on the back of the head without hesitation, "Every day, your little mouth is smeared with shit?" He said nonsense.

Tang Liu covered his painful head and smiled: "Just a joke, just a joke."

After the interlude ended, the battle at the Alien Beast Academy also ended.

Next, it was naturally Shrek Academy's turn.

Xiao Wu's fighting prowess is obvious to everyone. Even though there are soul sects in the Balak Kingdom's team, when Xiao Wu gets close to her, her unreasonable juggling skills are still hard to resist.

So she has been winning smoothly.

After the opponent whose martial spirit was Sunflower and whose attribute was poison came on the stage, when it was supposed to activate the protective power of Xiangsianxinhong, Tang Liu secretly used the Haolan mark to help Xiao Wu cheat, sealing her breath and pores all over her body, allowing her to She was completely immune to the poisonous pollen from that Sunflower Soul Master.

So Xiao Wu once again ended the game, and in the end, he directly defeated the six opponents by himself.

When she was the last person standing, Xiao Wu was already a little exhausted, but in the end she still managed to defeat her opponent with a narrow margin of victory, and achieved the first one-through-seven in this promotion tournament!

Xiao Wu, who was originally unnoticed because he was still a soul master, instantly became the focus of attention like Tang San and Tang Liu. Now no one can underestimate this soft-bone charm rabbit soul master anymore.

Tang Liu, who had been watching the battle, was also a little confused. After all, he didn't expect that he just secretly immunized Xiao Wu from the poisonous pollen attack, but it would actually cause such a big butterfly effect.

What happened next surprised him even more, because after the first round of competition, Xiao Wu proposed to practice in seclusion.

As a result, the next morning, everyone got the news that Xiao Wu had broken through to level 40.

With just one soul ring, she can enter the soul sect order like the other six Shrek monsters.

For Shrek, there is no doubt that they have added another general. If Tang Liu didn't play, their chances of winning the championship would undoubtedly increase a lot.

Therefore, before today's game started, Tang Liu proposed to take Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong to get a spirit ring. With his Hao Lan teleportation, the trip back and forth doesn't take long at all.

As a result, Shrek got the Blazing Academy today.

Tang Liu looked at Flanders who was a little embarrassed (because he was the one who drew the lot), and said: "It's okay, just let my brother play. His Blue Silver Grass is immune to fire, and at worst he can defeat five of the opponent's people. Maybe there will be another one that can penetrate seven. Or, how about I play? It’s over soon and we’ll look for the soul ring.”

The master listened to his suggestion and asked Tang San to play, followed by Dai Mubai and Tang Liu.

Originally, the master wanted Zhu Zhuqing or Ma Hongjun to take Tang Liu's place, and then let Tang Liu take Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong to find the soul ring during the competition, but when he saw Xiao Wu's look of worry about Tang San , and gave up.

Moreover, it would not be worthwhile for Ma Hongjun to play now. Tang Liu, who had already played many times, did not have this problem. After all, this kind of one-on-one would not allow him to reveal any more of his trump cards.

It's not that Grandmaster has no confidence in Tang San and Dai Mubai, it's just an added insurance measure.

After all, not all of Shrek's main players are participating in the competition now. They want to stay in the finals. Without showing their full strength, it is better to play it safe.

And Tang San did not disappoint everyone, defeating six opponents from Blazing Fire Academy one after another.

However, in the last duel with Huo Wu, Huo Wu counterattacked and was almost hit by Huo Wu's ring-melting move Yaoyang, and it was to protect Huo Wu.

However, in order to end the game quickly, Tang Liu asked the master to quickly admit defeat when he saw that something was wrong, so he threw a Void Spirit Purification onto the competition stage, purifying the Fire Dance Yaoyang.

In the end, although Huo Wu finally defeated Tang San, who was able to penetrate six, he also exhausted all his soul power and could no longer compete, so the final victory still belonged to Shrek Academy.

After confirming that Tang San was not injured, Tang Liu used Hao Lan to teleport and left in a hurry with Xiao Wu and Liu Erlong.

This time their destination is Sunset Forest, which is the closest place to here.

However, Tang Liu only teleported to a place far away from the military camp, and then immediately used the psychedelic gaze on Liu Erlong that was already ready to attack.

Liu Erlong was immediately dragged into the illusion. Moreover, it was an illusion of them searching for soul rings in the sunset forest together.

In short, Liu Erlong or others will not be able to see any flaws.

After confirming that there was no one around, Tang Liu said to Xiao Wu, "Sister Xiao Wu, you can start now. I will protect the law for you."

After all, Xiao Wu is rebuilding from a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and there is no need to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings, so there is no need to actually go to the Sunset Forest.

Xiao Wu responded, immediately sat down cross-legged, and began to gather her fourth soul ring.

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