So I went to Douluo

Chapter 165 Mu Jing joins

Shrek Academy's opponents are not strong today, so Grandmaster still arranges his troops in the order of Dai Mubai, Tang San, and Tang Liu.

Then, Dai Mubai directly came up with a one-piercing seven.

This was Shrek Academy's second one-to-seven record since the start of the promotion round.

After the competition, Grandmaster and Flender went to the camp of the Botanical College and communicated with them about Mu Jing. The answers they got were the same as those given by Mu Jing.

According to the teachers at the Botanical College, Mu Jing was sent here by people from the Wuhun Palace. They said that they asked the teachers from their college to lead the area first, and then when Mu Jing wanted to leave, they would just let her go.

The College of Botany naturally cherishes Mu Jing, a student with such extraordinary talent, but the dean of their college is also from Wuhun Palace, and he obeys the words of the person who sent Mu Jing to the College of Botany in the first place.

So even though they were a little reluctant to part with it, the people at the Botanical College still let it go.

But in the end, he repeatedly warned the master and Flender, "This girl always speaks directly, and she is also a bit competitive, but she is still a very good person and has a kind heart. I hope your college can take good care of her in the future."

Flender said with a smile: "Don't worry, our Shrek Academy has always treated students very well, and we also encourage students to compete with each other. They are just a little competitive, and they just follow the doctrine of our academy."

After the negotiation was completed, Master and Flender also returned to the Shrek Academy camp. After gathering all the students, they announced that Mu Jing would be a member of Shrek Academy from now on, and then simply opened the door for Mu Jing. A welcome party.

It was at this time that Xue Qinghe, who had been waiting for the opportunity, arrived.

The first person to discover him was Tang Liu.

When he saw Xue Qinghe appear in front of the camp with a smile on his face, he had basically guessed what he was here for.

So I immediately thought of sending people away with a psychedelic gaze.

But then Flanders also saw Xue Qinghe, so Tang Liu's idea came to nothing.

Because after Xue Qinghe came last time, Flanders guessed the identity of his prince.

And now, there happened to be a new member of Shrek Academy, Mu Jing, so he asked His Highness the Crown Prince to arrange an extra barracks for them.

Anyway, Flanders greeted him enthusiastically and said, "Hey, isn't this a disciple of Sect Master Ning? Why did he come to us all of a sudden?"

Flanders is definitely a good person. From the last time Ning Fengzhi introduced Xue Qinghe to them without revealing his identity as the prince, he knew that the prince did not want his identity to be spread.

So now he doesn't point it out.

However, he deliberately looked at Xue Qinghe with an extremely respectful look, and at the same time bowed slightly, using this gesture of respect to convey a message to Xue Qinghe.

That is: I already know your identity.

After all, logically speaking, Flanders, who did not know the identity of Prince Xue Qinghe, should be the same generation as his teacher Ning Fengzhi, and he should be the one who should bow and salute.

So Xue Qinghe naturally saw Flanders' intention, and was a little surprised at the moment.

However, he remained calm on the surface and said with a smile: "Hello, Dean Flanders, Qinghe came here today mainly to congratulate your school for successfully winning the competition again yesterday, and to take a look at your school's proud students. However, When I came in just now, I seemed to hear that your school admitted a new student today?"

Speaking of human beings, Qian Renxue, who disguised herself as Xue Qinghe and fought with many princes and ministers for so many years, must be one of them. So after Flanders took the initiative to say that his identity was known to him, he also guessed Realizing his intention, he took the initiative to bring the topic in this direction.

As expected, after hearing what he said, Flanders said: "That's true. Our Shrek Academy just recruited a new student today, the one from the Seven-Star Mei Wuhun who fought with Tang Liu yesterday. The owner is Mu Jing."

Xue Qinghe showed a slightly surprised expression and said: "It turns out to be her. Her performance yesterday was really amazing, but I didn't expect that she would be absorbed by your school so quickly. Qixing Mei is indeed a powerful martial spirit, and Qinghe is here First of all, congratulations to Dean Flanders."

Flanders laughed, "It's because of our luck that Shrek happened to be cut off by the Botanical Academy."

As he spoke, he brought Xue Qinghe into the camp, and then introduced him to Mu Jing.

"Come on, Mu Jing, let me introduce you. This is Xue Qinghe, the master of Qibao Glazed Sect and a disciple of Ning Fengzhi."

Xue Qinghe smiled generously and said: "Hello, Mu Jing. Shrek Academy is a school with extremely excellent teachers and teaching quality. I believe the students taught by this school are as good as you in yesterday's competition." I see. You definitely made a very right choice. I hope you can study hard in this academy in the future."

Mu Jing nodded slightly and said, "Thank you."

Flanders smiled at this time and said: "Okay, Qinghe, you can talk to these little monsters first. I have to find someone to help our Shrek Academy arrange an extra barracks for our new students."

Xue Qinghe was very cooperative, "Just leave it to me to add another barracks, Dean Flanders. As a disciple of the master of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I still have this respect."

Flanders pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, thank you Qinghe."

Xue Qinghe said: "It's just a small matter, Dean Flender doesn't need to be so polite." Then he also took the opportunity to tell the purpose of his visit this time, "Dean, I'm actually here to talk to Tang Liu about something. I wonder if I can delay it." Some of his time.”

Flanders smiled and said: "Of course there is no problem. He has basically not played games recently and has a lot of time. Xiaoliu, come here."

He naturally said the last sentence to Tang Liu.

But Tang Liu did not respond to him immediately, but said: "Wu..."

An alarm bell rang in Xue Qinghe's heart, and he immediately spoke loudly, covering up Tang Liu's voice, "Little brother Tang Liu, I have something to ask you. Is it possible for me to take a step to speak?"

Everyone looked at Tang Liu.

Tang Liu said calmly, "Spiced peas, brother, I want to eat that, help me get some."

Tang San nodded, "Okay." He handed over the plate of spiced peas next to him.

Tang Liu took it and divided it skillfully.

Then he looked at Xue Qinghe, "Can't you say it here?"

Xue Qinghe: "..."

Xue Qinghe spoke again, "It's some more private questions..."

Tang Liu: "Thousand..."

Xue Qinghe interrupted loudly again, "Of course, it's not impossible to say it here!"

Just kidding, Grandmaster was sitting next to her. If Tang Liu said her name, Grandmaster would probably guess her identity immediately.

By then, will she still be able to survive in the Tiandou Empire?

It’s heartbreaking to kill people!

Tang Liu remained calm: "Thousand-layer cake, brother, help me win that one too."

Tang San: "Okay, brother."

Xue Qinghe: "..."

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