So I went to Douluo

Chapter 176 Retreat

A faint black shadow seemed to flash across everyone's sight.

The next moment, Tang San felt his throat being grabbed, and then he was quickly taken out of the area where Shrek Academy was located.

In the end, his back was pressed heavily against the mountain wall beside him.

The force was so strong that he couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood.

It was at this time that he saw clearly the person attacking him in front of him and the nine soul rings surrounding him.

Tang San's pupils shrank violently.

Ghost Douluo smiled sinisterly and said, "You are Tang San, right?" Then he looked at Tang San's face again, "Sure enough, he looks somewhat similar to Tang Hao."

Although Tang San was captured by the Titled Douluo, he still acted very calm. His right hand touched the Twenty-Four Bridges of Bright Moon Night around his waist without any trace, and at the same time he said: "Who are you, sir, and why are you arresting me? "

Ghost Douluo tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking. Since he was wearing a mask, no one could see his expression clearly, "Why are we arresting you? Hehe, there is actually no reason, it's just that the mission I received happened to include this."

Tang San said calmly: "You still want to kill me, right?"

Ghost Douluo smiled and said, "You guessed it right, kid, but there is no reward."

As soon as he finished speaking, he raised his other hand, used his palm as a knife, and slashed directly at Tang San's neck.

Tang San's expression condensed, and he activated the Purple Demon Eyes, and the first, second, and fourth soul skills of Blue Silver Grass were also activated at the same time, intending to delay the time of the palm's attack.

At the same time as these soul skills were activated, Tang San also quickly took out the jade box containing the Hell's Sticker on the twenty-four bridge moonlit night. And this was the only trump card he could use to survive in the hands of Titled Douluo.

However, the speed of the titled Douluo in front of him was too fast.

The bluesilver grass had just wrapped around his arm, and then turned into powder and dissipated, unable to stop the approaching palm.

At this moment, Tang San just took out the King of Hell Sticker.

But Ghost Douluo's palm was almost touching him.

Once full contact is made, that's when he dies.

But, at this critical moment.

In front of Tang San, between him and Ghost Douluo, a pink figure suddenly appeared.

When that figure appeared, it was filled with rich golden light.

Then Ghost Douluo's palm fell on the arm of the figure with golden light all over his body.

Even though he was as powerful as a titled Douluo, he was unable to stir up even a single ripple in that golden light.

The fourth soul skill of the soft-bone charm rabbit, the invincible golden body!

The one who withstood this blow for Tang San was Xiao Wu who used teleportation in time.

Tang San also quickly seized the opportunity at this moment, raised his hand and thrust the King of Hell into Ghost Douluo's body in front of him.

As long as they can pierce his skin, they will be the winner of this battle!

"It's a good idea, but unfortunately, the speed is too slow." Ghost Douluo's hand that was originally squeezing Tang San's throat now grabbed his wrist that was squeezing the King of Hell. He looked at Tang San's sharply contracted pupils and laughed.

Tang San had time to say, "Xiao Wu, leave quickly!"

Then Ghost Douluo's palm slashed over again.

Unfortunately, Xiao Wu's invincible golden body also ended at this time.

And the purpose of Ghost Douluo's current attack is also very clear.

That is to kill both of them at the same time.

During this short period of time, Xiao Wu had been trying to activate his fourth soul skill again, but all ended in failure.

Tang San also thought a lot in this short period of time. But after all, he did not go through all his memories like a revolving door.

This means that today is not the time yet.

So another palm appeared on the path that Ghost Douluo's palm must pass.

That palm was much smaller and prettier than Ghost Douluo's, and it also glowed with a rich blue-black light.

But just such a palm firmly grasped Ghost Douluo's wrist, and then prevented his wrist from getting closer to Tang San and Xiao Wu.

The three of them looked over at the same time, and then saw the unusually handsome young man.

Ghost Douluo's voice was gloomy and he smiled hoarsely, "You are Tang Liu, uh——"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Liu gave his own response.

His other hand carried the same rich blue-black light, and then he slapped Ghost Douluo on the chest.

In a short period of time, Ghost Douluo did not fly out directly. But he was completely distracted for a moment.

Then a circle of blue-black light patterns spread out from the center of his chest where Tang Liu had hit him.

After that, he was slapped away by that palm.

After retreating for more than ten meters, he stabilized his figure. Feeling the soul power and blood churning in his body, he could not hide the shock in his heart.

Then he saw the six circles of blue-black soul rings that were beyond common sense surrounding the boy who had knocked him away. His pupils trembled involuntarily, "How, how is it possible..."

The blue-black light on Tang Liu's hands dissipated at this moment, and then his expression quickly turned pale. But his eyes were still indifferent, and his expression was also indifferent. He just looked at Ghost Douluo, as if what he just did was insignificant.

Ghost Douluo screamed: "How is this possible! How can you be so young, how could you have cultivated to the level of the Soul Emperor! Also, why is your soul ring this color! Fake, this is all fake! "

Tang Liu ignored him, but slowly raised his right hand, concentrating on controlling the Hao Lan mark in Ghost Douluo's body.

A great sense of crisis suddenly appeared in Ghost Douluo's heart.

He immediately wanted to rush over and quickly deal with Tang Liu.

But the body refused to obey orders and became stiff and unable to move.

His body was trembling slightly, and his eyes under the mask looked at Tang Liu opposite him in horror.

Even though the other person's face was getting paler, it still couldn't erase the death crisis that enveloped him.

He wanted to scream, but he couldn't. Only then did he realize that his breathing had stopped at some point.

Only his beating heart proved the fact that he was still alive.

But death is not far away either.

He felt very clearly that the soul power in his body was restless, rushing through every meridian in his body.

This type of soul power riot should have made him vomit blood, but he just stood there stiffly and didn't move at all.

Then, the soul power in his body began to boil, running faster and faster in his meridians, and even his body surface began to glow slightly.

Finally, calm returned.

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