So I went to Douluo

Chapter 178 The game begins

“In the knockout rounds, each academy team will compete on the next day, which means that after each knockout round, you will have one day to rest.

"However, this day is neither long nor short. If you are seriously injured during the game, you may not be able to continue to participate in the next game. Therefore, in every game, You must prioritize your own safety.”

After receiving responses from all the students, the master continued, "After the knockout rounds, the remaining sixteen teams will begin the quarterfinals to select the eight teams that can continue the competition. After that, eight teams will advance to four. The semi-finals. The last three teams will be selected to participate in the finals, and a one-on-one elimination system will be adopted to determine the bye teams.

"The team with a bye will directly enter the finals, while the remaining two teams will need to have a team battle, and then the winning team will compete with the team with a bye in the finals. But obviously, as the team with a bye, There is no doubt that it has huge advantages. In addition to consuming your energy, it can also find out your reality.

"Although non-participating parties were not allowed to watch the finals, this is Wuhun Palace. Although no one from their team can come to watch the game, the Pope and the elders of Wuhun Palace can watch the game. So, once they know That means the team from Wuhun Palace knows about it. Do you understand?"

Everyone nodded.

Then the master looked at Tang Liu, "So, Xiao Liu, if we don't get a bye in the end, then the match against another team will mainly depend on you. Try not to expose too much strength to others."

Tang Liu nodded, "Yes."

The master then looked at the Shrek Seven Monsters, "And the seven of you have been practicing with me recently."

The seven monsters responded in unison: "Yes!"

The master nodded slightly and said: "That's it for today. Now all disband and go back to rest. The seven monsters will start practicing with me tomorrow."

The finals went on as scheduled.

But maybe it was destiny that the opponent Shrek Academy drew in the first round was another old acquaintance.

Blazing Academy.

Although Blazing Academy Kamikaze Academy did not join forces this time, Blazing Academy still chose to abstain.

However, Shrek's students are still happy to do so. After all, according to the competition system, as the first place in the promotion round, they can have a bye in the second round of knockout rounds, which means that they can have more energy and be more fully qualified. Prepare for the third round of competition.

Later, the master told them that the reason why Blazing Academy gave up was because they failed to form the entire team into the Soul Sect. Although their eighth person was looking for the Soul King, they still knew that they were no match for Shrek, especially when they knew that Tang Liu would definitely appear. Therefore, in order to preserve their strength for the subsequent games, Blazing Academy chose to abstain.

Before the start of the finals, each academy was able to watch the game, so everyone in Shrek did not immediately return to their resting place, but chose to stay and watch the game.

Except Tang Liu.

After he heard that Blazing Fire Academy had given up, he immediately teleported away and chose to go back to practice.

The finals are approaching, and the two-year appointment is also approaching. Therefore, even the arrogant Tang Liu began to panic.

This feeling was like the time before every mock exam in his previous life, when he always felt that he was still missing something, so he felt uneasy and could only keep flipping through books and cramming for comfort.

Today's first game is between Kamikaze Academy and Star Luo Empire's Nightshade Academy.

In comparison, Kamikaze Academy was still stronger, so Kamikaze Academy won the game steadily.

They didn't go back until they finished watching all the games today, and then the Seven Monsters immediately started today's special training for them by the master.

Naturally, the master's special training for them was to teach the seven monsters how to use the seven-in-one martial soul combination technique.

After all, even at that time he was able to figure out a seven-in-one martial soul combination technique. Would a master who has studied martial arts for so many years not have any involvement in this?

On the contrary, the master is not only involved, but also involved to a much deeper extent than he was at that time.

The seven-in-one martial soul combination technique developed at that time also required seven soul masters to have the same martial souls and attributes. But the master has already figured out a way to let seven soul masters with different martial souls perform a combination of martial souls.

In short, Tang Liu's training and the special training of the seven monsters' martial arts combinations were proceeding in an orderly manner.

At this time, the four people in the reserve team and the newly joined Mu Jing were free.

However, they only idled for a short while, and then looked at the others who were working hard, and began to compete with each other.

Naturally, it was the four members of the reserve team and Mu Jing alone.

Even so, Mu Jing has won more times. After all, her ability to control the elements of Qixingmei is really unreasonable, and her control of her own abilities is also superb, which makes it even more unreasonable.

Although Mu Jing was not taught by Shrek's teachers before, it can still be seen that her fighting awareness and fighting skills are no worse than those of the Shrek Seven Monsters.

Flender was also curious about this and asked Mu Jing who was teaching her when she was at the Botanical College.

Then Mu Jing answered him, "Actually, there is no teacher at the Botanical College to teach me. It's just that the person who sent me to the Botanical College once taught me fighting for a period of time."

Then Flanders understood.

Someone from Wuhun Palace?

That's really possible. After all, didn't Wuhun Palace cultivate three soul kings under the age of twenty-five this time?

However, he was still very curious about the identity of the person Mu Jing was talking about, because according to Mu Jing, although that person was from Wuhun Palace, he didn't seem to be that close to Wuhun Palace. And in his memory, he could not find anyone similar to the person Mu Jing mentioned.

So he asked again, "The person you are talking about, what does he look like?"

Mu Jing shook her head, "I don't know."

"Is his face covered?" After seeing Mu Jing nod, he continued to ask, "How old is he exactly? Can you tell?"

"I'm not old anyway, I don't feel like I'm thirty."

Flanders caught a key word and subconsciously asked: "How strong is he?"

"Better than Tang Liu." Mu Jing answered simply and neatly.

Flanders suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart.

Time flies by, and three days pass in the blink of an eye.

On the fifth day of the finals, Shrek Academy ushered in their third round of eliminations.

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