So I went to Douluo

Chapter 181 The original martial soul, eyes

In fact, he was still affected to a certain extent when the Female Soul Emperor attacked him just now, but the impact only made him slightly dazed.

But it was also this moment of trance that allowed the female soul emperor's martial soul information to be fully displayed in front of him.

The original martial soul.


Yes, it's the eyes, the martial spirit possessed by the most famous Zai Zai ten thousand years later.

Of course, the female soul emperor's eyes were not as good as Huo Yuhao's spiritual eyes. In Tang Liu's perception, her eyes were even worse, but they were still in the category of top-level martial spirits.

After all, the saying about the original martial soul is that the more important the part that becomes your martial soul is to your life, the more powerful the martial soul will be accordingly.

The eyes are one of the important ways for us to perceive the external environment, and the back is directly connected to the brain.

According to Mr. Xuan, Huo Yuhao's martial soul should actually be his eyes and brain, so the female soul emperor should be the same.

And having this eye martial spirit is probably the reason why her spirit ring is not the best match, because spirit beasts with spiritual attributes are quite rare, and powerful ones are even rarer.

Otherwise, as a top martial soul, she would not allow her soul rings to be suboptimal.

In short, after quickly sorting out this information, Tang Liu also thought about what to do next to expose the Shrek Seven Devils to the least extent possible.

He pulled the Bluesilver Grass around his waist and conveyed the message to Tang San.

Tang San understood immediately and pulled Dai Mubai back in front.

At the same time, Zhu Zhuqing's figure also moved forward quickly, and was quickly approaching Dai Mubai, driven by the blue silver grass.

Dai Mubai was pulled back by the blue silver grass, and after putting some distance away from Yu Tianheng, he stopped. Then, he rushed forward again, but this time he directly activated the third soul skill, and during the process of rushing forward, he used the second soul skill to use the long-distance advantage of the white tiger's fierce light wave to launch Bah at Yu Tianheng. attack.

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's figure also came behind Dai Mubai. Viewed from the front, she could not be seen at all.

Facing the white tiger's fierce light wave after Dai Mubai's White Tiger Vajra Transformation, Yu Tianheng did not dare to neglect, and immediately activated his third soul skill, Wrath of Thunder, to strengthen himself to resist the white tiger's fierce light wave.

Thunder and lightning collided with light waves in an instant, completely blocking Yu Tianheng's sight.

At this time, Tang San activated his fourth soul skill.

A large range of blue and silver spikes.

Blue and silver stabbing array.

The black blue silver grass quickly rose from the ground, like a jungle of blue silver grass.

Because it is released instantly, the power of this blue and silver stabbing array is not strong, but it is just enough to block the sight of all Tiandou students.

The female soul emperor was the first one to think of what Shrek was going to do, so the second and third soul rings on her body shone one after another.

The invisible mental power expanded outward, and in her mind, an aerial view of the team at the competition venue appeared.

All the details on it are extremely clear.

Then she saw the Tiandou people in the Blue Silver Grass Jungle, Dai Mubai who was still confronting Yu Tianheng, Zhu Zhuqing behind him, and other Shrek students who were waiting in full formation.

Finally, there was Tang Liu who looked up at the sky.

He smiled.

It's just for myself.

She couldn't help being stunned.

Then the next moment, Tang Liu raised his right hand and shook his head lightly at the sky.

Then all the pictures in the female soul emperor's mind disappeared.

Her expression was filled with horror for a moment.

Then, the next moment, she suddenly heard some movement beside her.

She turned her head and saw a cold light appearing behind Ye Lingling not far away from her.

Her pupils shrank violently, and her sixth soul ring, her ten-thousand-year soul ring, lit up instantly.

A circle of invisible mental shock quickly spread out with her as the center.

She had to stop the invisible attacker before Ye Lingling was hit by the attack.

But she failed.

Because the hemispherical Haolan force field surrounded her whole body.

Her soul vibration collided fiercely with the Hao Lan force field, causing ripples in the Hao Lan force field.

But it was still blocked.

So she could only watch helplessly as Ye Lingling was knocked unconscious by the invisible attacker, and then was ruled out by the referee.

It was at this moment that the attacker appeared, it was Zhu Zhuqing who was supposed to be behind Dai Mubai.

And all of this is the result of Tang Liu's Void Spirit's Hiding and Hao Lan's teleportation.

Whether it was Dai Mubai's White Tiger Fierce Light Wave or Tang San's Blue Silver Stab Formation, they were both designed to block the Tiandou students' sight. Knowing that the opponent had a mental control system soul master, Tang Liu specifically waited until he broke the opponent's mental detection before applying the Void Spirit Control to Zhu Zhuqing, and then teleported her to the vicinity of Ye Lingling, just to defeat this possessor in one fell swoop. The Nine-Hearted Begonia Spirit Master with powerful healing ability was sent off the competition stage.

As long as Jiuxin Haitang is still there, no matter how injured Tiandou's students are, Ye Lingling can heal them. This kind of continuous endurance is very troublesome, so it needs to be solved as soon as possible.

The combination of Tang Liu's second soul skill and Zhu Zhuqing could just allow an assassin with extremely strong attack power to penetrate deep into the enemy's rear and then deliver a fatal blow to the enemy's auxiliary system.

After Ye Lingling was eliminated, Zhu Zhuqing immediately glanced at the female soul emperor in the Haolan force field, and then disappeared into a dazzling blue light.

Only then did the Haolan force field surrounding the female soul emperor shatter and disappear.

She quickly turned her head, looking through the layers of blue silver grass at Tang Liu in the distance.

Tang Liu noticed her gaze, so the next moment, he used Hao Lan to teleport to the female soul emperor.

The female soul emperor had no time to react before she was hit between the eyebrows by Tang Liu's two fingers.

The next moment, the female soul emperor felt a stronger and more advanced spiritual power enter her mind, sealing all the spiritual power that belonged to her.

She was immediately horrified, gathered all her soul power, and slapped Tang Liu with one palm, intending to push him away.

After all, once her mental power is blocked, it is equivalent to her combat effectiveness being blocked.

The combat power of a spiritual attribute soul master is directly proportional to the quantity and quality of spiritual power.

Moreover, spiritual attribute soul masters also have another characteristic, that is, their soul power and mental power are separated. This means that they can use soul skills through soul power, and they can also use soul skills through mental power.

Therefore, even if their soul power is insufficient, they can still maintain good combat effectiveness with their massive mental power.

However, if it is mental energy that is exhausted, then their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced or even completely lost.

This is also the reason why the female soul emperor is so anxious now.

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