So I went to Douluo

Chapter 191 Before the Finals

Dai Mubai frowned: "In this case, wouldn't we suffer a lot? Xiao Liu can't appear, Xiao Ao and Rongrong can't fight, and the opponent has three soul kings. Unless they three soul kings will be in the final three Play against three at the same time.”

The master nodded slightly, "Indeed, the two-two-three strategy is not an advantage for you. In order to ensure victory, Wuhun Palace will definitely allocate their three soul kings to three games.

"Because, if they choose to let the three soul kings play at the same time in the final three-on-three, then in the first two games of two-on-two, even if we send one support and one strong attack, we still have a great chance of winning.

"But after they dispersed the Soul King, and we had two assistants, the first two rounds of battles were undoubtedly extremely detrimental to us. After all, none of the seven of you has reached the Soul King level. In terms of soul power, It will be difficult to close the gap. Therefore, I recommend that you give up the two-two-three strategy and focus all your energy on individual elimination battles and eight-person team battles.

"In addition, you also need to know that there is no rest time between the three rounds of competition. The second round will start immediately after one round, so you must control your own soul power, otherwise it will be very difficult in the subsequent competitions. It’s easy for your soul power to be overdrawn.”

"Don't worry about this, my Hao Lan restoration can solve everyone's soul power problems." Tang Liu said at this time.

The master nodded, "Yes, but in the final eight-person team competition, you still need to contain the eighth person from Wuhun Palace, so you have to pay attention to your soul power and don't consume too much. In the end, although the rules say that you can get it first The team with two points wins, but while the winning rate of the 2-2-3 strategy is low, you must also be careful about individual elimination battles, because every player who takes the field can continue to challenge the opponent's next student as long as they do not admit defeat. Therefore, We don’t rule out the possibility that all of you will be defeated by the opponent’s three soul kings.”

Tang San said: "That is to say, we must defeat those three soul kings in individual battles. If Xiao Liu can play, this is no problem, but what if the opponent also sends their eighth person, and Xiao Liu also loses? Already..."

Dai Mubai clenched his fists, "Then it's up to us to defeat those three soul kings."

The master nodded, "This is difficult, and Oscar and Ning Rongrong cannot appear in the individual elimination round, so only Mu Jing and Tai Long will make up for it. In this case, once the worst case scenario comes, we will still be completely at a disadvantage, because The opponents are all Soul Sect or above, and we still have Soul Sect."

The atmosphere among everyone suddenly fell into silence.

Seeing this, the master smiled slightly and said: "Children, in fact, your ability to reach this point is beyond my expectation. I have to say that I am very proud of you. Even if you lose this last game, in the In my opinion, you are still the best. Because you are still young. If I give you some more time, then the championship of this competition will definitely be yours. It’s just a failure, don’t worry too much.”

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

Ning Rongrong said: "Master, from what you said, it seems like we have lost..."

Oscar immediately agreed: "Yes, we haven't competed yet, who knows what the result will be."

No one else spoke, but they all looked at the master with burning eyes.

Seeing their high-spirited looks, the master couldn't help but be startled for a moment, and then couldn't help but laugh.

He felt that in a few years, Douluo Continent would definitely be dominated by these children.

Tang Liu glanced at the people around him, then quietly walked to Mu Jing and said, "Mu Jing, I'll give you a mission."

Mu Jing was stunned for a moment and said, "What?"

"In the game the day after tomorrow, if we don't have a bye, then in the individual elimination match with that Xingluo Soul Master Academy, I hope you can defeat seven by yourself."

Mu Jing couldn't help frowning and said, "But there are also four soul sects in that academy. I can only eliminate four of them at most, and then my soul power will probably be exhausted."

Tang Liu: "That's why you have to give it a try. If you succeed, then we can at least win your battle with Wuhun Palace."

Mu Jing still frowned, "How do you know that the bye will definitely be the Spirit Hall, not the Xingluo academy?"

Tang Liu sneered, "The one who gets a bye must be the Spirit Master Academy of Spirit Hall, because this is the headquarters of Spirit Hall. Of our three teams, they certainly want their team to win the most."

"You mean, operating behind the scenes?"

"Of course, as long as Wuhundian can win 100%, what does it mean to operate behind the scenes?" No, even the competition system has been changed twice in a row.

Mu Jing finally nodded, "I'll try my best. But isn't it more likely that Tang San will pass through the seventh one? Why not let him come?"

Tang Liu shook his head, "My brother is still far from a breakthrough, but you are closer."

A question mark appeared on the face of the upright girl Mu Jing: "Huh?"

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the day of the finals arrives.

In the morning, there will be individual elimination matches for the two teams that did not have a bye, and the finals will begin in the afternoon.

In today's game, the team that did not have a bye in the morning's game was not allowed to watch the game.

The only people who can watch the battle are other personnel from both participating academies, the elders of Wuhun Palace, and the Pope.

However, after the draw, the team that had a bye was Wuhun Palace, so it didn't matter whether they watched the battle or not. Basically, everyone here was from Wuhun Palace.

Once these people know about it, it will be equivalent to the people in the Wuhun Palace team knowing about it.

Soon, the game begins.

Shrek first sent Mu Jing.

The Soul Master Academy across from Xingluo sent out their first Soul Sect.

Even if the team that can reach this point is not as good as the seed team, its overall strength is at least at the level of Kamikaze Academy.

Obviously, the opponent did not think that they could defeat Shrek, but they did not want their academy to lose too badly. Therefore, although the Soul Sect was sent out in the first game, it was not the strongest one among their Soul Sects.

The opponent's first opponent's martial spirit is ice element.

Although elemental martial spirits are not top-notch martial spirits, they are very strong.

But Mu Jing not only possesses a top-level martial spirit, but she can also control the ice element.

So the game evolved into a contest of both sides' ice control abilities.

Not surprisingly, Mu Jing was even better.

The second student on the other side is still the Soul Sect, and his martial spirit is also a typical control martial spirit, a rope.

But Mu Jing has the ability of fire element, which just restrains him. So without much effort, Mu Jing won her second victory.

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