So I went to Douluo

Chapter 21 Hao Lan Spell, yes, a blue consuming spell

"Hiss, it feels really bad to take the initiative to cut your own finger." Tang Liu's face twitched, and he felt a chill in his heart as he watched his blood dripping continuously.

After the blood had roughly covered the bottom of the calla lily bowl with a thin layer, Tang Liu quickly picked up all the leaves of a small grass within reach at the prompts of the system, quickly crushed them and applied them to the wound. , and soon the wound stopped bleeding.

By the way, the position where Tang Liu placed the bowl was also told to him by the system.

After the bleeding stopped, Tang Liu discarded the scraps of grass leaves, then held the broken bamboo branch with his right hand like a pen, and gently touched the blood in the bowl.

Then, he used a bamboo branch to carefully write on the stone on his left hand.

Once the blood on the bamboo branches was not enough, he would dip some more into the bowl and continue writing. After he used up all the blood in the bowl, the word on the stone was finished.

What he wrote was the word "deposit". Of course, the character "Cun" is in the form of Xiaozhuan.

Of course Tang Liu didn't recognize the word "Cun" in the small seal script. He simply systematically projected the word "Cun" in the seal script onto the stone, and he traced it stroke by stroke.

Putting down the bamboo branch, Tang Liu looked a little shocked, "Is this the end?"

"Not yet." The system said, "Now please release the third spirit of the host and use the first spirit skill Haolan·Mark on this stone."

Tang Liu followed the system's instructions and left a mark on the stone.

"Then please sit cross-legged and place the stone about ten centimeters in front of you so that the bloody words on it face you."

Tang Liu followed the instructions again, sat down cross-legged, and placed the stone in the correct position.

"Now, please ask the host to inject soul power into the stone through Haolan·Mark."

Hearing this, Tang Liu was stunned.

"Can I also use the mark to inject soul power into the marked object?" He couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." The system responded affirmatively.

After receiving the response, Tang Liu couldn't help but become excited.

If I can inject soul power into the marked object, then conversely, can I also absorb the marked object's soul power with the mark?

Or a little more broadly.

I can either inject my life force into the marked object, or rob the marked object of my life force.

I can either give the marked subject everything I have in the body, or I can rob the marked subject of everything!

"And there are no limitations of space or distance." The system responded to Tang Liu's idea.

"Oh my God……"

The excitement in Tang Liu's heart was self-evident.

Just want to be truly invincible!

"But don't try it easily when I build a host, because this kind of operation consumes soul power." The system warned.

"I know, the 'mana consuming' spell, I understand it." Tang Liu said calmly.

Since killing the mandala snake, Tang Liu had a deeper understanding of the spirit of Hao Lan's magic.

For example, the first soul skill, Haolan·Mark.

Although this soul skill does not require the consumption of soul power when marking the opponent, once you want to do something with the mark, it will consume a lot of soul power.

For example, it was like Tang Liu used his mark to make the mandala snake stop and explode. That operation drained all the soul power from his body in an instant.

At that time, he could clearly feel that if his soul power was not insufficient, more would have been extracted.

After all, it was a 5,800-year-old mandala snake!

For another example, if Tang Liu used the power of the mark to make Tang San suddenly freeze in the air like a mandala snake, his soul power would be drained almost instantly. If Tang San was replaced by Tang Hao, the speed would be even faster.

This is like an ADC whose basic attacks consume mana, and the consumption of each basic attack is the same amount of mana consumed by someone else's ultimate move!

Isn't this kind of thing a "mana-consuming" spell?

After thinking about it, Tang Liu finally understood why the two words "Hao Lan" in the "Hao Lan Magic Encyclopedia" felt incompatible with the following words in his previous life.

Regarding feelings, the word "Hao Lan" was completely modified later!

Tang Liu seriously suspected that the original name of the "Hao Lan Magic Encyclopedia" was called "The Blue Consumption Magic Encyclopedia"!

Why, I felt a little bit sorry for just changing "Consumption" to "Hao", so I even made a new version of "Blue", which was fine in the first place?

Then why not just click on the "Encyclopedia of Spells" and revise it too!

Is it because I don’t have enough funds and can’t afford the modification fee? !

After finally suppressing the burning spirit of complaining again, Tang Liu focused his attention on the stone in front of him again.

As he focused his attention, the phenomenon that once appeared on the mandala snake also appeared on this stone.

In Tang Liu's eyes, the stone gradually faded, and only the runes of the Hao Lan mark left in its body shone brightly.

Looking at the mark, Tang Liu then began to try to transfer his soul power into the stone through the mark.

With a thought, Tang Liu felt that the soul power in his body began to decrease. At the same time, in his eyes, the light released by Haolan Mark became stronger.

Only three seconds passed, and Tang Liu's soul power was consumed by 10%.

"Now, please point the host's right hand to the stone in the form of a sword finger, and shout 'Come'." The system said, while giving the "sword finger" pattern.

In fact, it means to put the index finger and middle finger together and then extend them, the ring finger and little finger are attached to the palm, and the thumb rests on the ring finger.

It's a common gesture in that fairy tale.

The corner of Tang Liu's mouth twitched, feeling that it was extremely inconsistent, but he still followed the instructions and shouted "Lin".

As soon as he finished speaking, the stone quickly lit up with a dazzling bloody light.

From Tang Liu's perspective, the blue-black light emitted by the mark was instantly covered up by a sudden burst of blood. In the end, even the mark itself was dyed red, which was very strange.

Tang Liu couldn't bear to be surprised, because the stone that had faded and disappeared in his eyes reappeared, and he finally saw clearly the source of the bloody light, which was the word "destiny" he wrote on the stone.

In about three breaths, the blood-colored light emitted from the stone gradually faded away, and the word "Cun" originally written on the surface of the stone began to erode into the interior of the stone as if it had life, and finally appeared on the stone. The word "survival" was carved out every time.

At the same time, the originally irregular stone turned into a round bead, which was very magical.

"Is this good?" Tang Liu was still a little unbelievable.

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