So I went to Douluo

Chapter 211 System: After being autistic, I decided to change my past.

"It's just a certain possibility. After all, in every time I know, the chance is only about one-third."

"Not even half? Then tell me, what happened in my future to cause these two completely different choices?"

"Host, I can provide you with the most comprehensive information in the world, and I can also tell you every possibility. Of course, this will consume a lot of time, and new possibilities are created every moment. However, I hope you Let me first hear the consequences after you know everything, and then make your choice."

Tang Liu immediately refused, "Then forget it. If you say so, then either the timeline after I know all the possibilities will go to a super bad ending, or something will happen that I can't accept, or something will happen. Maybe it's neither of these two. But one possibility is that once you tell me the result, if it is BE, then I will definitely refuse.

"But then a new possibility arose, a new timeline in which I knew the outcome of the BE line, but did not choose to go towards that line. In that world line, no matter how clear I was that it was not that line Although there is a BE line, you will still subconsciously do some things to avoid going to bad results. Therefore, accordingly, more possibilities will arise again, which may lead to more bad results.

"So, I still don't know anything, so it's better to go on as usual. It's best not to disturb things like time at will. And many such movies tell me a truth, the more you want to change something, If something happens, the final result will become worse and go further and further away from your original purpose, such as Flashpoint."

The system was silent for a while, and then said: "That's true."

Tang Liu immediately got rid of this topic, "Then show me quickly, how far am I from that spirit beast?"

The system immediately projected three maps in his field of vision, and displayed various data at the same time: "Continue to advance at the previous speed, and the estimated arrival time is fifteen days."

Tang Liu rubbed his chin, "In other words, it will take another half month?"

The system once again gave advice: "It is recommended that the host uses Haolan Teleportation rationally, which can quickly shorten the arrival time. It is possible that we will arrive near the soul beast today."

Tang Liu refused, "I still can't. It's just right to drive all the way there. The spirit beasts can't escape in the forest anyway. It's a pity that there are still too few hundred thousand year spirit beasts in the Star Dou Forest."

The system was suspiciously silent for a while, and then told Tang Liu a fact that made him a little crazy, "Host, I think I have an obligation to tell you that the kind of soul beast you designated does not exist for a hundred thousand years. The only one is The one that is more than one hundred thousand years old is also sleeping in the place of great evil. So I chose a soul beast that is closest to one hundred thousand years old among those kind of soul beasts, and is about to break through. "

Tang Liu paused, and then asked it: "What is the current cultivation level of that soul beast?"

The system answered very honestly: "Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight years, plus eighty-three days."

Tang Liu stopped immediately, "In other words, it will take about two years before it can break through to the level of one hundred thousand years?"

System: "Yes."

So Tang Liu immediately sat down on the ground, causing Xiao Fu Ni, Di Shuang, and Di Yan to look sideways.

Ignoring the doubtful glances of the three pendants, Tang Liu said angrily to the system in his mind: "Then it's a shame now. Let's wait another two years."

The system reminded him tactfully: "Actually, if you go there first, you can keep an eye on it and protect it to prevent others from getting there first."

Tang Liu rolled his eyes: "That is a spirit beast that is approaching a hundred thousand years old. If you want to catch it, you must at least have a Titled Douluo, right? Which Titled Douluo would be so idle as to come and catch a Titled Douluo that is close to a hundred thousand years old?" Years ago, and the soul ring is only a soul beast that can be absorbed by a ninety-level soul Douluo? Even if there really happens to be a soul Douluo who is about to break through and encounter it, why can't that soul Douluo do it on his own? Invite a Titled Douluo? You really think Titled Douluo is free. We haven’t reached the late Douluo stage yet, and we haven’t reached the time when Titled Douluo are everywhere.”

The system silently looked at the various time rivers without saying a word.

Tang Liu fished it out, hugged the three pendants to his chest, and then said: "Quick, let's play Aiwu for us. Where did you see it yesterday?"

The system said "Oh" and then projected the Aiwu TV series in Tang Liu's mind.

At the same time, Tang Liu also used psychedelic gaze to create a corresponding environment, allowing the three in his arms to see it.

And it’s an immersive version, far superior to the 3D version of the previous life.

The three little ones were very excited.

Little Forney: "Twelve episodes, yesterday we saw episode twelve, today it's episode thirteen!"

Di Yan cried out: "Meijia, Meijia!"

Di Shuang looked at the two of them with disgust, "Obviously Sister Yifei is the most handsome." She had already begun to learn how to play Yi Fei!

Tang Liu: "Let's take a look. In the thirteenth episode, the barrage space...huh? It's almost the same as an interactive video. Is it possible that after so many musicals and dances in the past that seemed to be just a waste of time, is it finally time to have a conscience?"

The progress bar begins to surge forward.

Although Tang Liu was watching, he was also chatting with the system in his mind.

"By the way, why do you feel that you are more humane than before you were autistic? Did you update the patch, or was it taken away again?"

"...The system itself is completely bound to the host, so it will be affected by the host to a certain extent. For example, the logical behavior is getting closer to the host."

Tang Liu raised his eyebrows, "Really? But why don't I feel that you are similar to me?"


There was silence for a while, and then the system began to loop a long-ago recording in Tang Liu's head.

"No, just use Feifei to fly there~"

Tang Liu's expression instantly became red. If his toes hadn't touched the ground, he could have forced you to leave the villa on the ground.

"You, you are enough!"

The system sneered: "When you chose to be shameless, did you ever think that you would be here today?" This system will bring back all the things you have humiliated over the years!

Tang Liu tried to struggle, "I, I was still young at that time, so I couldn't walk that much, right? What if this affects my physical development and makes me grow taller? What if I accidentally break my leg?"

The system said coolly, "But host, you are only 1.53 meters tall now, but your brother is already 1.81 meters tall."

Tang Liu struggled desperately: "Can I compare with him?"

The system chuckled: "They are all born to the same parents, what can't be compared? Or do you suspect that you are not biological? Do you need the system to call up you and Tang San, Tang Hao, A Yin, as well as Tang San and Tang Hao and Ah Yin’s DNA sequence comparison files?”

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