So I went to Douluo

Chapter 219 Those Memories

After getting closer, Tang Liu stopped the carriage and asked Ye Lingling to call Mu Jing.

After that, the three of them got out of the car together. Tang Liu put the horse and carriage into a storage magic weapon that he made in the Star Dou Forest that could hold living things, and then he and the two women headed towards Silvis. Go to the city gate.

After entering the city, the three of them agreed to meet outside the South City Gate in the evening and then separated.

However, in fact, it was just that Tang Liu and the two women were separated. After all, Ye Lingling didn't have much ability to protect herself, so Mu Jing was allowed to stay with her just to deal with emergencies. Moreover, both of them were girls, so they should have many common topics about shopping.

As for Tang Liu, after he separated from the two girls, he walked straight towards the Silvis City Spirit Fighting Arena.

When he came here again, he was a little sad. After all, this was an important turning point for him.

The fighting spirit arena was closed during the day, so Tang Liu just stood outside and looked around quietly.

After leaving Tiandou City, a big city where the Spirit Hall was very powerful, Tang Liu no longer changed his disguise and just stood on the street with his original appearance.

Naturally, his appearance that is the center of attention no matter where he is, constantly attracts passers-by.

But Tang Liu turned a blind eye to this, and just looked at the gate of the spirit fighting arena quietly, his eyes seemed to pass through the fine iron gate that looked a little gloomy even in the sun, and saw the competition stage all the way.

Then, he watched how the former young man above cut off the head of a Rakshasa in one step, almost like crazy.

Watching that young man act extremely ruthlessly for the first time, he wiped out seven lives with his own hands.

Watching the young man fleeing back to the hotel where he was staying in despair, he locked himself in the small bathroom.

Tang Liu followed the boy's footsteps all the way, and then just stood downstairs of the former hotel, looking up at the room where he once lived.

Look at the young man who is huddled in the corner in a daze and his body is shaking.

Memories can't help but drift to a more distant past.

When was the last time you behaved so gaffefully?

At that time, the results of the high school entrance examination had just come out, and he was admitted to a key high school in their city.

Before he had time to taste the joy, he was overwhelmed by the various expenses that were mercilessly dumped on his head.

Plus, with a child, what kind of job could he find to support him?

The boy who had just finished compulsory education was very confused at that time.

What should he do?

Have you given up studying?

But he knew that a more difficult situation would be waiting for him if he entered society early.

At that time, he was also shrinking like that.

It's not that I'm complaining or resenting anything, it's just that my mind is blank, but I have to force myself to think about any solutions to the problem.

Just like this time.

His mind went blank, but he was constantly forced to remember those fallen heads, and the expressions of death on each head. Then each of them approached him with a ferocious expression, as if they wanted to devour him.

He forced himself to calm down and hypnotized himself with "They are all heinous people" to make himself feel better and accept the fact faster.

But, it didn't work.

Because there is a concept that has always been deeply ingrained in his mind.

Even if those people are heinous.

He also has no right to trample on and take away their lives at will.

He did not decide whether anyone should live or die.

That is determined by law.

So he tried to convince himself by saying, "I'm no longer in that world, and the laws there don't apply here. If I don't kill them, they will kill me."

But it still had little effect.

He still remembered that at that time, even the system was shocked by his performance.

"It has been detected that the host's mental state is extremely unstable. Warning, please try to calm down the host immediately, otherwise it will cause irreparable consequences."

It was as if he didn't hear it, and his brain was still trapped in those hallucinations.

"Warning, the host's mental state is on the verge of collapse!"

The system repeated that sentence three times.

But Tang Liu still didn't get better at all.

Then the system seemed to sigh, and then said softly: "Activate emergency measures."

With the blue-gold light lighting up.

The illusory blades of grass wrapped him into a cocoon.

The gentle breath filled him up like liquid.

It seemed like someone was humming some nursery rhymes.

That melody was not considered a beautiful tune to Tang Liu's modern soul.

But there seemed to be some special magic that made his heart calm down all of a sudden.

In a daze, he seemed to see someone humming this song to him softly at a certain moment.

When he wanted to see more clearly, he found that all the illusory pictures had disappeared.

The grass blades around him seemed to have never appeared before.

Only that gentle breath seems to be lingering around her.

At the same time, the scene in front of me also changed.

I don’t know where the mountains and forests are here.

It was quiet all around, except for a fire crackling.

His arrival woke up a person sitting cross-legged there.

When he saw that person, he was stunned for a long time.

When the man saw his appearance, he was stunned for a long time.

Then, he walked silently to the man and sat down against him.

The man didn't know what happened, but after hesitating for a moment, he gently took him into his arms and patted his shoulder with his generous palm.

He just looked at the pile of flames quietly, recalling everything about himself through the dancing flames.

Seeing how I struggled to overcome countless obstacles alone, and then fell into a poisonous book, and then fell into a dream-like tenderness.

Although that person's tenderness was not obvious at the beginning.

But every uncomfortable night when he had a headache and a fever, that cool soul power was always the biggest reason why he could fall asleep peacefully.

As he thought about it, he calmed down completely.

I have stumbled over so many hurdles.

So why can't we get over this hurdle now?

And he figured it out.

The reason why I was able to overcome so many obstacles was just because I had a reason to try my best to overcome them.

And now, he has a new reason.

It was precisely for this reason that he passed this hurdle.

It also allowed him to complete a transformation like rebirth.

Almost completely changed him.

And that reason, for most people, is only available at birth.

He wants a family.

A simple, yet complete home.

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