So I went to Douluo

Chapter 233 Haotian City

Not sure, that means it's possible.

For Wuhun Palace, there is a very high probability that this will be the case.

Tang Hao didn't dare to gamble.

One glance and you risk becoming completely alone.

The kind of life Tang Liu once had.

So Tang Liu felt the same way.

Just like now.

What if one day, Tang Hao, A Yin, and Tang San all disappeared one after another.

He didn't know what he would become.

So Tang Liu didn't think about it.

After Dai Mubai asked for the address, he quickly found Mu Jing and Ye Lingling, and then rushed towards Haotian City.

Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing originally wanted to follow, but Tang Liu asked them to stay and deal with Davis's remaining forces.

In addition, he also told Dai Mubai to help him keep an eye on Shadow Douluo's two juniors and try not to let them leave Star Luo City until he came back.

It took them five days to move forward at full speed, and then they saw the outline of a city appearing at the end of their field of vision.

Using the Purple Demon Eyes to look into the distance, Tang Liu saw the city wall.

The city wall seemed to be made of some kind of black metal, very similar in color to the Clear Sky Hammer. Looking from a distance, one can feel a thick and solid feeling, which is similar to the aura of the Clear Sky Hammer.

The entire city is built on the mountain, occupying a position that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Looking up, it seems that a towering black castle can be faintly seen among the clouds and mist in the mountains.

That should be the Haotian Castle that the Haotian Sect once had.

Tang Liu's eyes condensed, and all the purple light in his eyes immediately turned into blue light.

At this moment, his vision passed through the heavy clouds and fog, and he directly saw the interior of the majestic castle.

Some seemingly unreal images flashed through his mind.

So he closed his eyes again, and when he opened them again, the blue light in them disappeared.

He gave up and continued to observe the Haotian Castle.

Because the distance was still too far, he couldn't see clearly.

Then, he used his backhand to stick two pieces of bamboo on the buttocks of the puppet horse in front. The runes on the bamboo pieces flashed slightly, and then the speed of the puppet horse increased again.

About half an hour later, the carriage took them to the gate of the city.

There are still soldiers guarding the city gate, and there are also a large number of soldiers stationed on the tall city wall.

It seems that although the Haotian Sect has moved away from here, Xingluo still dedicates a lot of strength to guard this place, as if waiting for all members of the Haotian Sect to return one day.

Before setting out on the road, Tang Liu got the road guide personally given by Emperor Xingluo. When the road was revealed, the soldiers at the city gate did not stop them at all and simply let them go.

After entering the city, Mu Jing and Ye Lingling also curiously walked to the carriage to observe the city with the largest sect in the world.

However, to their surprise, the city seemed a little deserted.

Of course there were pedestrians on the road, but compared to Star Luo City and Tiandou City, there were very few, not even comparable to Notting City and Soto City.

After those pedestrians in twos and threes saw the carriage speeding on the official road, they all looked over curiously, as if they had not seen it for a long time.

Although Tang Liu was always staring ahead, from the corner of his eye he could see all the expressions of the pedestrians on both sides of the road.

Therefore, he also saw the alert look in the eyes of one or two pedestrians occasionally.

Then, naturally, he saw the fluctuations of soul power emerging from their bodies.

But his expression remained calm and unmoved by these findings.

Finally, the carriage arrived at the foot of the mountain where Haotian Castle was located.

The three of them got out of the car one after another. After Tang Liu took back the carriage, he took the lead and walked towards the climbing stairs.

Mu Jing and Ye Lingling were following behind him.

Tang Liu didn't walk very fast, he just climbed slowly and slowly, maintaining a pace that Mu Jing and Ye Lingling could easily keep up with.

Then, they reached halfway up the mountain and encountered a cliff.

It's said to be a cliff, but it's actually an almost bottomless pit.

It's like someone placed a heavy object here, and then the heavy object slowly pushed the ground down.

Because the surrounding cliffs look smooth from a distance, as if they have been sunk by heavy objects.

Then, the climbing stairs are on the other side of the cliff.

There are hundreds of meters between the two sides.

If you want to get to the Haotian Castle on the top of the mountain, you must pass through this cliff.

And above this big pit, there might have been a suspension bridge.

It must have been demolished later, and only the two wooden piles connecting the bridge cables on the cliff are still there.

Tang Liu was silent for a while, then waved his hand gently, pointing his fingertips to the stairs on the opposite side of the cliff.

So the next moment, a staircase composed of Haolan force field connected the two sides of the cliff.

Tang Liu walked over and stood in front of the Haolan force field stairs.

After about two or three seconds, he raised his right foot.

In a short period of time, he thought a lot.

So, at the moment when the sole of the shoe was about to land on the plane of the step, he stopped.

Then he put his feet back.

He then turned around, and the Haolan force field connecting both sides of the cliff disappeared.

He said to Mu Jing and Ye Lingling: "Let's go."

Ignoring the doubts that had overflowed from the two goddesses' expressions, Tang Liu took the lead and walked down the mountain.

The two women looked at each other helplessly and followed.

Compared with going up the mountain, going down the mountain is undoubtedly much faster.

The moment they arrived at the foot of the mountain, Mu Jing and Ye Lingling originally thought they were going back to Xingluo City.

But in fact, Tang Liu took them around Haotian City.

The area covered by Haotian City is not inferior to that of the capitals of the two empires. However, due to the small number of people, this place always looks a bit desolate.

Walking among them, you feel as if the building is empty.

The three of them wandered aimlessly until sunset.

Then, Tang Liucai took Mu Jing and Ye Langling to the outskirts of Haotian City and entered a small house that had not been inhabited for who knows how long.

There was a dry well in the house and a peach tree that looked like it had withered for many years.

After Tang Liu opened the heavily peeled wooden door, a lot of dust fell.

However, Tang Liu seemed to have known this would happen a long time ago, and used the Haolan force field to protect the three of them in advance.

Standing in front of the door, Tang Liu was silent for a while, then threw a pile of bamboo pieces like beans into the dusty yard.

Then, as a blue light flashed, a gust of wind suddenly blew in the house.

This wind swept through the house, and after about half a minute, it gradually became smaller and finally disappeared completely.

However, the house became inexplicably cleaner.

Then Tang Liu walked in, "We will stay here next. There are three rooms in total, you can choose one."

Then, he stood under the withered peach tree, waiting for Mu Jing and Ye Lingling to come in.

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